Title: Putting sensible heat flux measurements into a global context
1Putting sensible heat flux measurements into a
global context
- Todd Albert
- Field Methods
- 6 Dec. 2001
- Our measurements
- Global picture
- Land / Ocean
- Regional
- Various surface types
- Factors that contribute to variability
3Mammoth Gulch profile data
- Measured profiles of T and u
- QH from aerodynamic profile method
- QH -cp ra k2 Du DT ln(z2/z1)-2 (FH FM)-1
- Little wind at night,
- Very stable (Rigt0.2)
- 10 hr good fluxes
- Melting snow surface
4Turbulent fluxes
QH -9.2 W m-2 QE 26.5 W m-2
5Global picture
6Global picture (cont.)
Annual mean QH by latitude
Data from Sellers (1965).
8Regional US cities
9Regional Arctic
SHEBA (Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic)
10Surfaces melting snow, glacier
11Surfaces bare soil, dry lake bed
12Surfaces corn, irrigated alfalfa
13Factors drought
July 1998, TX OK Drought lt 10 moisture
14Factors drought (cont.)
Eta model soil Temps 312 K in Red R. Valley!
15Factors drought (cont.)
Sensible heat fluxes 40 W m-2 in Red R. Valley
16Factors incoming solar
17Factors urban environments
- Buildings
- Building materials
- Drainage
- Canyon geometry
- Combustion
18Factors suburban vs. rural (?)
19Any Questions?
- (Ill tell you where to stick them)