Medicine Grand Rounds March 9, 2005

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Medicine Grand Rounds March 9, 2005


Sigmoid: 2 cm flat polyp, s/p bx ... EGD starting at 30 years, every 1-3 years, depending on polyp status in duodenum ... may also reduce polyp burden ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medicine Grand Rounds March 9, 2005

Medicine Grand RoundsMarch 9, 2005
  • Yoshi Makino, M.D.
  • USC Department of Internal Medicine
  • Andrew Stolz, M.D.
  • Faculty Moderator

Case Presentation
  • Patient F.B. is a 64 year old African-American
    male, referred from an outside M.D. for OB()
    stool and anemia. Patient was scheduled for
    colonoscopy based on the above indications.
  • PSH none
  • PMH
  • HTN
  • hyperlipidemia

Case Presentation
  • SH
  • EtOH 1-2 beers/day, 6-pack on weekends x 40
  • Tobacco ¾ ppd x 40 years
  • Drugs Marijuana in youth without h/o IVDA
  • ROS
  • Denies h/o BRBPR, melena, stool caliber changes,
    nor weight loss. Without h/o GERD or other upper
    GI complaints.

Case Presentation
  • Allergies NKDA
  • Medications
  • Pravachol 40 mg PO daily
  • HCTZ 25 mg PO daily
  • Atenolol/Chlorthalidone 50 mg / 25 mg PO daily
  • Quinapril 40 mg PO daily
  • Norvasc 10 mg PO daily
  • Cardura 2 mg PO daily
  • EC ASA 81 mg PO daily
  • Darvocet or Tylenol 500 mg prn pain/HA

  • Poor prep
  • Anus small IH
  • Sigmoid 2 cm flat polyp, s/p bx
  • Transverse colon one diminutive polyp and a 1.5
    cm sessile polyp, s/p bx
  • Ascending colon multiple 2-9mm sessile polyp,
    s/p bx

Biopsy Results
  • 8 of 11 polyps biopsied showed tubular adenoma
  • Of these 8 polyps, 2 also showed areas of focal
    increased glandular complexity and high grade

Colonoscopy Images
Colonoscopy Images
Family History
Colon CA Age 70s
Colon CA Age 68
Colon CA dx age 46 Presently 66
Bone CA Age 64
Multiple adenomatous polyps _at_ age 42, now 46
Familial Colorectal Cancers
  • Overview
  • Types of familial colorectal cancers
  • Clinical Features
  • Diagnostic Criteria
  • Genetics
  • Genetic Testing
  • Surveillance
  • Management/Treatment

Colon Cancer Overview
  • Annual Statistics
  • 150,000 new cases diagnosed
  • 56,000 deaths
  • Second leading cause of cancer deaths
  • Lifetime incidence rate of 5
  • Most cases occurring after age 50

Lifetime Risk of CRC
  • General Population 3.5 - 6
  • Prior History of CRC 15
  • Family History 15
  • Colorectal Adenomas 15-25
  • HNPCC 80
  • Ulcerative colitis 50-90
  • FAP 100
  • Pucciarelli. 21st ICLAM Congress. Venice, April

Familial Colorectal Cancers
  • Familial clustering studies suggest 20-30 of
    colon cancers may have a genetic cause
  • Johns LE et al. Am J Gasteoenterol
  • The causative genes have been identified in only
    lt5 of cases

Cao et al. AJG 200297(7)1822-1827
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) was first
    described by Lockhart-Mummery in 1925 as a
    disease with clear dominant inheritance
  • Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC 5q21) gene
    identified by Kinzer and Groden in 1991

Courtesy of Florida State University and
Pucciarelli 2004
Clinical Features of FAP
  • Greater than 100 colonic adenomatous polyps,
    frequently exceeding 1000 polyps
  • Polyps can develop throughout the colon and
  • 90 of patient will have duodenal and
    periampullary polyps
  • 100 lifetime risk for colorectal carcinoma
  • Polyps appear at a mean age of 16 years, and
    colon cancer develops at a mean of 39 years, and
    invariably by 50 years

