Title: wereldkaart
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6An African Dream
- E-Information services at the University of
Pretorias Veterinary Science Library - Antoinette Lourens
7University of Pretoriahttp//www.up.ac.za
- Is striving to become the University of Choice in
South Africa - Is the largest residential university in the
country - More than 34 000 residential students enrolled in
8Faculty of Veterinary Science
- Emphasis is on increasing quality research
- Marked increase in number of postgraduate
students - More and more students are working from outside
the campus
9AIS current e-information products
- E-journals (Tyds_at_Tuks)
- Databases (EIH)
- OPAC (UPExplore)
- AIS homepage
- Service unit web pages (include information
source pages for Web-CT) - E-reserve collection (Innopac)
10AIS current e-information projects
- E-resources (Infoportal)
- Digital/virtual reference
- E-books
- Global search engine (MAP or Ebsco product)
- Virtual groups (Infoportal)
- Digital preservation
- Micro databases (Infoportal)
- Digital collections (Infoportal (Greenstone open
source software) Innopac)
- E-dissertations (UPeTD)
- Service unit web pages
11Current e-Products at VET
- Library in your office
- E-newsletter- Infomania
- The African Goat website
- The Ostrich website
- Arnold Theiler website
- Infoportal
- Future projects
12Library in your Officehttp//www.ais.up.ac.za/vet
13Library in your Office
14E-newsletter Infomania http//www.ais.up.ac.za/v
15The African Goat website http//www.ais.up.ac.za/v
16The Ostrich website http//www.ais.up.ac.za/vet/os
17Arnold Theiler project http//www.ais.up.ac.za/vet
18Theilers postcards
19Infoportal http//infoportal.up.ac.za
20AIS future e-information projects
- Global search engine (open source)
- Sophisticated e-resource applications (open
source) - Library services as a portlet (e.g. streamlined
interlibrary loan system)
- Knowledge sharing community (e.g. www.abuzz.com)
- Meta-data standard for UP
- Taxonomy/thesaurus for UP Portal
- E-Scholarship
- DSpace digital repository experiment open
source - Eprints.org experiment open source
- eArchives prototype for UP journal articles
- Virtual eJournal protoype
21Future projects at VET
- Veterinary Legislation in South Africa
- African Rhinoceros website
- Wildlife Rehabilitation website
- Dental formulae of various animal species
- Onderstepoort houses the National Veterinary
Faculty - Postgraduate students are located all over
Southern Africa - The process of supplying e-information and
e-services is an ongoing one - Need to stay in close contact with our clients
23- We want to take the nightmare out of retrieving
24- and turn it into a colourful and viable African
dream ! !
25Reference list
- Pistorius, C. 2003. Ons Alma Mater bly die keuse
van voorkeur. Tukkie 11(1) 2-3 - Kriek, N. 2003. From the desk of the dean. OPNews
3 (1) 1 - University of Pretoria. 2002. Strategic plan
2002-2005. Pretoria - Lourens, A. 2001. Library in your office.
Infomania. March 2001. (http//www.up.ac.za/asser
vices/ais/vet/infoman4.htm) - Basile, A J. 2000. Making the Internet manageable
for your users (and yourself) in Recreating the
academic library breaking virtual ground. Ed.
LaGuardia, C. 169-192 - Pienaar, H. 2003. Design and development of an
academic portal. Libri (in press) - Groenewald, H., v d Westhuizen, E E., v Wyk J.
2002. Knowledge management and the
Info Specialist.Paper presented at the SLIS -
OSALL - SAOUG CONFERENCE, 11-12 June 2002,
Midrand, South Africa. (http//www.slis.co.za/uplo
ads/UPAIS_Vet.ppt accessed 28 July 2003) - Lor, P J. 2001. From inter-library lending to
instant universal access First World utopia,
Third World nightmare? Paper presented at an
Inter-library lending Conference of the Finnish
Research Library Association, Helsinki, 15 May
2001. ( http//www.nlsa.ac.za/docs/pjlpaper.pdf
accessed 28 July 2003) - Music Johnny Clegg Juluka/Savuka