Title: Development Training
1 Development Course for Forensic
Physicians Saturday 24th
November 2007 New Scotland Yard
London SW1H 0BG
TIMES Registration 930 - 1000 Lunch 1300
- 1345 Close 1645 THE BENEFITS Informed
discussion on medical emergencies within custody,
FME role within incidents involving the discharge
of firearms where the suspect and victim are both
members of the black community (Trident) and
police perspective of mental health and the
effects of the human rights act and new mental
capacity act giving a vision on where mental
health has legally reached. ORGANISERS This
event is jointly co-ordinated by the Metropolitan
Police Service and The Faculty of Forensic
Legal Medicine. BOOKING INFORMATION Please
complete the attached booking form and submit
with your cheque by Friday 16th November 2007 to
the following address Forensic Medical
Services15th Floor, Empress State
Building Empress Approach Lillie Road, Earls
Court London, SW6 1TR Cheques should be made
payable to The Metropolitan Police Authority
- This popular event is being held at New Scotland
Yard in Central London near to Victoria Station
(mainline underground trains) and St. Jamess
Park Station (underground). - Who Should Attend?
- Forensic Physicians
- Custody Nurses
- Healthcare Providers
- The aim of the seminar is to develop the existing
skills of - the Forensic Physician.
- The Human Rights Act The emerging effects on
mental health - practice
- The New Mental Capacity Act
- Where the Mental Health Act has got to
- Malingering and Mental Disorder
- Mental Health a Police perspective
- Medical Emergencies in Custody
- Trident - how FMEs might be involved?
- Chairperson - Dr Alla Farhan FRCP MFFLM DFMS
Principal Forensic Physician, Metropolitan
Police. - Chairperson - Dr Margaret Stark FFFLM LLM DMJ DAB
- Academic Dean, Faculty of Forensic and Legal
Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, Principal
Forensic Physician, Metropolitan Police. - Speaker Inspector Tony Aubrey
Please note that spaces will probably be taken
quickly so book early to avoid disappointment Dele
gate Cost 95.00 A buffet meal will be provided.