Extracolonic Manifestations
  • High association with gastric fundic polyps
  • Extracolonic cancers include
  • duodenal and periampullary tumors (5-10)
  • pancreatic (2)
  • thyroid (2)
  • Gastric (0.5)
  • Osteomas, desmoid tumors and soft tissue tumors
    of the skin
  • Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment
    epithelium (CHRPE)
  • Hernegger et al. Dis Colon Rectum. 2002

Gastric Fundic Gland Polyps
  • Fundic gland polyps account for 50 of all
    gastric polyps and are observed in 0.8-1.9 of
    all patients undergoing EGD
  • Studies estimate 52-88 of FAP patients have
    gastric fundic glands polyps
  • Lifetime risk of gastric cancer is estimated to
    be 0.6
  • Burt. Gastro 20031251462-1469.

Gastric Fundic Gland Polyps
Burt. Gastro 20031251462-1469.
Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Columbia
Clinical Criteria for FAP
  • Clinical diagnosis of FAP can be made if
  • Presence of gt100 colon adenomas
  • Multiple adenomas, with both of the following
  • a first-degree relative is diagnosed with FAP
  • the patient is on the affected side of the family
  • Groden et al. Cell 199166589600
  • However, genetic testing is now standard of care
    for those meeting the above criteria
  • Giardiello FM. JAMA 199727812781281

Attenuated FAP
  • In 1990, Lynch et al described two families with
    right-sided colonic flat adenomas with more
    polyps than HNPCC but fewer than FAP
  • Lynch also observed later age of onset of colon
    cancer, and a paucity of rectal adenomas
  • Lynch et al. Cancer. 1990 Sep 166(5)909-15.
  • Initially called hereditary flat adenoma
    syndrome, later called attenuated FAP

Clinical Features of AFAP
  • Less than 100 adenomas, typically morphologically
  • Polyps primarily located proximal to the splenic
    flexure, sparing the rectum
  • Diagnosed at mean age of 44 years, and cancers at
    a mean of 56 years
  • Extracolonic malignancies similar to FAP, but
    CHRPE, desmoid tumors and, osteomas are not seen
  • Hernegger et al. Dis Colon Rectum. 2002

Clinical Criteria for AFAP
  • Leppert et al suggest a set of diagnostic
    criteria for the disease
  • A positive family history of colorectal cancer
    withat least one of the following criteria
  • CRC at any age
  • gt 5 colorectal adenomas
  • 2-4 adenomas and multiple gastric fundic polyps
  • Leppert et al. N Engl J Med 1990 3229.
  • Later studies suggest a fourth criteria
  • Number of colorectal adenomas must be lt 100
  • Knudsen et al. Familial Cancer. 2003243-55.

The Genetics of FAP and AFAP
  • Primary defect is in the adenomatous polyposis
    coli (APC) gene, located on 5q21
  • APC gene is a classic tumor suppressor gene,
    primarily down-regulating intercellular ß-catenin
    activity and ultimately slowing cell cycle entry
    and progression
  • Dominant negative model suggests that the
    mutated gene product forms dimers with the
    wild-type protein, causing lowered or abolished
    tumor suppressor activity
  • 30 of FAP/AFAP cases are due to de novo
    mutations of the APC gene Burt. Gastro.

APC, ß-catenin and E-cadherin
Fearnhead et al. Hum Mol Gen. 200110(7)721-733.
APC Gene Mutations
Fearnhead et al. Hum Mol Gen. 200110(7)721-733.
APC Mutation Phenotypes
Colored distinct protein domains / Boxed
areas of mutation Fearnhead et al. Hum Mol Gen.
Extreme Phenotypic Variability
Burt et al. Gastro. 2004127444-451.
HNPCC / Lynch Syndrome
  • Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer was
    first described in 1913 by Warthin, and formally
    characterized as an autosomal dominant condition
    by Lynch et al. in 1966
  • Lynch et al. Arch Intern Med 1966117206212.
  • Mismatch Repair (MMR) gene defects identified by
    3 independent groups in 1993
  • Ionov et al. Nature 1993. / Thibodeau et al.
    Science 1993.Peltomaki et al. Science 1993

