US History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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US History


1. Once the war is over, should Confederate states be automatically admitted ... the North would not or could not deliver on its promise of '40 acres and a mule' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: US History

US History
  • Problems of Peace
  • List in your own words the four main questions
    that the authors say faced the country after the

Questions to consider..
  • 1. Once the war is over, should Confederate
    states be automatically admitted back to the
    Union or should they have to fulfill special
    requirements before being readmitted?
  • 2. Should states have to recognize the freedom of
    slaves before being readmitted?
  • 3. Should states have to give the blacks the
    right to vote before being readmitted?
  • 4. Should citizens of Confederate states have to
    take a loyalty oath to the US before regaining
    their citizenship?
  • 5. Should former Confederate officials and
    military leaders be barred from voting in
    elections and/or serving in government?
  • 6. Should former slave owners be barred from
    voting in elections and/or serving in government?
  • 7. Should former slaves be given a plot of land
    and if so, where should the government get the
    land to give them?
  • 9. Should the federal military maintain a
    presence in the South running the governments of
    each state to guarantee the rights of the former
    slaves? If yes, how long should they

  • Refers to the period from 1865-1877
  • Country rebuilt from war
  • Federal government determined how the Southern
    states were to reenter the Union.

Freedmens Bureau
  • General Oliver O. Howard
  • to provide basic services, education, and
    confiscated land to the newly freed but
    unprepared ex-slaves.
  • Note This was the first attempt by the federal
    government to provide direct social services to
    the population.
  • What do you think was the most immediate priority
    of black families in the South, education or land
    to farm?
  • Why do you think the North would not or could not
    deliver on its promise of 40 acres and a mule?

Lincolns 10 Plan
  • Wanted the southern states to rejoin quickly.
  • Plan readmitted a state once 10 of voters took
    an oath of allegiance.
  • Promised to pardon most former Confederates.
  • 4 states applied for readmission under this plan.
  • Radical Republicans in Congress blocked them.

Radical Republicans
  • Wanted to deny power to former slaves owners.
  • Give blacks the right to vote.
  • Passed a more severe bill in 1864
  • Lincoln vetoed it.

  • Abraham Lincoln - Second Inaugural Address (March
    4, 1865)
  • With malice toward none, with charity for all . .
    . let us strive on to finish the work we are in,
    to bind up the nations wounds, to care for him
    who shall have borne the battle and for his widow
    and orphan, to do all which may achieve and
    cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves
    and with all nations.
  • Thaddeus Stevens
  • The whole fabric of Southern society must be
    changed. . . . The Southern states have been
    despotisms, not governments of the people. . . .
    If the South is ever to be made a safe republic,
    let her lands be cultivated by the toil of the
    owners or the free labor of intelligent citizens.
    This must be done even though it drives her
    nobility into exile. If they go, all the better.

  • What objectives have the highest priority for
    Lincoln and for Stevens and which objectives are
    of lesser or no priority? What is the underlying
    assumption of both men about why the war was
    fought and why so many sacrifices were made?
  • Lincoln Stevens
  • (1) High priority
  • (2) Low priority
  • (3) Underlying assumption

If you had been a northerner after the war,
do you think you would have been
  • (1) a Radical ready to use government power and
    money to force change in the South,
  • (2) would you have been in the Moderate camp,
    passing legal protections for the freedmen but
    leaving it largely up to the states to rebuild
    their economies and societies? Why?

What would Lincoln have done?
Andrew Johnson
  • Tennessee
  • Lenient Reconstruction policy
  • State had to declare secession illegal
  • Ratify 13th amendment- abolishing slavery.
  • Many southern states met these terms.

December 1865
  • New Southern Members of Congress arrived in
  • Radicals- OUTRAGED!
  • Refused to seat new members.
  • Passed a law extending the Freedmens Bureau
  • Created to help former slaves.
  • Passed a civil rights bill
  • Made African Americans citizens
  • Banned Black Codes

  • Vetoes both bills
  • Congress overrode the veto.
  • Passed the 14th amendment-
  • Confirmed African Americans citizen ship
  • Barred most former Confederate leaders from
    political office.

Congressional elections f 1866
  • Johnson campaigned against the Radicals
  • Angered many Northern voters.
  • Race Riots in the South
  • Radicals won an overwheliming victory
  • Got enough seats to override any presidential

1867- Reconstruction Acts
  • Declared the reorganized state governments
  • Put the Southern states under military control
  • Called for new state constitutions.
  • New states laws had to give African Americans the
    right to vote.

  • . Do you think that military occupation would
    have been more acceptable in the South if it had
    been instituted immediately after the war? Why or
    why not?
  • What do you think of the requirement that
    freed slaves, kept largely illiterate by their
    former masters, be given immediate voting

President V. Congress- 1868
  • House of Reps voted to impeach President Johnson
  • 11 week trial- Senate did not find him guilty
  • . The Radicals failed to convict by only one
    vote. Why do the authors conclude on p. 495 that
    the nation narrowly avoided a bad precedent?
    How does this assessment apply to Clintons

Ulysses S. Grant
  • Becomes next president
  • Congress passed the 15th amendment- outlawed the
    denial of voting rights due to race.

The South after the War
  • All states wrote new constitutions.
  • By 1870- they were all back in the Union under
    Radicals terms.
  • Population and Economy Destroyed.
  • Rebuild the south.
  • Schools- Taxes

Republican Party
  • Scalawags- White southerners, former Unionists
  • Carpetbaggers- Northernerrs who went south to
    make their fortunes.
  • African Americans
  • Eager to vote.

African Americans
  • Reunite families
  • Education
  • Church
  • Politics

  • What about property?

New System
  • Sharecropping
  • Tenant Farming

Collapse of Reconstruction
  • Violence- KKK
  • Scandal in the Grant Administration
  • Financial Panic of 1873
  • Hayes Election Deal
  • Redeemers now controlled every Southern State
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