Title: The NASA Direct Readout and LCLUC Program
1The NASA Direct Readout and LCLUC Program
- Garik Gutman,
- LCLUC Program Manager,
- Program Scientist for Landsat/EO1/Terra/DB
- NASA Headquarters
- Washington, DC
2Benevento, Italy Oct.05
3Benevento, Italy Oct.05
4(No Transcript)
5NASA Direct Broadcast Program
- Supported development of Direct Readout
Capabilities from NASA EOS/MODIS - Development and provision of DR code, User Guides
and Algorithm Documentation - NPP/VIIRS is more for operational users than EOS
- IPO provides support for developing DR
capabilities - Interest from users in transitioning the
NPP/VIIRS Environmental Data Records and NASA
Science Algorithms to the DR community as they
mature - Seeking data continuity with MODIS
6Increasing Number of MODIS Direct Broadcast Sites
82 plus Direct Readout sites around the world
for Terra/Aqua DB downlink. Web-based MODIS fire
servers in Australia, Africa, Brazil, Mexico,
Europe, Russia there are recent requests for
support from India, Mongolia, Malaysia
7NASA Direct Broadcast Program
- Interested in fostering self organization within
the DR community - Sharing experience
- Developing observation requirements for future
missions - Identifying community DR standards and protocols
- Participating in product validation activities
- An international Land DR Community of Practice is
currently being developed in the framework of
GOFC/GOLD for the moderate resolution sensors - Building on AVHRR and MODIS experience
- Adapting the MODIS science algorithms for DR use
- Preparing for VIIRS
- Encouraging other space agencies and sensors to
provide DR capability -
8The Land DR Workshop (Mexico, Oct 2007)
- The NASA DR Lab should serve as a central portal
for land algorithms/code and data products from
MODIS and VIIRS and help coordinate the
development of priority DR products, which are
currently unavailable in the DR domain (e.g.
burned area, LAI, NPP, etc.) - Establishing/formalizing an international Land DR
coordination body - Develop regional DR networks
- Help resolve science and operational issues
affecting the international DR community - Specifically, this coordination group should
promote the development of DR capability form
the international moderate resolution assets
9Whats In a Name?
- Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil
- But everyone knew her as Nancy.
- Rocky Raccoon by Paul McCartney
- Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
- Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) - both are actually referred to as Coarse
resolution by... ? - Then what is Landsat?
- High resolution - 1-5 m
moderate resolution
10Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program
- LCLUC is an interdisciplinary scientific theme
within NASAs Earth Science program. The ultimate
vision of this program is to develop the
capability for periodic global inventories of
land use and land cover from space, to develop
the scientific understanding and models necessary
to simulate the processes taking place, and to
evaluate the consequences of observed and
predicted changes - http//lcluc.hq.nasa.gov/
11Program Management
Garik Gutman NASA HQ
Chris Justice, U.Maryland
12LCLUC Drivers of Disturbance/Stress
- Natural Drivers
- Natural hazards (fires, droughts, floods,
hurricanes, landslides) - Invasive species
- Climate
- Anthropogenic Drivers
- Agricultural changes
- Landscape modification, e.g. urbanization
- Forest clearing, logging fires
- Grazing by domestic animals
- Socio-Economic Drivers
- Technological change and macro-economic
transformations - Political economy and institutional change
- Values, attitudes, beliefs, individual and
household behavior - Human population dynamics
13LCLUC Consequences/Impacts
- Forestry
- Agriculture
- Wetlands and coastal zone
- Water resources and their quality
- Carbon storage and release
- Habitat degradation and fragmentation
- Atmospheric processes
14NASA LCLUC-relevant Missions
Systematic Missions - Observation of Key Earth
System Interactions
Landsat 7
4/15/99 12/18/99
Exploratory Missions - Exploration of Specific
Earth System Processes and Parameters and
Demonstration of Technologies
2/11/00 11/21/00
15Program Make-up
- Total 60 projects gt more than 200 people
- LCLUC Monitoring/Modeling
- LCLUC/Carbon Cycle
- LCLUC/Water Cycle
- LCLUC/Climate/Environment/Biodiversity
16Support of Regional Initiatives
- LBA Regional Field Campaign in Amazon
- CARPE Central African Regional Project on the
Environment in Congo Basin (with US AID) - MAIRS
17Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS)
- the most active human development with a history
of more than 5000 years civilization and highest
population density of the world - the most rapid development in last decades and is
expected to continue rapid development in the
incoming century - human activities of the monsoon Asia region have
and will have significant impacts on the
environmental conditions, not only regionally but
also globally
18Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership
Initiative (NEESPI)
- International, multi-agency program for Earth
science research in northern Eurasia focused on
ecosystem-climate interactions - Almost a quarter of the global land, representing
most of the existing geo-botanic zones except for
tropical multi-disciplinary program covering
basic terrestrial, environmental disciplines - An important area of the globe with early
indications of the global climate change - Challenges many countries, many languages,
different mentalities, remote locations - Advantages plenty of data, talents existing
20NEESPI Participation
18 institutions in Moscow participate in 21
Red dots Principal Investigators Blue dots
Green dots Collaborators
Squares Focus Research
Centers and Science Data Support Centers
400 scientists 200 institutions gt100 projects
gt30 countries
6 institutions in Beijing participate in 5
- Carbon Cycle
- 3 projects (first year)
- LCLUC (Hydrology)
- 7 projects (final year)
- LCLUC (Climate, Environmental Impacts)
- 6 projects (mid-term)
- Terrestrial Hydrology
- 6 projects (mid-term)
- ACCESS (Data Systems Program)
- 1 project (final year)
- Interdiscplinary Program (Biodiversity)
- 2 projects (mid-term)
- IPY 3 projects (first year)
- Total 6M per year,
- 30 projects
Special issue in Global Planetary
Change http//www.sciencedirect.com/science/journa
23Thailand An important Asian crossroads for
remote sensing
- Direct Readout facility
- Academia
24Looking into the Future
- Both MODIS (Terra and Aqua) instruments are over
their planned mission life (5 yrs) - In 2010 VIIRS on NPP/NPOESS
- Need preparation by the DR community
- Need data overlap with MODIS for continuity
(MODIS land products ? similar VIIRS
environmental data records)
25Mid-Decadal Global Land Survey GLS2005
- Develop a global orthorectified dataset from
Landsat or Landsat-like observations based on
measurements during 2004-2007 - Use Landsat-7 composites as primary source,
Landsat-5 ground stations data to complement,
ASTER to fill the remaining gaps, EO-1/ALI over
islands - USGS lead Phase I data compilation (completed)
- NASA lead Phase II data processing at USGS
- Full global dataset will be available in early
2009 - Parts are becoming available during this year
- Phase III LCLUC products by community
- NASA ROSES-2007 LCLUC solicitation
26Thank you!