Clinical Features of HNPCC
  • Sporadic colonic polyps (lt10 polyps)
  • Despite the name non-polyposis, accelerated
    transformation of flat polyps ? carcinoma is
  • 70-80 lifetime risk for colorectal carcinoma, at
    a mean age of 44 years

Extracolonic Manifestations
  • Numerous extracolonic cancers including
  • Endometrium (43)
  • Stomach (19)
  • Biliary tract (18)
  • Urinary tract (10)
  • Ovary (9)
  • Brain (1)
  • Small bowel (rare)
  • Specific MMR mutations are associated with
    varying rates of the above cancers
  • MSH2 mutations have higher incidences of cancer
    than MLH1 mutations
  • MSH6 mutations have highest rate of endometrial
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594

Clinical Criteria for HNPCC
  • Amsterdam criteria (All criteria must be met)
  • One member diagnosed with colorectal cancer
    before age 50 years
  • Two affected generations
  • Three affected relatives, one of them a
    first-degree relative of the other two
  • FAP should be excluded
  • Tumors should be verified by pathologic
  • Amsterdam II and Bethesda criteria are more
    lenient, however there is no consensus on which
    criteria should be used for genetic testing
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594

The Genetics of HNPCC
  • A defect in one of several MMR genes has been
    associated with HNPCC
  • MLH1 (59)
  • MSH2 (38)
  • MSH6 (1.3), PMS2 (0.8), PMS1 (0.4), TGFBR2,
    EXO1, MLH3
  • MMR genes are vital in the repair of
    microsatellites (short, repeated DNA sequences)
  • Microsatellite instabilities (MSI) are expansion
    or contraction of these repeated sequences

Yangming et al. AJG. 200297(7)1822-1827.
Summary of Familial CRCs
Adapted from Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594
Overview of Genetic Testing
  • Should be offered to patients
  • With strong family history
  • Where test results can be adequately interpreted
  • If results would influence screening and
  • ASCO Statement. J Clin Onc 1996141730-1736.
  • Patients should at least meet the clinical
    criteria for the disease in question
  • A genetic counselor should be involved to provide
    both pretest and post-test counseling

Who to Test for FAP
  • Clinical criteria for FAP met
  • gt100 colon adenomas, or
  • Multiple adenomas in first degree relative of a
    known FAP case, on the affected side of family
  • First-degree relatives of a person with a known
    APC mutation, regardless of polyp status
  • A person with multiple adenomas who is a relative
    of a person with a known APC mutation
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Who to Test for AFAP
  • Clinical criteria for AFAP met
  • Greater than 5 to 10 and less than 100 colorectal
  • 2-4 adenomas and multiple gastric fundic polyps
  • First-degree relatives of a person with a known
    APC mutation, regardless of polyp status
  • A person with multiple adenomas who is a relative
    of a person with a known APC mutation
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Genetic Testing in AFAP/FAP
  • Testing involves direct DNA sequencing of APC
  • 95 mutation detection rate
  • Most expensive (800/test)
  • Other tests are less expensive but also less
  • Confirmation strand electrophoresis with protein
    truncation (80-90)
  • Protein truncation alone (80)
  • Linkage analysis
  • Detection rate dependent on accuracy of family
  • Cannot be performed if only one member is
    affected (25 of FAP cases are de novo)
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Who to Test for HNPCC
  • Amsterdam criteria met
  • Greater than 5 to 10 and less than 100 colorectal
  • 2-4 adenomas and multiple gastric fundic polyps
  • First-degree relatives of a person with a known
    MMR mutation
  • Complex algorithm using Bethesda criteria and
    other predictors (e.g. CRC case at lt35 years of
    age) has also been proposed
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Genetic Testing in HNPCC
  • Direct DNA sequencing of MSH2, MLH1, /- MSH6 is
    highest yielding approach
  • gt95 of HNPCC cases MSH2 and MLH1
  • Extremely expensive (800-3000)

MSI Testing
  • 95 of HNPCC tumors have MSI
  • 13 of all CRC have MSI
  • 1-6 of CRC are associated with HNPCC
  • MSI testing can be conducted for 300-500
  • Serves as a useful screening test prior to full
    MSH2, MLH1 testing
  • Pucciarelli. 21st ICLAM Congress. Venice, April

Summary of Costs
  • APC Full Sequence 800
  • Single site mutation analysis 200
  • MLH/MSH2 Full Sequence 800-3000
  • MSI Testing 300-500
  • Pricing from American Gastroenterology
    Association 2001.

