Title: CAS Quarterly Meeting Financials
1Advances in Mobile ComputingEmerging Technology
in eHealth Development Third Annual eHealth
Developers' Summit November 6 8, 2002, Tempe,
Jeff Sutherland, Ph.D.Chief Technology
Officer http//www.patientkeeper.com/ Jeff.sutherl
Turning the Promise of Mobile Computing into a
2Truckers can do it!They are concerned about
- 2 out of 3 trucking companies have disappeared in
recent years - Survivors tract costs down to every activity that
matters on the loading dock and the truck - Roadway Express sorts shipments from many
customers and terminals, then loads rearranged
goods into outbound trailers - A barcode swipes the waybill, the location, and
the ID badge of the loader. Years ago this would
have been scrawled on paper. - What will happen to hospitals who cant do this
in the next decade? The patients? - Cone, Edward and Carr, David. Unloading on the
Competition. Baseline, Oct 2002
3On-Going Learning Required!
- The average large healthcare delivery system does
not bill for gt10 of procedures rendered. As a
result, many are losing money, losing staff, and
losing quality of care. - Medical error is the third leading cause of death
in the U.S. after heart disease and cancer JAMA,
July 26, 2000, p 483. Most of the largest group
of lives lost, caused by medication error, can be
saved by having the right information at the
point of care. - Mobilization of medical data is the fastest (and
perhaps only) path to physician adoption of
critical automation. Taking advantage of
financial and clinical improvement opportunities
depends on it. - The right data on the right patient, at the right
time and right place, for the right person is key
to efficient operations and patient safety. - The burden of harm conveyed by the collective
impact of our healthcare quality problems is
staggering Our present efforts resemble a team
of engineers trying to break the sound barrier by
tinkering with a Model T Ford. National
Institute of Medicine, 2001
4Lots of lives to save
- Medical error is the 3rd largest cause of death
in the U.S. exceeded only by heart disease and
cancer. (JAMA, July 26, 2000, p 483) - 12,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery
- 7,000 deaths/year from medication errors in
hospitals - 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals
- 80,000 deaths/year from nosocomial infections in
hospitals - 106,000 deaths/year from adverse effects of
medications (4th leading cause of death) - 50-90 of medication errors can be eliminated at
time of installation of automation at the point
of care. - There is a growing conviction in all hospitals,
even in those which are best conducted, there is
a great and unnecessary waste of life.
Florence Nightingale, 1859
5Mobile Patient Safety Solution
- Increases Revenue
- Reduces Medical Errors
- Improves Quality of Life Extra Time for Doctor
6ChargeKeeper ROI StudyNorth Shore/LIJ Health
- Study Background 86 Inpatient Physicians / 22
Departments Participated in Study - Results
- 888 increase in revenues/physician/month,
primarily revenue captured that was previously
lost through manual, inefficient processes (1
million annually for physicians in study group
3.5 million when applied across potential user
base) - 4.9-to-1.0 benefit to cost ratio demonstrated
(cash flow) - Excludes decrease in lag time 8 days
- Excludes enhanced productivity/workflow
- User Satisfaction Survey 4.5 on scale of 1-to-5
7Proven ROI Increased Revenue
Benefit toCost Ratio
8Is There Really a Problem?
More than one million medication related errors
occur in US hospitals each year.
Source Gartner Group, Healthcare Business and IT
Summit, April, 2002
9Mobile Patient Safety Solution
- Increases Revenue
- Reduces Medical Errors
- Improves Quality of Life Extra Time for Doctor
10Decision Support at Point of Care
11Decision Support at Point of Care
- PERSONALIZED Information
- StatusKeeper MY Inbox of new patient data
- The most recent clinical results for only MY
PATIENTS - LabKeeper Access to MY patients lab result
- Flag an important lab to remain on the PDA
- Create personal lab panels with customized
timeframes - Display only critical results
- RxKeeper Access to MY patients medication
profile - View only new, active, D/C or held medications
- NoteKeeper Access to MY patients clinical
notes - View by desired note type progress, admitting,
discharge, HP, RN, consults, etc. - TestKeeper Access to MY patients diagnostic
test - Only the test results I WANT micro., path. and
X-ray - Key word search for desired text
- DxKeeper Access to MY patients Problem List
- View by problem category, i.e., resolved,
inactive, etc.
