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Types of bottom up models. For cellular automata in particular. Theoretical concerns ... Blinkers, ponds, gliders, shuttling bees, puffer trains ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Dr Claire H. Jarvis, chj2_at_le.ac.uk

The next three lectures
  • Introduction Categories of models
  • Focusing on bottom-up models
  • Types of bottom up models
  • For cellular automata in particular
  • Theoretical concerns
  • Practical applications
  • Advantages disadvantages of cellular automata
    for environmental modelling
  • A glimpse beyond cellular automata
  • Practical work
  • Cellular automata model for land use change
    in Bolivia

Categories of environmental model
Categories of environmental model
  • Environmental models may be categorised in a
    variety of ways (e.g. Burrough et al 1996,
    Heuvelink 1998, Steyaert 1993).

Complexity of form
Dependent Independent
Physical Complex
conceptual Simple conceptual
Cell Block Global
Important axes include stochastic/ deterministic,
inductive/ deductive, bottom-up/ top-down
Model types
Bottom-up models are particularly, but not
exclusively or necessarily, used for stochastic
modelling. We shall indeed approach
stochasticity, but for now consider the following
Top-down models (equations) Bottom-up models
(A-life models)
Cellular automata, a primitive class of A-Life
(artificial life) model, are always developed
from the bottom-up
Why consider model taxonomies?
  • To provide a framework within which you can place
    the different techniques
  • Useful to weigh up the strengths and weaknesses
    of the various model types.
  • No one model type will be best for all
  • Transfer knowledge between different application
    areas of the environmental sciences (Skidmore
    2002, p8)
  • Reminder of the many uncertainties surrounding
    the modelling process
  • You might build a model with which you are well
    pleased, but others might approach the subject
    from a different but equally valid perspective

Skidmore, A. (2002) Taxonomy of environmental
models in the spatial sciences, In Environmental
Modelling with GIS and Remote Sensing, Taylor
Francis, London, p8-25.
Cellular automataEquations vs CA models
  • This module deliberately introduces both top-down
    environmental models rooted in equations and
    bottom-up cellular automata models
  • This part of the module focuses on the
    possibilities of cellular automata. You need to
    consider what these models are, when these models
    might be most appropriately used and how. Neither
    equations nor artificial life models are a
    universal modellers panacea!
  • Viewing geographical problems and models from
    different perspectives is healthy and
    cross-comparisons provide further stimulation of
    research and debate

Models based on the principles of artificial life
  • Artificial life is the study of how to create
    man-made systems that behave as if they are
  • Rucker (1993 p5, In Openshaw Openshaw 1997
  • We can describe artificial life as the study of
    artificially created systems that embody at least
    some of the behaviours of real life
  • Prata (1993 p1, In Openshaw Openshaw 1997 p239)

Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Artificial life models
  • Examples of this type of model, rooted in
    biological principles, include
  • Cellular automata (Behaviour of simple cells)
  • Genetic algorithms (Complex swapping of
  • Neural networks (Inspired by brain cell

These three lectures focus on the simplest
category of these a-life models the cellular
Potential significance of A-Life technologies
  • They may lead to a better understanding of
    natures self-organising laws and the nature of
    life, with enormous philosophical and practical
  • They may lead to self-replicating factories
  • They may carry life to the next level of
  • A rich source of inspiration for new types of
    research on artificial intelligence
  • Creations of artificial life may be useful in
    their own right.

(Prata 1993, In Openshaw Openshaw 1997 p240)
Cellular automata
Cellular AutomataHistory (1)
  • The THEORY of cellular automata was introduced in
    the late 1940s by John von Neumann and
    Stanislaw Ulam, working at the Los Alamos
    National Laboratory in the United States (von
    Neumann, 1966 Toffoli, 1987)
  • PRACTICAL aspects of CAs were developed in the
    late 1960s when John Horton Conway developed the
    Game of Life (Gardner, 1970) and with the
    increased popularity of the computer

Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Cellular AutomataHistory (2)
  • Much interest in CAs has been sparked by the work
    of Wolfram during the 1980s
  • The use of artificial life models in the
    geographical sciences more generally can be
    attributed to the work of Chris Langton at the
    Santa Fe Institute

Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Cellular automataWhat are they? (1)
  • The cellular automaton consists of a line of
    cells, each colored either black or white. At
    every step there is then a definite rule that
    determines the color of a given cell from the
    color of that cell and its immediate left and
    right neighbors on the step before.
  • Stephen Wolfram (A New Kind of Science, 2002)

Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Using various simple rules, Stephen Wolfram
generates a variety of complex images generated
from a simple base
Rule 30
Rule 2
Rule 18

See Wolfram(2002), pp51-114
Lets work through a simple two-dimensional
example ourselves
Game of life (Mathematician John Conway)
  • A cell becomes live if it is surrounded by three
    life neighbours
  • Cell becomes dead if surrounded by more than
    three (overcrowding) or less than two (isolation)
  • The number of life sites fluctuates over time
    according to a power law until steady state is

