Title: Andrew Collier Cameron
1Andrew Collier Cameron University of St Andrews
2Are we alone in the Universe?The plurality of
- In some worlds there is no Sun and Moon, in
others they are larger than in our world, and in
others more numerous. In some parts there are
more worlds, in others fewer (...) in some parts
they are arising, in others failing. There are
some worlds devoid of living creatures or plants
or any moisture. - Democritus (ca. 460-370 B.C.), after Hyppolytus
(3rd cent. A.D.) - There cannot be more worlds than one.
- Aristotle De Caelo
3How do galaxies, stars and planets form and
- The worlds come into being as follows many
bodies of all sorts and shapes move from the
infinite into a great void they come together
there and produce a single whirl, in which,
colliding with one another and revolving in all
manner of ways, they begin to separate like to
like. - Leucippus (480-420(?) B.C.), after Diogenes
Laertios (3rd cent. A.D.)
4Dusty discs around young stars
- Roughly half of all new-born Sun-like stars are
surrounded by solar system-sized dusty discs. - Could this mean that half of all Sun-like stars
have planetary systems?
Proto-planetary discs in the Orion Nebula
5Searching for extra-solar Jupiters
- A planet and its parent star orbit round their
common centre of gravity. - The star is much more massive than the planet, so
the reflex orbital speed is small. - A massive planet in a close orbit gives its star
a reflex velocity of a few tens of ms1. - This gives a small but measurable Doppler shift.
651 Pegasi The first wobbling star
Discovered by Michel Mayor Didier Queloz in
7Todays state of play
- 237 planets in 203 systems, Oct 1995 -
20-Aug-2007 from Doppler wobble searches. - 25 multiple systems
- 24 transiting systems, 19 from transit searches
- 4 microlensing planets (more distant!)
8Recipe for building Jupiters
- Ingredients
- 10 Earth masses of ice-coated dust particles
- Lots of gas (mostly hydrogen)
- Method
- Allow dust ice to coagulate
- Allow solid core to sweep up gas
- Leave to cool for 5 billion years
- Common problems
- Tidal gaps starve planet of gas.
- Gas accretion takes tens of millions of years,
longer than lifetime of disc. - Migrating planets spiral into star.
Numerical simulation by Pawel Artymowicz,
9Tip of the iceberg?
- Left panel Core accretionmigration simulation
by Ida Lin (2004), showing gas giants, ice
giants, rocky planets.
- Right panel Radial-velocity discoveries so far.
10Iron abundance and planet formation
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12Eccentric Orbits
Unclear why.
Planet-planet interactions Eccentricity
pumping Small planets ejected Tidal
13Other planet-building recipes
- If disk cools efficiently by infrared radiation,
fragments can collapse spontaneously to form
instant planets. - Several dozen planets form and interact.
Numerical simulation by Ken Rice, University of
St Andrews.
14Other planet-building recipes
- If disk cools efficiently by infrared radiation,
fragments can collapse spontaneously to form
instant planets. - Several dozen planets form and interact.
- Smaller planets get ejected from system.
- One big fish survives in an eccentric orbit.
- Problems
- Hard to get multiple, smaller planets to survive
in near circular orbits.
15Lessons from Doppler Wobbles
- gt 5 of Sun-like stars host a Jupiter
- Metallicity matters
- Orbits differ from Solar System
- wide range of orbit radii ( P gt 2d )
- wide range of eccentricities
- New processes
- Migration -- spiral-in
- eccentricity pumping
- ejection
- What sort of planets are the hot Jupiters ?
17Transit Lightcurves
18SuperWASP hardware
- Pollacco et al 2006, PASP 118, 1407
- Lenses
- Canon 200mm f/1.8
- Aperture 11.1 cm
- CCD Detector
- 2048 x 2048 thinned e2v (Andor, Belfast)
- 13.5x13.5 micron pixels
- Field of View
- 7.8 x 7.8 degrees
- 13.7 arcsec/pixel
- Mount
- OMI/Torus robotic mount
- Operating Temperature
- 50 ºC
- 3-stage Peltier Cooling
19WASP data reduction pipeline
Field recognition, astrometry, aperture
photometry, calibration/de-trending
20Current Observing fields
Data processed so far (stellar density plot)
21Substellar mass-radius relation
22Mass-radius relation for hot Jupiters
- WASP-1b,-2b Cameron et al 2007, MNRAS
( XO-2b, HAT-P-2b, HAT-P-3b, TrES-3, TrES-4,
CoRoT-EXO-1b, Gl 436b since 2007 May 1)
23Why we need many more
- How does planet radius scale with
- Planet mass? (Fortney et al 2007)
- Planet age? (Many!)