12Reducing Medical Errors Step 1Aggregate
Results from Backend Systems
Clinical Suite
- Quick access to critical results and patient
information. - LabKeeper
- DxKeeper
- RxKeeper
- NoteKeeper
- TestKeeper
- AllergyKeeper
- VitalsKeeper
- OrderStatus
- StatusKeeper
- Capture charges at the point of care with
advanced code edits and transaction management.
13Reducing Medical Errors Step 2Update Selected
Results on Backend Systems
Clinical Suite
- Quick access to critical results and patient
information. Update relationships. - LabKeeper
- DxKeeper
- RxKeeper
- NoteKeeper
- TestKeeper
- AllergyKeeper
- VitalsKeeper
- OrderStatus
- StatusKeeper
- Capture charges at the point of care with
advanced code edits and transaction management.
14Order Capture Step 3 Generate electronic orders
- Order capture based on
- Simple and intuitive based on order sets for
majority of orders - Mobile order capture a hybrid application
- Most data resides on the device from
synchronization - Multiple transactions occur in real time for
order submission - Drug interaction checking and decision support
rules sent to the mobile device works in tandem
with backend clinical systems. - Real time transaction submits order to
appropriate back end processor back end alerting
and messaging sent to the mobile device provides
warnings and order status. - When connectivity not available order is queued
on mobile device for immediate processing when
backend available.
15Malcolm, B. Carlson, R.A. Tucker, C.L.
Willette, C. Veterans Affairs Eliminating
Medication Errors Through Point of Care Devices.
Proceedings of HIMSS 2000, Session 73, Dallas.
16Mobile Patient Safety Solution
- Increases Revenue
- Reduces Medical Errors
- Improves Quality of Life Extra Time for Doctor
17Quality of Life
- Question How much better is your workday when
you can find your patients on rounds and you have
their information at your fingertips?
18Quality of Life
- Question How important is it for you to see
abnormal and critical lab values as soon as the
results are available?
19Quality of Life
- Question How much additional comfort would you
have knowing you had the most current critical
patient information?
20Quality of Life
- Question How much time would you save if only
the data you wanted to see, on only your
patients, was sent to you REAL TIME?
21The Proof is in the Pudding
- "Glens Falls is a community hospital offering a
wide range of specialty treatment through a
number of regional facilities. Within months, we
will have a fully installed CPOE system, accented
and supported by remote, mobile
enterprise capability offered by PatientKeeper of
Boston. - PatientKeeper Enterprise mapped perfectly to our
clinical IT strategy in two ways - At Glens Falls, we believe that you have to
leverage technology to advance technology. - If our physicians aren't driving it, we won't put
our money in it. Our doctors want mobile
capability and find PatientKeeper incorporates
clinical decision support into their workflow
easily and seamlessly from wherever they are in
the Glens Falls region.
22Mobile Patient Safety Solution
Increases Revenue
Reduces Medical Errors
- Improves Quality of Life Extra Time for Doctor
Provides a robust platform for independently
authored third party applications which
interoperate with clinical systems.
23Mobile Platform RequirementsAggregate,
Integrate, Interoperate
- A common mobile platform is required to
third party and end user applications on
a single device. This allows standardization of
data for reporting and organization wide
implementation of quality initiatives. - Open standards are required to
independently authored third party applications
on a single handheld device. Physicians want
single signon, patient context management, and
seamless interoperability of patient data
modules. - Supporting a faster, cheaper, mobile solution for
patient safety initiatives requires an open
mobile platform that allows independently
authored applications to ,
integrates with previously installed systems, and
supports evolutionary replacement or upgrade of
existing infrastructure.
