Title: Body Size and Growth
1Body Size and Growth
- Goals
- Explain the rationale behind the use of size
data in - year-class studies
- mortality
- Discuss potential problems with the above
methods - Explain the modeling of fish growth
- Ford-Walford Plots
- Weight/Length - Age Relationships
- Describe the construction of
- age-length keys
- size distribution matrix
- Discuss Length-Based VPA
2- Consider the case of an imaginarypopulation
where - fish recruit on March 14
- recruitment is constant
- grow at the same rate
- growth rate declines over time
- maximum age of 4 years
- common Z
A Single Haul (constant q)
3What A Single Sample Really Looks Like
- Length-Frequency of Coral Trout
- p. 421 in H W
- distributions, not spikes
- why?
- Why fewer of smallest fish?
- More than one possible answer ...
4Can you draw conclusions aboutpopulation from
length data?
- Often not
- most gear is selective
- body size
- movements or distribution
- gear avoidance
- Remedial Measures
- compare size distributions in different gears
- perform depletion experiments by size class
- survey and tagging
- detailed fishing logs
- sub-sample catches
- from hauls, vessels, areas
- visit the field
5Models of Fish Growth
- Why?
- Production estimates
- field, aquaculture
- Different Approaches
- All summarize data
- from size-age data
- corrected for gear selectivity
- based on average growth
- individual variation
- Tabular
- table of average weights by time
- Mathematical
- von Bertalanffy, logistic, Gompertz
- Schnute
6Step I Look at the data
- Snapper (Etilis sp.)
- note variation in size-at-age
- length easier than weight for size
7Modeling fish growth
- a) simple asymptotic
- von Bertalanffy
- b) accelerating and then asymptotic
- Logistic
- Gompterz
- different inflection points
- Also generalized Schnute model
- All assume l?
8An example von Bertalanffy
lt l??1 - e -K(t - t0 )
l? maximum length K Brody Growth Coef. t0
adjusts for non-zero size at t 0
As w a( l )b , b ? 3
wt w??1 - e -K(t - t0 ) b
to express growth in weight
9The Walford Line
lt1 l??1 - e -K e -K lt
10Analysis of Length Frequency Data
Concept - Modes represent cohorts -
cautions as before
- A single sample
- assume overlapping distributions
- estimate modes
- harder for older ages
- estimate mean and variance.
- mix of statistical and subjective
- estimate growth and mortality
- problems?
11Repeated Length-Frequency Data
- cross checking for spurious modes
- generated by poor sampling?
- tracing specific modes in time
- cohort growth rates
- works well when fish are
- short lived
- recruited seasonally
12Mortality from Length Samples
- Mortality Rates Difficult to know
- iff. (if and only if)
- stock at equilibrium
- recruitment mortality
- recruitment independent of stock
- all fish above lcrit are fished
- von Bertalanffy growth
- all fish experience one Z
Z K l??- lmean lmean - lcrit
use in conjunction with other estimates
13Conversion from Length to Age Frequencies
- Often have much length data
- cheap, easy
- less age data
- difficult, expensive
- Estimate age from length
- smearing at older ages
- fish grow at different rates
- Good check on assumption that age sample is
representative - Still need unbiased samples for population
inferences - Different Methods
- Deterministic Age-Length Keys
- Size Distribution Matrix
14Deterministic Age-Length Keys
- Full calculation yields age-length key
- solve t for upper and lower interval bounds
- assign single age to each length interval
(round to integer)
15Size Distribution Matrices
- no growth curve necessary
- data required for size distribution of each
age class - growth implicit in matrix
- age classes with common size structure treated
the same - use matrix methods to map size distribution to
age distribution
AGE 1 2 3 SIZE 1 0.8 0.3
0.1 2 0.2 0.6 0.2 3
0.0 0.1 0.7
16Length-Based VPA
- assumes population is at equilibrium
- recruitment mortality
- studies the time required for a fish to grow
through a length interval - uses Popes approximation
- calculates
- instantaneous fishing mortality rate for size
class - mean number in size class
17A Caution in a Bad Example
- Application of Length Based VPA
- to examine Pilchard (Sardinops sp.)
- West Australian Fishery, 1982-89
- estimated stock size of 100,000 tonnes
- declining seabird populations
- increased search times to schools
- seasonal scarcity of fish
- analysis may have overestimated due to
developing (non-equilibrium) nature of the
- Message
- use more than one method if possible
- know assumptions and limitations
- be wary of length alone