Title: Simulation anytime, anyplace, anywhere
1Simulation anytime, anyplace, anywhere?
- Fiona Bastow, Jason Kennedy and Liz Cooper
- From the Clinical Skills Team
- School of Health and Social Care
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
- Due to today's presentation coinciding with
Jasons daughters first birthday, he bailed out
3Simulation anytime anyplace, anywhere
- Background
- Our challenges
- Where we are now
- Strategies to increase simulation opportunities
- Where we are going
- Simulation manikins mainly used with second
year undergraduate nursing students - Some students fear a living, breathing, 55
plastic doll - Some students fear going into placement for the
first time and looking after sick patients - Some students dont relate the taught clinical
skills to real patients - Are we introducing simulation too late?
- Simulation used in a variety of forms
- Early Warning Scores - development of skills in
recognising adverse clinical conditions - Simulation workshops for staff
- Scenario creation, for example
- Standard precautions with vomiting patient
- Nursing care in community and acute settings
- Basic Emergency Skills introduces students to the
world outside the hospital setting
6Our challenges
- Larger numbers and variety of students
- Parity across sites
- Time
- Resources!
- Clinical Skills Staffing
- 4 Permanent staff (2.7 FTE)
- 4 Seconded staff (1.6 FTE)
- Glenside Campus
- Listed building
- Rooms need refurbishment
- Lack of space for Clinical Skills sessions
7Geographical challenges
8Environmental challenges
9Environmental challenges
10Where are we now?
- Using more simulated scenarios
- Emphasising use of workbooks
- E-learning packages
11Development of e-learning
Accessibility UWE A-Z Contact UWE Search
UWE Clinical Skills
- HSC Learning Repository
- Clinical Skills Home
- Manual Blood Pressure
- Introduction
- Equipment for Taking Blood Pressure
- Unit of Measurement
- Normal Blood Pressure
- ? How to Measure Blood Pressure
- Korotkoff (ausculatory) Sounds
- Some Dos and Dont When Taking BP
- References
- Useful Websites
- Glossary of Terms
- Bed Making
- Hand Washing
- Intra muscular Injections
- Sub cutaneous Injections
Manual Blood Pressure Aim To introduce you
to the theoretical concept underpinning the skill
of taking an individuals blood pressure On
completion of this learning material you will be
able to Define the term blood pressure. Be able
to identify normal blood pressure recording.
Understand what is meant by the terms systolic
and diastolic pressure. List the factors that
determine blood pressure. Be able to discuss
factors that affect blood pressure. Be able to
identify different equipment used to record blood
pressure. Explain the concepts underpinning
recording blood pressure. Be able to discuss the
correct procedure for taking individuals blood
12Where are we going?
- We would love a Clinical Skills bus!
- But well be happy with new plans for a Clinical
Skills Suite for now
13Where are we going?
- A Clinical Skills module
- Developing OSCEs for Sept 2008 human models and
SimMan - Developing more e-learning packages
- MCQs to demonstrate level of understanding
14In Summary
- A variety of challenges!
- We aim to enhance our students learning
experience by developing - Clinical skills module
- Clinical skills space
- Increased e-learning
- To support increased simulation
15Any Questions?
16Thanks for listening!