Title: The Victorian Era
1The Victorian Era
- Part I Overview of an Era
2"We are of the time of chivalry....We are of the
age of steam." -William Makepeace Thackery
3An Age of Transition
- The Quest for Self-Definition
4Never since the beginning of Time was there, that
we hear or read of, so intensely self-conscious a
Society. Our whole relations to the Universe and
to our fellow-man have become an Inquiry, a
Doubt. Thomas Carlyle, 1831
5Rule Britannia?
- Between 1800 1850
- population doubled from nine to eighteen million
- Britain became the richest country on earth
- first urban, industrial society in history
- By 1890
- 1 in 4 people on the earth were under British rule
6General Characteristics
- The Victorian Era was marked by
- Momentous and intimidating social changes
- Mind-blowing inventions
- extraordinary energies
- Land owning aristocracy lost power
- The insecure, ever expanding urban middle class
gained power - Businessmen
- Professionals
- Millions of rural workers forced into poverty
8Best of Times/Worst of Times
- the rapidity of events produced
- wild prosperity vs. unthinkable poverty
- humane reforms vs. flagrant exploitation
- immense ambitions vs. devastating doubts
- An age of great achievement, deep faith,
indisputable progress AND destruction, religious
collapse, vicious profiteering
9Reform and Revolutionary Fears
- Every social sector fought for privileges and
feared the unchecked rights of the others - Campaigns to extend voting rights
- Men
- Middle class
- Working class
- Brought on fears of an armed insurrection
- Feared class warfare
- Arguments for and against trade unions
- Womens equality
- Socialism
- Separation of church and state
- The complexity of British culture
- Thwarted all attempts to define a collective
identity or a clear sense of purpose - Victorians suffered from both future shock and
information overload - steam-powered printing presses
- Railways Telegraphs
- Journalism and junk mail
11Self-Consciously Modern
- people were sure only of their differences from
previous generations - traditional ways of life transforming
- Life was now perilously unstable
- The world was now astonishingly new
12We Are Not Amused
- Victoria and the Victorians
13"Few of us, perhaps, have realized till now how
large a part she had in the life of everyone of
us how the thread of her life bound the warp
of the nation's progress." -A newspaper quote on
the Death of the Queen in 1901
14 the head of our morality
- During the tumultuous time, The Queen ultimately
came to represent - England Empire
- Stability Continuity
- Duty, Family, Propriety
- A stern, conservative, durable symbol of her
dynamic, aggressively businesslike realm.
15Royal Representations
- 1830s - A Decade of New Beginnings
- 1837 Victoria is shown as a fairytale, teenaged
queen - Radiated youthful enthusiasm to match the
decades early years
16Royal Representations
- 1850s The Matron-Monarch
- Now married to Prince Albert (sans the can)
- Settled into a stable, productive domestic image
(she gave birth to 9 children!) - Matched the productivity boom of 1850s industry
As in the famous prank-call joke of the
17Royal Representations
- 1870s - The Widow of Windsor
- Reclusive after Alberts early death in 1861
- Projected a world-weary gloominess
- Her aging was reflected in Britains own sense of
maturation as an Imperial world power
18An Exception to Her own Rule
- Victoria herself was study in contradiction a
publicly projected image that held a privately
unfulfilled ideal - Worlds most powerful woman, but did not support
the mad, wicked folly of Womens Rights. - Her face was known around the world, but she
lived in constant seclusion - Held as an icon of motherhood, but hated
pregnancy, childbirth and babies
19What is a Victorian?
- The adjective "Victorian" was first used in 1851
to celebrate the nation's mounting pride in its
institutions and commercial success. - This historical/literary period is defined by the
duration of a monarchs rule, rather than any one
unifying idea as was the case with the Romantics.
20Victorian Behavior
- Stereotypically, Victorian social conduct is
governed by - Strict rules
- Formal manners
- Rigidly defined gender roles
- Relations hampered by sexual prudery
- Intense obsession with a public appearance of
propriety (private facts were often the compete
21Contradictory Behaviors
- Perceived Image
- Energetic
- Phenomenal work ethic
- Sense of duty towards the Public Good
- Self-confident
- A Society of over-achievers
22Contradictory Behaviors
- Their contemporary literature hints that
- Work obsession deliberate distraction
- Public responsibility an excuse to ease doubts
- Religious faith
- Gender roles
- Class privilege and Imperial rule
- Conservatism FEAR OF CHANGE
- Dominate the moment to keep the future (which was
uncertain) at bay - Great discoveries unexpected, often distressing