Title: Created by Chuck Lippstreu
1(Click once to advance)
Created by Chuck Lippstreu
2Main Page
From here, you are able to visit a variety of
pages in the lab itself. The following pages can
be directly reached from the main page Seventh
Grade Directory Eighth Grade Directory Ninth
Grade Directory Puzzlers (Thinking
questions) Math Art Gallery Fractal
Gallery (Email links to Mr. Herres and Mrs
Johnson are also included)
37th Grade Math
From the seventh grade homepage, you can reach
the following 7th grade math pages Seventh
Grade Adjusted MathSeventh Grade Regular
MathSeventh Grade Diff Math All of these pages
contain links to different online quizzes and
tests that we have posted for math teachers use.
48th Grade Math
From the eighth grade homepage, you can reach
the following 8th grade math pages Eighth Grade
Adjusted MathEighth Grade AlgebraEighth Grade
Diff Algebra All of these pages contain links to
different online quizzes and tests that we have
posted for math teachers use. Also, 8th grade
students have recently completed a tesselation
project, a few example of which can be found
using the Tesselations links on the Algebra and
AlgebraDiff pages.
59th Grade Math
From the ninth grade homepage, you can reach the
following 9th grade math pages Ninth Grade
Adjusted MathNinth Grade Grade AlgebraNinth
Grade Geometry All of these pages contain links
to different online quizzes and tests that we
have posted for math teachers use.
These puzzlers are creative/rigorous thinking
questions that are meant to Require advanced
problem solving and math skills. answers are
provided on a linked page. Three farmers who
have shared the use of a mule for some time
disagree as to who owns the animal. It is not
certain, however, that the responsibility of
ownership is desired. They've asked Socrates o
settle the issue. The three make the following
statements. Each makes one true and one false
statement. A. 1. It is C's mule 2. I can make no
claim to it. B. 1. C has no right to it. 2. It
is A's mule. C. 1. It is my mule. 2. B's second
statement is false. Socrates hesitates for
scarcely an instant and determines the owner. To
which farmer does the mule belong? Hints
7Fractal Art Gallery
The fractal art gallery contains a collection of
brilliant computer-generated images (fractals)
that were mathematically engineered. These are
some very cool images...
8Math Art Gallery
The math art section of the math lab contains
tesselations and mathematically constructed art
that was drawn by hand. Much of M.C. Eschers or
is included in this section of the lab.
9You have just completed the tour of the Lefler
Math Lab. You can visit the site
at http//lefler.lps.org/leflermathlab/leflermath
lab.default.html You can also reach Mr. Herres
or Mrs Johnson mherres_at_lps.orgjohnsonk_at_lps.org