Title: The Basque Country
1The Basque Country
2Euskal Herria Basque Nation
- The Basque Country is made up of seven
traditional regions. The four regions to the
south, within Spain, form Hegoalde (south
zone), while the three to the northeast, within
France, form Iparralde (north zone).
3Basque Country
- The Basque are a people that are possibly the
descendents of the oldest known humans. Their
language (Euskara) is different than any
other.The Basques proud history has survived the
many historical changes in Europe, and most
recently, the oppression of Spains Franco. In
1978, The Spanish Basque Region (minus Nevarre)
was granted legal autonomy.
4Ikastola Basque Language Schools
During the dictatorship of Franco, Basque schools
and even speaking the Basque language, was
5Basques Immigrated to Idaho
- The largest community of Basques in North America
exists in the greater Boise area. Basques
immigrated to the United States and Idaho in
order to earn a fortune and return to their
homeland. Men often took jobs as sheepherders
because of their strong work ethic and lack of
language skills. Women came and ran the boarding
houses that maintained a sense of community. Many
grew to love this country and stayed.
6Coastal Cities
Originally, many of the people along the Basque
coast were fishermen or seafarers.
Until recently, the Basque land cities were known
for their industrial strength.
8Ibai river
The locks along the portal city of Bilbao were
originally the Industrial heart of the city
before the Guggenheim Museum was built.
9Guggenheim Bilbao
The Guggenheim museum was designed by Frank O.
Gehry and has attracted millions of visitors to
10Baso woods
- The terrain of the Basque land is varied.
Between the cities lies steep mountains that are
lush with plants due to the heavy rainfall.
Landowners grow grapes and olives to make their
own wine and oil.
11Mendi mountain
- A spiritual retreat rests in this mountain
pass. Pilgrims often travel here to the Sanctuary
of Aranzazu. Modern architecture and art mark
this church as it has been rebuilt twice after
burning to the ground.
12Vitoria Card Factory
- The Fournier Playing Card Museum is found in
Vitoria in a 15th century palace. Cards from
every culture can be seen on display.
13Village Streets
14Itsaso Sea
Many of the coastal cities have become famous for
their beaches.
15Football Soccer
Sports like soccer, pilota, weight lifting, and
lumberjack competitions are still popular in the
Basque country.
16Pilota Basque National Game
Pilota is a game from the squash family. It can
be played with bare hands, bats, or baskets.
17Basque Cuisine
- Cooking and eating are very important in the
Basque culture. Food is prepared with care, and
meals often last two hours or more.
18Baserri farmhouse
The extended family lives in the home. Only the
oldest son inherits the land and house, but any
member of the family can stay and live in the
home and help work the land.
19Town Squares
Free time is often spent in public squares with
people of all ages relaxing together.
20Village Dance
Music and dance are a big part of Basque culture.
21Family Values
Children are welcomed into the center of town and
life. Family is a central value for the Basques.
Grandparents live in the family home and help
care for the children.