Title: Computer Graphics Spring 2003
1Computer Graphics (Spring 2003)
- COMS 4160, Lecture 13 OpenGL 2
- Ravi Ramamoorthi
Many slides courtesy Greg Humphreys
- OpenGL is a big state machine
- State encapsulates control for operations like
- Lighting
- Shading
- Texture Mapping
- Boolean state settings can be turned on and off
with glEnable and glDisable - Anything that can be set can be queried using
3State Management
- glEnable, glDisable, glIsEnabled
- glGet
- Attributes
- glPointSize, glFrontFace, glCullFace,
- Other advanced topics (later)
- Vertex Arrays
- Display Lists
- Curved surfaces
4Immediate vs. Retained Mode
- Two ways of specifying what is to be drawn
- Immediate Mode
- Primitives are sent to the display as soon as
they are specified - Graphics system has no memory of drawn graphics
primitives - Retained Mode
- Primitives placed in display lists
- Display lists can be kept on the graphics server
- Can be redisplayed with different graphics state
- Almost always a performance win (if you can get
away with it)
5Event Driven Interaction
- OpenGL does not dictate any particular model of
interaction - Applications respond to events generated by
devices (i.e., mice) and window system events
(i.e., window resized) - Events are usually placed in a queue awaiting
action - Callbacks let you associate a function with a
particular type of event - Mouse callback
6Usual Interactions
- Initialization
- Open / place / resize window
- Expose/resize/hide window
- Mouse
- Button click
- Button release
- Mouse motion
- Mouse drag (motion button)
- Keyboard
- What key was pressed (or released)?
- Where was the mouse?
- Were any modifier keys pressed? (control, alt,
- OpenGL Utility Toolkit
- Written by Mark Kilgard
- Provides basic window system interaction
- Open/close window
- Mouse/keyboard callbacks
- Idle callback for animation
- Menus
8Typical main Function
int main( int argc, char argv ) glutInit(
argc, argv ) glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_SINGLE
GLUT_RGB ) glutCreateWindow( A window
) glutDisplayFunc( display ) glutReshapeFunc(
reshape ) glutMouseFunc( mouse
) glutIdleFunc( idle ) glutMainLoop()
9Viewing (Chapter 3)
- Two parts
- Object positioning (GL_MODELVIEW)
- Projection (GL_PROJECTION)
- Transformation stages (pp 98)
- Perspective, Orthographic transformations
- Camera always at origin, pointing z direction
- Transforms applied to objects
- Equivalent to moving camera by inverse
- More details next
- Object in world coordinates (modelview)
- glTranslatef(x,y,z) glRotatef(?,x,y,z)
glScalef(x,y,z) - Right-multiply current matrix (last is first
applied) - Matrix Stacks
- glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, glLoad
- Useful for Hierarchically defined figures
- gluLookAt (fromv,atv,upv)
- Usually in projection matrix, sometimes in
modelview - Concatenate with perspective (orthographic)
11Sample Code
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadIdentity() gl
Translatef( 1, 1, 1 ) glRotatef( 90, 1, 0, 0
) DrawObject()
12Positioning the Camera
- Use gluLookAt to specify
- Eye location
- Look-at point
- up vector
- gluLookAt( 10, 10, 10, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1 )
- Eye point is (10, 10, 10)
- Look at point is (1,2,3)
- Up vector is (0,0,1)
- This is usually done in the GL_PROJECTION matrix,
and combined with a perspective matrix
13Viewing Volumes
- Orthographic projection
- glOrtho( left, right, bottom, top, front, back )
specifies the boundaries of the parallel viewing
volume - Objects are clipped to the specified viewing cube
- Perspective Projection
- glFrustum, gluPerspective
- Clipping volume is a frustum
- Make sure the near and far clipping planes arent
too far apart - Make sure the near plane isnt too close to the
14Complete Viewing Example
//Projection first glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION
) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective( 60, 1, 1,
100 ) gluLookAt( 10, 10, 10, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1
) //Now object transformations glMatrixMode(
GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadIdentity() glTranslatef(
1, 1, 1 ) glRotatef( 90, 1, 0, 0 ) DrawObject()
15Matrix Stacks
- OpenGL has multiple matrix stacks
- glPushMatrix pushes a copy of the top-of-stack
matrix - glPopMatrix throws away the top of the stack
- Very useful for hierarchichally defined figures
16Color (Chapter 4)
- 8 (or whatever number) bits/color channel
- Alpha A important for transparency
- 32 bits, 16 million colors
- Color Index
- Index into color table, small number of colors
(256) - Shading model glShadeModel
- Issues in smooth shading with color index?
17Simple OpenGL Programs
18Drawing Primitives
- Specify primitives using glBegin and glEnd
- glBegin( primitive_type )
- specify vertex attributes
- draw vertices
- glEnd()
- primitive_type specifies points, lines,
triangles, quads, polygons, etc - GL_POINTS, GL_LINES, GL_TRIANGLES, GL_QUADS,
19Specifying Vertices
- glVertexsizetypevector
- e.g. glVertex3fv
- glVertex2f( 1.0f, 1.0f )
- glVertex3i( 20, 20, 20 )
- float verts4 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0
- glVertex4fv( verts )
Coordinates are passed in an array Coordinate
types are float 3 coordinates passed (x,y,z)
20Example A Wireframe Cube
GLfloat vertices3 -1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,
1,1,-1,-1,1,-1, -1,-1,1,1,-1,1, 1,1,1,
-1,1,1 void cube(void) polygon( 1,0,3,2
) polygon( 3,7,6,2 ) polygon( 7,3,0,4 )
polygon( 2,6,5,1 ) polygon( 4,5,6,7 ) polygon(
5,4,0,1 )
21Example A Wireframe Cube
void polygon( int a, int b, int c, int d
) glColor3f( 1,1,1 ) glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP
) glVertex3fv( verticesa ) glVertex3fv(
verticesb ) glVertex3fv( verticesc )
glVertex3fv( verticesd ) glEnd()
22Specifying Vertex Attributes
- Vertex attributes are state settings that are
usually applied between a glBegin/glEnd pair - Vertex attributes are set using
- glColor, glNormal, glTexCoord, glEdgeFlag
- Vertex attribute routines take a form similar to
glVertex - glNamesizetypevector
- e.g. glColor3us takes 3 unsigned short parameters
23Pixel Primitives
- Provide a way to manipulate rectangles of pixels
- glDrawPixels, glReadPixels, glCopyPixels move
pixel rectangles to and from the framebuffer - glBitmap takes a binary image and renders the
current color in framebuffer positions
corresponding to 1s in the image. This might be
useful for drawing fonts - glRasterPos defines where the pixels go in the
framebuffer - The interaction between glRasterPos and glBitmap
is subtle and confusing
24Hidden Surface Removal
- When we draw a fragment, record the z (distance
to the eye) in the depth buffer - If the z stored in the depth buffer is greater
than the z for the fragment about to be drawn,
draw it - Otherwise, the fragment is behind something that
has already been drawn, so throw it away
25Hidden Surface Removal
- When setting up your window, specify a depth
buffer - glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DEPTH )
- When clearing, make sure to
- glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
- Set the depth test comparison operation
- glDepthFunc( GL_LESS ) (this is the default)
26Simple Shading
Example shading a sphere with lighting
OpenGL will interpolate the colors across the
face of a polygon if smooth shading is turned on.