Title: September 2006
1Computer ScienceWelcome to Stage 1
- Janet Carter
- J.E.Carter_at_kent.ac.uk
- Sandra Shine
- S.Shine_at_kent.ac.uk
2Degree Programmes
- Stage 1, Direct Entry Stage 2 and Diploma
students - CS Computer Science
- CSAI CS with Artificial Intelligence
- CSMS CS and Management Science
- WCo Web Computing
- CoBA Computing and Business Admin
- BCo Business Computing
- All with / without a year in Industry
3(No Transcript)
- Cool Stuff in Computer Science
- Sessions
- Tuesday 1100 1200
- Tuesday 1400 1500
- All in Multimedia Lab (SE107)
5Staff Student Liaison
- Staff Student Liaison
- Introductory briefing session
- 3pm Friday
- SW101
6(No Transcript)
7Modules and Credits
- Each year consists of 120 credits
- Material is taught in modules
- 4 in Autumn term
- 4 in Spring term
- Most modules are worth 15 credits (8x15120)
- Some modules are double (30 credits)
- You may have fewer than 8 modules
- You will always have 4 modules per term
8Short-term / Diploma Students
- See your advisor to determine your modules
- Olaf Chitil
- Thursday 2pm
- S129
9Modules for CS1
- Autumn term
- CO320 Intro to O-O Programming
- CO321 Information Systems
- CO322 Foundations of Computing I
- CB302 Managers and Organisations
10Modules for CS1
- Spring Term
- CO324 Computer Systems
- CO325 Foundations of Computing II
- CO326 Functional Programming
- CO520 Further O-O Programming
11Modules for CS2
- Autumn term
- CO522 Algorithms, Data Structures Complexity
- CO523 Fundamentals of Programming Logic
- CO525 Dynamic Web
- CO531 Software Engineering Practice
12Modules for CS2
- Spring Term
- Compulsory
- CO526 Distributed Systems and Networks
- CO527 Operating Systems and Architecture
- CO532 Database Systems
- Choose 1 from
- CO521 Software Engineering Design Validation
- CO528 Introduction to Intelligent Systems
- CO535 IT Consultancy Practice 1
- CO629 Advanced Programming Techniques
- CO631 Concurrency Design and Practice
13Modules for CSAI
- Autumn term
- CO320 Intro to O-O Programming
- CO321 Information Systems
- CO322 Foundations of Computing I
- PL302 Introduction to Philosophy
14Modules for CSAI
- Spring Term
- CO324 Computer Systems
- CO325 Foundations of Computing II
- CO326 Functional Programming
- CO520 Further O-O Programming
15Modules for WCo1
- Autumn term
- CO320 Intro to O-O Programming
- CO321 Information Systems
- EL331 Introduction to Internet Technology
- CB302 Managers and Organisations
16Modules for WCo1
- Spring Term
- CO324 Computer Systems
- CO520 Further O-O Programming
- EL333 Mathematics for Multimedia
- EL336 Interaction Design
17Modules for BCo1
- Autumn term
- CO320 Intro to O-O Programming
- CO321 Information Systems
- CO322 Foundations of Computing I
- CB300 People Organisations (2)
18Modules for BCo1
- Spring Term
- CO324 Computer Systems
- CO325 Foundations of Computing II
- CO520 Further O-O Programming
- CB300 People Organisations (2)
19Modules for CSMS1
- Autumn term
- CO320 Intro to O-O Programming
- CO321 Information Systems
- CO322 Foundations of Computing I
- CB302 Managers and Organisations
20Modules for CSMS1
- Spring Term
- CO324 Computer Systems
- CO325 Foundations of Computing II
- CO520 Further O-O Programming
- CB586 Techniques Methods in Man Sci
21Modules for CoBA1
- Autumn term
- CO320 Intro to O-O Programming
- CO321 Information Systems
- CB300 People Organisations (2)
- CO357 Computing for Bus Accounting (o1)
- OR
- EC305/6 Maths for Economics Business (o2)
22Modules for CoBA1
- Spring Term
- CO327 Web Applications
- CO520 Further O-O Programming
- CB300 People Organisations (2)
- AC303 Quant Methods for Bus Accounting (o1)
- OR
- EC309 Stats for Economics Business (o2)
23CoBA students still to choose modules
- A Akuche
- J Buckley
- MJ Goacher
- LT Lawrenson
- B McCarthy
- S Minichiello
- You must choose your optional modules before
leaving this room