24PatientKeeper PersonalTestbed of 45,000 Clinical
- All essential medical data on a Palm Pilot or
PocketPC. - Designed to integrate with global medical data
system. - Provider care, home care, and military care.
- Harvard Medical School students are graded on
information in this application. 100 adoption.
25Platform BenefitManaging Application Portfolios
- TaskKeeper
- NoteKeeper
- PlanKeeper
- RxKeeper
- Procedure-Keeper
- 3rd Party Apps
- ChargeKeeper
- LabKeeper
- DxKeeper
- InfoKeeper
- MemoKeeper
- 3rd Party Apps
Personal Applications
Enterprise Applications
One Mobile Device
One User Interface
Any Device
- Any Transport
- Ethernet cradles
- 802.11
- Bluetooth
- Cellular
Single Signon Context sharing Hard encryption
26Mobile Platform Features
MultipleDevice Types
N Applications
SingleSign on
Patient ContextManagement
Application Framework
Handheld Data Store
MobilePatient Index
Mobile Services
TransportWireless orEthernet
HIPAA Security
Messaging Alerting
Web Facilities
Web Services Integration Interfaces
Business Logic
Patient Objects
Adapter Components/Open API
Mobile Legacy Integration
Mobile ClinicalRepository
MobilePatient Index
27Layered Security
Mobilizer Platform Components
- Secure storage
- Secure transmission
- Audit trails and non-repudiation
- Authentication
- Token-based IR beaming of data
- Mirroring of HIS permissions
- Certification of applications
PatientKeepersSoftwareDevelopment Kits
Common User Interface
Messaging Alerts
Encryption Transport
Encryption Transport
Audit Trail
Clinical DataRepository
HIS Scheduling
HIS Pharmacy
HIS Billing
Back-End Systems
28Platform Solutions
PatientKeeperLite Solution
PatientKeeper/Cerner Solution
PatientKeeper/UCR Solution
PatientKeeper Handheld
PatientKeeper Handheld
PatientKeeper Handheld
UCR NetResultDesktop
PK Desktop
PK Mobilizer
PK Mobilizer
PK Mobilizer
UCR NetResult Server
Millennium Objects
XML / JAVA Transactions
MediTech Magic System
MediTech Magic Repositories
Incoming HL7 Messages
29SDK Expands Portfolio
Developedby PatientKeeper
Developedby Third-Party
30Driving Platform LeadershipGartnerGroup Magic
Gartner, Inc. Advisory Services Draft Market
RU 09/25/2002 0401 PM Kenneth Kleinberg
31Clinician Value Proposition
- An intelligent mobile framework
- Portfolio of multiple, independently authored
applications integrated on a single mobile device
(More and better functionality sooner) - Common UI and patient-centricity(Increase
adoption and reduce training) - Not painted in a corner integrate best of
breed mobile applications - Flexibility to create own applications(e.g.,
protocols to influence physician behavior)
32Hospital Value Proposition
- Value to hospital decision makers
- Centralized administration
- Enterprise-wide controls to help manage the
organic growth of PDAs (e.g., HIPAA) - Not painted in a corner
- Integrate best of breed mobile applications
- Develop own applications
- Force another vendor to port their application to
a common framework - Often PatientKeeper Personal is already in use
33Developer Value Proposition
- Value to the developer community
- Lowered barrier to entry for application creation
- Shorten time to market
- Create portfolio effect Crossing the Chasm
- A installed base to sell into distribution
channel - Leverage with component technology vendors
(e.g., encryption, Infrared printing, barcode
scanning, wireless networks, etc.)
34Advances in Mobile ComputingEmerging Technology
in eHealth Development Third Annual eHealth
Developers' Summit November 6 8, 2002, Tempe,
Thank You