Surveillance for FAP
  • Surveillance may initially be by sigmoidoscopy
  • Annually, starting at age 10-12
  • Annual colonoscopy from mid-teens until age 30
  • Every 3-5 years past age 30
  • EGD starting at 30 years, every 1-3 years,
    depending on polyp status in duodenum
  • Consider AFP and liver imaging from infancy to
    age 5
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Surveillance for AFAP
  • Surveillance must be by colonoscopy
  • Due to lesions proximal to splenic flexure
  • Contrasts with screening by flexible
    sigmoidoscopy in classic FAP
  • Colonoscopy starting at 1017 years, annually
  • EGD starting at 30 years, every 13 years,
    depending on polyp status in duodenum
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Surveillance for HNPCC
  • Surveillance must be by colonoscopy, as lesions
    are usually located in ascending colon
  • Colonoscopy starting at age 25
  • May be conducted every 2-3 years
  • Annual colonoscopy after age 40 until age 75
  • EGD starting at 30 to 50 years, every 2 years,
    until age 75
  • All above studies should be conducted 5 years
    earlier than youngest affected person in family
  • Grady. Gastro. 200312415741594.

Distinguishing Flat Polyps
Eisen et al. Gastrointest Endosc 200255687-94.
High-resolution Chromoendoscopy
Adenomatous Polyp
Hyperplastic Polyp
Pit pattern
Eisen et al. Gastrointest Endosc 200255687-94.
High-resolution Chromoendoscopy
  • Conventional dyes (e.g. 0.9 indigo carmine) or
    florescent dyes used in conjunction with a
    high-resolution endoscope (410k 850k pixels vs
    standard scopes 100k 200k pixels)
  • Hyperplastic polyps
  • a characteristic pit pattern of orderly
    arranged circular dots, morphologically similar
    to surrounding normal mucosa.
  • Adenomatous Polyps
  • surface grooves occasionally with a sulcus-like
  • In a recent multicenter trial by Eisen et al.,
    chromoendoscopy had a sensitivity of 82 and
    specificity of 82 in distinguishing the above

Eisen et al. Gastrointest Endosc 200255687-94.
2D Axial Image Acquisition
3D Virtual Reconstruction
FAP in Virtual Colonoscopy
Clinical Application of 3D Virtual
Colonoscopy home7/r2207759/
Management of FAP/AFAP
  • 100 lifetime risk of CRC in FAP
  • Exact risk of CRC in AFAP remains unknown
    (general consensus is roughly 60-80)
  • Disease progression from adenoma to carcinoma is
    not accelerated
  • Colonoscopy
  • In AFAP, there is a sufficiently low number of
    colonic polyps to make polypectomy practical
  • Burt et all. Gastro. 2004127444-451.
  • EGD
  • Best treatment of gastric fundic gland polyps is
    presently unknown
  • Burt. Gastro 20031251462-1469.

When to Perform Colectomy?
  • In FAP patients, The American Society of Colon
    and Rectal Surgeons recommends colectomy between
    ages 15 to 18
  • Church and Simmang. Dis Colon Rectum, August
  • No clear consensus exists for AFAP
  • 15 year delay in onset of disease would suggest
    colectomy at age 30
  • In a series of 120 patient with AFAP by Burt et
    al., first CRC was at a mean age of 58 years
    (range of ages 29 to 81), with 12 patients over
    the age of 60 with intact colons
  • Burt et all. Gastro. 2004127444-451.

Type of Surgery
  • Three main surgical options
  • Colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis (IRA),
  • Proctocolectomy with ileostomy (TPC)
  • Proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis
  • As AFAP almost always spares the rectum, present
    consensus is for IRA, with subsequent
    surveillance by flexible sigmoidoscopy annually
  • Bülow et al. Gastro. 200011914541460.
  • Church and Simmang. Dis Colon Rectum, August 2003.

