Title: Instant Messaging
1Instant Messaging
A Presentation by Stephanie Ard
2What Is
Instant Messaging?
- Instant messaging is a real-time typed
communication that happens between computers over
a network connection such as the internet. - a rich collaborative framework in which people
can interact more rapidly and be better
informed (Ovum) - A fun and popular way to interact with friends
and other people!
3- Types of Instant Messaging
- Public These type of networks are intended for
the average user. Anyone can sign up for these
free IM services through providers such as MSN,
AOL and Yahoo. They are primarily intended for
use by individuals for social purposes. (Ovum) - Private There are other IM networks that can be
designed by different IT vendors for a specific
organization. Businesses are more likely to use
these IM services because organizations can
control how they are used, and because of their
security posture. (Ovum)
4What type of IS is IM?
- OAS (Office Automation System)
- similar to e-mail (which is classified under
OAS) - IM supports the processing and communicating of
information - IM increases productivity of office workers
Also, Instant Messaging works within a
same-time/different-place framework!
5History of Instant Messaging
- Instant Messaging first started to appear in the
1970s on multi-user operating systems such as
UNIX and it was originally just for
communication for users on the same machine. - In the late 1980s an online service called
Quantum Link offered user-to-user messages for
customers. These messages were known as On-Line
Messages (or OLMs) and this later transformed
into AOL Instant Messaging, a common IM service
6- A screenshot of PowWow, one of the first instant
messengers with a Graphical User Interface
7- The first Instant Messaging company was ICQ a
play on the words I Seek You, and was quickly
followed by AOL (America online). - A couple years later AOL acquired ICQ, and then
ICQ was awarded patents for instant messaging. - During this time, other companies such as yahoo
and MSN developed their own application- each
with their own protocol. - In 2000, an open-source application and open
standards-based protocol called Jabber was
launched (Wikipedia) - Now Instant Messaging services are offering
other features such as video conferencing, VoIP,
and web conferencing. - Also, Instant Messaging has now become mobile.
Users can access IM services from their cell
phones and PDA devices.
8Uses of Instant Messaging
- The most widely used application of Instant
Messaging is for personal use - the tenor of instant messages is typically
casual, informal, and friendly. One user
contrasted it with email Its more casual so
you can be more quirky. Relaxed grammar and
spelling are the norm. Standard capitalization is
often ignored though caps may be used for
emphasis. Multiple exclamation points and
question marks are sprinkled liberally through
Instant messages. This informality lends Instant
messages a kind of intimacy that is often absent
from other types of meditated communication.
(Lovejoy and Grudin) - According to the survey completed by friends and
family of our class, almost 50 of IM users claim
to use it daily, and 23 people out of 34 users
specifically stated that they use IM to keep in
touch with and to chat with friends.
10(No Transcript)
11- Another wide use of IM, is Corporate/Organization
al Use - Instant messaging has arrived in the
enterprise. Organizations are planning to double
their use of instant messaging in 2005, mostly by
deploying private corporate networks. (Ovum) - Tens of Millions of IM accounts are now used in
business settings. - Because of the high demand for IM applications
in the business world, Enterprise Instant
Messaging (EIM) was created.
12Impact of IM
- There are many societal and personal life impacts
that IM has had. These include - Real-time, fast communication and collaboration.
- A new form of short hand language that has
become integrated into our daily lives. - You can also talk to multiple people at once
through IM chats and can save conversations. - There is less and less of a need for
face-to-face interaction.
13There is confidence that instant messaging can
bring substantial business benefits through
speeding up decision making and improving
communications (Ovum).
- Impacts of IM on the business world include
- Improving communications
- Speeding up decision making processes
- Improves communications with at-home workers
- reduces voicemail usage
- multi-tasking is improved
- Faster file-sharing
- Instant Messaging Conferencing
14Issues with IM
- Business Issues Include
- Security Risks
- Compliance Risks
- Inappropriate Use
- Intellectual property leakage
- Internet Stalking is made easier through IM
- Miscommunication
15Solutions to the Security Problems In the early
2000s, a new class of IT security provider
emerged to provide remedies for the risks and
liabilities faced by corporations who chose to
use IM for business communications. The IM
security providers created new products to be
installed in corporate networks for the purpose
of archiving, content-scanning, and
security-scanning IM traffic moving in and out of
the corporationWith rapid adoption of IM in the
workplace, demand for IM security products began
to grow in the mid-2000s. By 2007, the preferred
platform for the purchase of security software
had become the "appliance", according to IDC, who
estimate that by 2008, 80 of network security
products will be delivered via an appliance.
16(No Transcript)
17Future Directions for IM
- Will companies like MSN and Yahoo become like
phone service providers? - Will our language be heavily affected?
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v4nIUcRJX9-omoder
elatedsearch - Internet2 is looking to create a uniform and
universal protocol for Instant Messaging
applications. - IM will continue to improve business processes.
- Davey, Theresa, etc. "Instant Messaging
Functions of A New Communicative Tool." 27 June
2007 lthttp//www.nd.edu/sblum/InstantMessaging.
pdfgt. - Hu, Jim. "The future of instant messaging."
CNET News.Com 24 Sept. 2003. 27 June 2007 - lthttp//news.com.com/2008-1032_3-5081443.htmlgt.
- "Instant Messaging." Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia. 26 June 2007. 27 June
2007 lthttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant_mess
aginggt. - "Instant messaging making an impact on the
enterprise." www.ovum.com. 7 Mar. 2005.
Datamonitor. 27 June 2007 lthttp//www.ovum.com/
go/content/c,377,55253gt. - Lovejoy, Tracey, and Jonathan Grudin. "Messaging
and Formality Will IM Follow in the Footsteps
of Email?" Human-Computer Interaction---
INTERACT'03 2003 817-820. 27 June2007 - lthttp//www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/g.w.m.rauterber
g/conferences/ - INTERACT2003/INTERACT2003-p817.pdfgt.
- Saunders, Christopher. "Internet2 Explores IM's
Future." Instantmessagingplanet.com. 28 Oct.
2003. 27 June 2007 lthttp//www.instantmessa