Title: EVPP 550 Waterscape Ecology and Management
1EVPP 550Waterscape Ecology and Management
Lecture 9
- Professor
- R. Christian Jones
- Fall 2007
2Lake Biology OverviewHabitat Regions
- Littoral zone
- Ztotal lt zPZ
- Bottom is within photic zone
- Trophogenic PsyngtResp
- Autotrophs and heterotrophs
- Supports benthic algae, rooted macrophytes which
add structure - Substrate-associated plants and animals are
3Lake Biology OverviewHabitat Regions
- Pelagial zone
- Ztotal gt zPZ, z lt zPZ
- Open water within photic zone
- Trophogenic PsyngtResp
- Autotrophs and heterotrophs
- Species that can suspend in water column or
actively swim are characteristic
4Lake Biology OverviewHabitat Regions
- Profundal zone
- Ztotal gt zPZ, z gt zPZ
- Open water and bottom below photic zone
- Tropholytic zone Resp gt Psyn
- Heterotrophs only
- both suspended and substrate associated
5Lake Biology OverviewBiotic Communities
- Plankton
- wanderers
- Suspended in the water column
- May demonstrate limited mobility, but location
chiefly controlled by currents - Found principally in the pelagic region, but
sometimes also in littoral or profundal - Phytoplankton plant-like/photoautotrophs
- Algae, cyanobacteria
- Zooplankton animal/heterotrophs
- Rotifers, cladocera, copepods
6Lake Biology OverviewBiotic Communities
- Benthos
- Organisms associated with the bottom sediments
- Found in both littoral and profundal
- Phytobenthos
- Includes aquatic macrophytes and benthic algae
- Zoobenthos
- Invertebrates of many groups
- Most diverse in the littoral
7Lake Biology OverviewBiotic Communities
- Periphyton
- Attached microbial community
- slime growing on underwater surfaces
- Coats macrophytes, rocks, logs, etc.
- Includes algae, bacteria, protozoa, and
8Lake Biology OverviewBiotic Communities
- Nekton
- Organisms controlling their own movements
- Can move freely and inhabit all lake zones
- Includes fish and larger invertebrates
9Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Characteristics
- plant component of the plankton
- Primary producers
- All have chlorophyll a
- Conduct standard photosynthesis
- H2O CO2 light ? (CH2O) O2
- All require N, P, trace elements
- Some also can utilize DOM or even may feed
suplementally on bacteria
10Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Characteristics
- Vary in taxonomy and morphology
- All divisions of eukaryotic algae represented
- Greens, diatoms, dinoflagellates, cryptophytes,
euglenoids - Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) can be very
important - Range from very small unicells (lt1 um) to large
colonies and filaments (up to 1 mm or more) - Size categories 0.2-2 um picoplankton, 2-30 um
nanoplankton, 30-200 um microplankton
11Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Adaptations
- Avoid sinking
- General morphology hairs, projections, anything
to increase friction - Flagella can swim against gravity
- Lower density gas vacuoles, lipids
- Nutrient uptake
- Sinking breaks down boundary layer facilitation
diffusion - Small size higher surface area/volume
12Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Adaptations
- Predation avoidance
- Colonial habitat
- Projections
- Indigestable muscilage
- Reproduction
- Mostly asexual binary fission, autocolony
formation - Sexual When stressed some produce zygote,
diatoms use zygote to restore size
13Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Light
- Light energy required for photosynthesis
- Light varies with latitude, season, time of day,
cloud cover, attenuation coefficient, depth - Photosynthesis shows an assumptotic relationship
to light - To estimate photosynthetic production in the
field, need to account for time of day and depth
variations in light
14Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Light
- Photosynthetic rate/primary production quantified
by measuring either O2 production or C-14 uptake - Can use either
- Bottle string in situ
- P-I curve in lab extrapolated to field condition
using light extinction and ambient light data
15Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Nutrients
- N required for proteins, amino acids
- P required for ATP, nucleic acids
- Si for diatom frustules
- Trace metals in enzymes
- Vitamins by some algae
- Nutrients can be taken up in excess of current
need for future use (luxury uptake)
16Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Nutrients
- P generally limiting in most fw systems, but
sometimes N - Si for diatoms, Mo for N fixers
- Relationship between P and
- Cell size
- Chl a
- Pico biomass
- Group biomass
17Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Grazing
- Spines and projections may increase effective
size and inhibit grazing - Cladocerans esp Daphnia are most efficient
grazers - Heavy grazing may reduce abundance and
productivity of phytoplankton - Light to moderate grazing may actually stimulate
production by increasing nutrient availability - Differential grazing may favor certain
cyanobacteria and colonial green algae by
removing their competitors since they are
resistant to grazing - Nanoplankton vs. Daphnia
18Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Parasites
- Chytrid and biflagellate fungi
- Infect desmids and diatoms
- Viruses
- Can infect cyanobacteria
- Sedimentation
19Lake Biology - Phytoplankton
- Factors affecting growth
- Washout
- Important in lakes receiving large inputs of
water - Mainstem reservoirs, urban lakes
- Washout processes may not be simple
- Displacement without mixing - Linear decrease in
plankton with time - Complete mixing exponential decline in plankton
with time - Washout may keep plankton low even when nutrients
are available
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