Pharmacologic Therapy
  • Treatment with sulindac and celecoxib may also
    reduce polyp burden
  • Giardiello et al. N Engl J Med 19933281313-1316.
  • Steinbach et al. N Engl J Med 2000342194652.
  • In 1999, FDA approves celecoxib as a treatment
    for patients with FAP
  • Dosage celecoxib 400 mg PO BID
  • To reduce the number of adenomatous colorectal
    polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP),
    as an adjunct to usual care (e.g., endoscopic
    surveillance, surgery).
  • FDA Application NDA 21-156 20-998/S007

Celecoxib and FAP
Steinbach et al. N Engl J Med 2000342194652.
Management of HNPCC
  • Life time risk of colon cancer is gt80
  • Disease progression from adenoma to carcinoma is
  • Burt. Gastro 20031251462-1469.
  • Given high prevalence of extracolonic
    malignancies, consider
  • Pap smears, transvaginal ultrasound, endometrial
    aspiration biopsy every 1-2 years
  • Urinalysis, urine cytology, and if abnormal,
    ultrasound /- cystoscopy every 1-2 years

Surgical Management of HNPCC
  • If colorectal cancer found, subtotal colectomy
    with ileorectal anastamosis is recommended, as
    metachronous lesions are common
  • Prophylactic colectomy is recommended, but no
    consensus exists on timing
  • Procotocolectomy should be considered in MSH2
    mutation, given higher rates of rectal
  • Kouraklis et al. Dig Dis Sci. 2005

CRC Survival Rates in HNPCC
  • 5 year survival rates for patients with HNPCC CRC
    is significantly better than for sporadic cases
    of CRC
  • Sankila et al. in 1996 followed 175 patients with
    genetically proven HNPCC CRC, compared to 14,086
    patients with sporadic CRC
  • 5 year survival rate in HNPCC 65 versus
    sporadic 44
  • Sankila et al. Gastro. 110682-687, 1997.

  • Genetic and familiar factors may account for up
    to 30 of colorectal cancers
  • While specific genetic defects are rarely
    identified (5 of cases), given the high
    malignant potential (80-100 lifetime risk of
    CRC), early recognition is vital
  • Many polyps ? think FAP
  • Few polyps ? think HNPCC (more common), but do
    not discount AFAP
  • Involve a genetic counselor early, and use
    genetic testing judiciously

Patient Follow-up
  • Patient had an EGD on 9/20/2004 to evaluate for
    gastric fundic gland polyps and periampullary
  • No significant lesions found
  • Patient underwent genetic counseling at Norris
    Comprehensive Cancer Center on 9/24/2004
  • Ultimately, the proband (the sister) underwent
    genetic testing via the Kaiser Permanente system
  • MLH1 mutation found

  • Dr. Andrew Stolz
  • Rebecca Zemetra
  • Roche Pharmaceuticals
  • This presentation is available at
  • http//

I have two questions.
Genetic Testing and Counseling
  • Dr. Andrew Stolz
  • Associate Professor of Medicine
  • USC Department of Internal Medicine
  • Division of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Risk - Benefits for Genetic Testing
Genetic Testing Strategy for BRC1/2
Pre-Test counseling session
Pt declines BRCA 1/2
Reinforce medical management Counsel as needed.
  • Post genetic testing session
  • Discuss option for medical management
  • Coping strategy for family members

Nature Cancer Rev 4153, 2004
Potential Outcomes of Genetic Testing
Screening Recommendation for APC Patients
  • Annual screening for hepatoblastoma up to age 5
  • Sigmoidoscopy every one to two years after age 10
  • Colonoscopy once polyps are detected.
  • Annual colonoscopy if colectomy is delayed more
    than a year after polyps emerge.
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) beginning when
    colonic polyposis is detected or by age 25.
  • Small bowel X-ray (small bowel enteroclysis or
    abdominal and pelvic CT with orally administered
    contrast) when duodenal adenomas are detected or
    prior to colectomy,
  • Attention to extraintestinal manifestations,
    usually for cosmetic concerns.
  • Annual physical examination including palpation
    of the thyroid.