- Metallicity/opacity? (Burrows et al 2007, Guillot
et al 2006) - Existence/size of core? (Guillot et al 2006)
- Proximity to host star? (Fortney et al 2007)
- Migration history?
- ?
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25Core mass and formation mechanism
- Recent example
- HD 149026b
- Transiting hot Saturn
- High density gt massive core
- Sato et al, ApJ, in press
- Test formation models
- Core accretionmigration
- Gravitational instability
26GJ 436 b
- Gillon et al 2007 May 17, astro-ph/0705.2219
- Neptune-mass planet
- Neptune-like radius
- Radius depends strongly on composition (cf.
Fortney et al 2007, astro-ph/0612671) - Ice-giant structure.
27Exoplanet Discovery Space
100 Doppler wobble planets
Cool Planets
Hot Planets
28Microlensing by a star
- Light from background stars is gravitationally
bent around a foreground star. - Light is amplified near the Einstein Ring.
- Misaligned objects produce 2 images, one inside
and one outside the Einstein Ring
29Now if I had a REALLY big telescope...
- ...this is what a Sun-like star would do to the
view of dust clouds in a nearby galaxy, 150,000
ly away. - The Einstein ring of the star is about the size
of Jupiters orbit round the Sun.
30First definitive planetary lens event!
- OGLE/PLANET/MOA collaboration
- 45 microlensing events monitored intensively over
the last 5 years. - No convincing Jupiter-like secondary peaks found
until last week! - Conclusion less than 30 of lensing stars have
Jupiters. - First definitive planet detection announced in
NASA press release by D. Bennetts team, 2004
April 15.
Courtesy Dave Bennett and OGLE/PLANET/MOA team
31Planetary Parameters
- Best-fitting model
- Planet mass 1.5 Jupiter
masses - Star mass 0.36 solar
masses - Planet-star distance 3 times
Earth-Sun distance - Distance from Earth 16000
32Space-based transit detection
33Whats in their atmospheres?
Brown (2001)
transit depth
Na I
wavelength (microns)
34Na I absorption in HD 209458b
- Charbonneau et al (2002 ApJ 568, 377)
- Hubble Space telescope / STIS
- Weak detection of Na!
- Df/f 2x104
35The amazing evaporating planet
- Vidal-Madjar et al (2003) Nature 422, 123
36Star occults planet
Spitzer/IRAC 4.5, 8.0 micron
Direct detection of infrared light from planet -gt
effective temperature
TrES-1 Charbonneau et al. 2005 HD 209458
Deming et al. 2005
37Water in HD 189733b
- Planet silhouette size measured in SPITZER/IRAC
3.6, 5.8, 8.0 mm bands during primary transit. - Wavelength dependence matches water transmission
spectrum, mixing ratio 5x104 .
Tinetti et al 2007, Nature 448, 163
38The continuously habitable zone
39The Darwin Mission 2018?
- Aim to discover Earth-like planets orbiting
nearby stars and seek atmospheric biosignatures. - Four interlinked collector mirrors flying 100m
apart. - Light waves from collectors interfere to cancel
out glare of central star.
40Youd look pretty simple from 30 light-years away
- Nulling interferometry with infrared light from
Darwins four collectors eliminates light from
star. - Simulated image of our own solar system seen from
30 light-years away detects all inner planets
except Mercury
41Mid-IR spectra of terrestrial planets
42History of the Earths atmosphere
Methane, Ammonia
Carbon Dioxide
Time before present (billions of years)
- Transiting hot Jupiters probe
- Interior structure
- Formation history
- Atmospheric composition
- Albedo and energy budget
- Wide but shallow surveys (WASP, HAT, TrES, XO)
yielding several planets/year bright enough for
transit spectroscopy, Spitzer /JWST
secondary-eclipse studies. - Space-based transit studies capable of detecting
hot (CoRoT) and warm (KEPLER) super-Earths and
determing bulk composition. - Efficient spectroscopic confirmation essential to
eliminate impostors and determine planet masses. - Long-term, high-precision transit timings may
reveal lower-mass planets. - DARWIN/TPF nulling interferometry will permit
10-micron spectroscopy of terrestrial planet
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46Postcards from Titan
Image Credit NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
47Transiting extrasolar giant planets
- 19 examples known.
- Stellar mass and period yield orbital separation
a. - Transit shape yields
- impact parameter
- stellar radius
- Transit depth yields ratio of radii
- Hence get direct measure of planetary density.