Title: Australian Museum CANRI Projects 200001
1Australian Museum CANRI Projects 2000/01
Summary of Presentations to CANRI Board 9
November 2001 by Michael Elliott
2Fauna Identification Keys Project (Hardcopy of
3This is the Hardcopy keys database in MS Access.
This main form displays the reference and author,
while the subform shows the keys included in the
4Online Search Existing Taxonomic Keys
5This is the Web Search existing keys database in
MS Access. This is the front screen.
6This is the Web Search existing keys database in
MS Access. This is the top of the organisation
front screen containing the details of the key.
Clicking on the Products button in the database
will take you to the next screen.
7This is the Web Search existing keys database in
MS Access. This is the products screen showing
the key(s) available at the site.
8Fauna Identification Toolbox Project
9This is the front screen of the Heteroptera key
10This is the main screen of the key where users
can browse the characters and decide which ones
they want to use.
11These are the choices available to the user for
the character Head shape. They compare their
specimen to the bug and decide which image it
most closely resembles. They do this for all
character states.
12When they reach the end of the key an information
page is available showing an image and some text.
13Master Names List for Fauna of NSW
14This is the front page of the FaunaNet query
system. The user types in a search term (in
this case possum) and clicks enter below. The
system searches through the MNL before returning
the query with the ability to map museum data
15This is the returned search screen showing the
different responses for possum. Clicking on the
map icon will map the data points.
16This shows the taxonomic information for the
species Pseudocheirus peregrinus.