Screening Recommendation for HNPCC Patients
  • Colon cancer. Colonoscopy every one to two
    years beginning between age 20-25 years or ten
    years before the earliest age of diagnosis in the
  • Gynecological cancer.  Endometrial cancer and
    ovarian cancer surveillance is less well
    established than that for colon cancer. In
    addition to an annual Pap smear and pelvic
    examination, annual transvaginal ultrasound
    examination, endometrial biopsy, and CA-125 blood
    test beginning between 25-30 years of age can be
  • Stomach and duodenum.  Upper endoscopy
    surveillance is available to for gastric and
    duodenal cancers. However, one study suggested no
    benefit from this because of the lack of
    identifiable precursor lesions.

  • Al Tassan et al. Inherited variants of MYH
    associated with somatic GC--gtTA mutations in
    colorectal tumors. Nat Genet. 2002
  • Bülow et al. Ileorectal anastomosis is
    appropriate for a subset of patients with
    familial adenomatous polyposis. Gastroenterology.
    2000 Dec119(6)1454-60.
  • Burt et al. Genetic testing and phenotype in a
    large kindred with attenuated familial
    adenomatous polyposis. Gastroenterology. 2004
  • Burt. Gastric fundic gland polyps.
    Gastroenterology. 2003 Nov125(5)1462-9.
  • Cao et al. Challenge in the differentiation
    between attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis
    and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
    case report with review of the literature. Am J
    Gastroenterol. 2002 Jul97(7)1822-7.
  • Church and Simmang. Practice parameters for the
    treatment of patients with dominantly inherited
    colorectal cancer (familial adenomatous polyposis
    and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer).
    Dis Colon Rectum. 2003 Aug46(8)1001-12.

  • Eisen et al. High-resolution chromoendoscopy for
    classifying colonic polyps a multicenter study.
    Gastrointest Endosc. 2002 May55(6)687-94.
  • Fearnhead et al. The ABC of APC. Hum Mol Genet.
    2001 Apr10(7)721-33.
  • Giardiello et al. Primary chemoprevention of
    familial adenomatous polyposis with sulindac. N
    Engl J Med. 2002 Apr 4346(14)1054-9.
  • Giardiello et al. Treatment of colonic and rectal
    adenomas with sulindac in familial adenomatous
    polyposis. N Engl J Med. 1993 May
  • Grady. Genetic testing for high-risk colon cancer
    patients. Gastroenterology. 2003
  • Hawk et al. Colorectal cancer chemoprevention--an
    overview of the science. Gastroenterology. 2004
  • Hernegger et al. Attenuated familial adenomatous
    polyposis an evolving and poorly understood
    entity. Dis Colon Rectum. 2002 Jan45(1)127-34
    discussion 134-6.
  • Jones et al. Biallelic germline mutations in MYH
    predispose to multiple colorectal adenoma and
    somatic GC--gtTA mutations. Hum Mol Genet. 2002
    Nov 111(23)2961-7.

  • Knudsen et al. Attenuated familial adenomatous
    polyposis (AFAP). A review of the literature. Fam
    Cancer. 20032(1)43-55.
  • Kouraklis G, Misiakos EP. Hereditary nonpolyposis
    colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome) criteria for
    identification and management.
  • Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Feb50(2)336-44.
  • Leppert et al. Genetic analysis of an inherited
    predisposition to colon cancer in a family with a
    variable number of adenomatous polyps. N Engl J
    Med. 1990 Mar 29322(13)904-8.
  • Lynch et al. Phenotypic variation in colorectal
    adenoma/cancer expression in two families.
    Hereditary flat adenoma syndrome. Cancer. 1990
    Sep 166(5)909-15.
  • Spirio et al. Alleles of the APC gene an
    attenuated form of familial polyposis. Cell. 1993
    Dec 375(5)951-7.
  • Steinbach et al. The effect of celecoxib, a
    cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, in familial
    adenomatous polyposis. N Engl J Med. 2000 Jun
  • Wang et al. MYH mutations in patients with
    attenuated and classic polyposis and with
    young-onset colorectal cancer without polyps.
    Gastroenterology. 2004 Jul127(1)9-16.

  • Dr. Andrew Stolz
  • Rebecca Zemetra
  • Roche Pharmaceuticals
  • This presentation is available at
  • http//
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