24Studying at University
- Wednesday next week (27th September)
- 4pm in GLT1
- Structure of course
- Project weeks
- Assessments
- Examinations
- Work issues
25Thursday Orientation Session
- A fun way to learn to find your way around
- Prizes will be awarded
- Begins 1000 in GLT1
- then
- Prizes awarded on Friday
26Friday 1100 1230 in GLT1
- A fun, stimulating and informative 90 minutes
- Simon Ritter, Technology Evangelist at Sun
Microsystems - Innovative ways Java technology can be used
- A LEGO Mindstorms robot that plays blackjack
- Sun SPOTs
- The future of the internet
- AJAX, Mashups, Web 2.0
- How Java and Sun technologies relate to this
27Business School talk
- Friday 4pm in KBS lecture theatre 1
- Only for students on the following degree
programmes - BCo
- CoBA
28Changes to orientation timetable
- Thursday
- 1030-1130 CSCS session cancelled
- 1000-1100 treasure hunt moved from Friday
- Friday
- 1000-1100 treasure hunt moved to Thursday
- 1100-1230 Sun talk
- Library tours
- Daily (Monday-Friday) 1000, 1130, 1400, 1530
29(No Transcript)
30Computing Course Administration Office
31(No Transcript)
32How to read your timetable
33When do things start?
- Week 1
- All Lectures
- Drop-in practical sessions for CO320
- CO523 PL302 classes
- Week 2
- All other Autumn classes
- Group allocations will be posted on notice boards
and course management system
34Locations (1)
South-west (SW)
South wing (S)
South-east (SE)
Room numbering 2 digits downstairs (e.g. S11) 3
digits upstairs (e.g. SW101)
35Locations (2)
36Locations (3)
Cornwallis Quad
37Locations (3)
How to reach CNWSem xx Seminar rooms
38Locations (3)
How to reach SW xx offices
39(No Transcript)
40Health Safety for Computing Students
- Computing Laboratory
- University of Kent
41Fire Safety
- Fire alarm within the Computing Laboratory is a
loud bell that - sounds continuously if fire is nearby
- sounds intermittently if fire is elsewhere in
42On hearing a fire alarm
- Close windows
- Leave building by nearest exit
- Close doors behind you
- Dont use the lift
- Assemble in front of Rutherford College
- Dont re-enter building until authorised
43Wheelchair users
- There is a clearly signposted "Safe Area" in the
upper Octagon where you may safely stay if there
is a fire elsewhere in the building. - Nearby there is Help Point (an intercom)
connected directly to Campus Watch that allows
you to notify them of your presence. They will
then pass this information on the the fire
service who will arrange for your safe
44If you discover a fire . . .
- First, set off alarm (by breaking glass of a
call point) - Then phone 3333 to give details of location
- Finally, you can tackle the fire, but only if it
is safe for you to do so - Personal safety (not property) is paramount!
45Fire Extinguishers
- All fire extinguishers have a red body, with
words indicating their type - Types include
- Water Foam
- Powder Carbon dioxide
- Do not use wet extinguishers (i.e., Water or
Foam) on electrical equipment
- Can phone for an ambulance on 3333
- Five qualified first-aid people in the building
- Contactable via Reception
- First-aid kit available from Reception
- All accidents (even minor ones!) must be reported
straightaway - Use green form (from Reception)
47Work-related ill health
- RSI (repetitive stress injury, from use of
keyboard) is common - Contact Reception for advice if you have any
problems. Dont delay! - No smoking policy
- No smoking is allowed anywhere within Computing
Laboratory building
48Finally . . .
- Comprehensive advice on all aspects of health
safety is available via the web at - http//www.kent.ac.uk/safety
- Any problems/concerns
- Pass them on to your student Year Rep
- Tell Reception about them
49(No Transcript)
50Freshers Reception 415pm Today
You are all invited to a drinks reception to
meet staff and other students 415pm today
Cornwallis Quad