Starting point
After 10 iterations
Graphics from Engelen, http// )
Game of life Potential patterns
  • The cell patterns resulting from the initial
    configuration of 0/1 have been given all sorts of
  • Blinkers, ponds, gliders, shuttling bees, puffer
  • Wolframs (2002) book discusses many of these
    phenomena in more detail
  • There are a number of Internet sites where you
    can try creating your own universes
  • The purpose of this modelling course is to
    explore build custom-build universes that
    demonstrate geographical purposes

Cellular automataWhat are they? (2)
More formally
Consider a space divided into cells, where each
cell is repeatedly "updated" to a new state in an
evolving sequence. A program of this nature is
specifically called a cellular automaton when it
is 1) parallel, 2) local, and 3) homogeneous.
Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Cellular automataWhat are they? (3)
  • Parallelism - the individual cell updates are
    performed independently of each other, i.e. all
    of the updates are done at once
  • Locality - when a cell is updated, its new value
    is based solely on the old values of the cell and
    of its nearest neighbours.
  • (3) Homogeneity - each cell is updated according
    to the same rules.

Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Cellular automataWhat are they? (4)
Importantly, using a CA, a complex system is not
described using complex equations, but rather
complexity emerges through the interaction of
simple individuals (cells) following simple
rules. A localised rather than centralised
mindset is adopted. There is no global
blueprint but one emerges bottom-up (Openshaw
Openshaw 1997)
Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Major elements of cellular automata
Cell space The space is composed of individual
cells. Theoretically, these cells may be in any
geometric shape. Cell states The states of
each cell may represent any spatial variable,
e.g. the various types of land use. Time steps
A CA will evolve at a sequence of discrete time
steps. At each step, the cells will be updated
simultaneously based on transition rules.
Transition rules A transition rule normally
specifies the states of cell before and after
updating based on its neighbourhood conditions.
White, R., and G. Engelen, 2000,
High-resolution integrated modeling of the
spatial dynamics of urban and regional systems,
Computer, Environment and Urban Systems
Major elements of cellular automata (1)Cell space
  • Theoretically, cells may be in any geometric
  • Most CA adopt regular grids to represent such
    space, which make CA very similar to a raster
  • Recent work in GIScience by Wu challenges this
    notion, and looks at x spaces

Major elements of cellular automata (2) Cell
  • The states of each cell may represent any
    spatial variable.
  • In your practical exercises, as for much of the
    geographical literature, the states that you will
    consider will be various types of land use.
  • Land use is a discrete state.

Major elements of cellular automata (3) Time
  • As you saw in the Game of Life example, a CA
    will evolve at a sequence of discrete time steps.
  • At each step, the cells will be updated
    simultaneously based on transition rules.
  • These transition rules may alter across time.
  • In the special case of the reversible cellular
    automata, at any time-step of the development the
    rules may to go forwards or backwards in time
    without losing any information.

Major elements of cellular automata (4)
Transition rules
  • Establishing transition rules is a key issue
    when building cellular automata
  • Transition parameters include
  • The neighbourhood
  • The nature of the transition

Transition rules The neighbourhood (1)
  • What configuration of neighbourhood?
  • The neighbourhood need not be square, but may be
    circular or hexagonal or even triangular
  • The Margolus Neighbourhood takes a different
    approach considers 2x2 cells of a lattice at

Neumann Moore
(Figures from A. Schalten, http//www.ifs.tuwien.a
c.at/aschatt/info/ca/Behav_Univers, Accessed 21
October 2003)
Transition rules The neighbourhood (2)
  • How broad is the neighbourhood?
  • Should this extend only to the neighbouring
    cells, or beyond them?
  • Should the neighbourhood be symmetrical?

Moore Extended Moore
(Figures from A. Schalten, http//www.ifs.tuwien.a
c.at/aschatt/info/ca/Behav_Univers, Accessed 21
October 2003)
Transition rules Nature of transition
  • Standard rules
  • Every group of states of the neighbourhood cells
    is related a state of the core cell
  • Totalistic Rules
  • The state of the next state core cell is only
    dependent upon the sum of the states of the
    neighbourhood cells and not their individual
  • Legal Rules
  • Related to totalistic rules, these cover the
    special case where all cells start with the same
    state. Essentially, these rules are the subset of
    totalistic rules that enforce a change of state
    where applied

Classes of CA
"...many (perhaps all) cellular automata fall
into four basic behaviour classes.", Stephen
Wolfram (Wolfram, 1984) Class 1 Reaches a
unique state from limited points Class 2
Creates repeating patterns Class 3 - Creates
chaotic, a-periodic patterns which re often
self-similar (fractal) in nature Class 4 - More
complex behaviour, irreversible, die after
initially stable period (After A.
Schalten, http//www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/aschatt/inf
o/ca/Behav_Univers, Accessed 21 October 2003)
Real problems need to hit here
On the edge of chaos (Langton)
Too simple
Too chaotic
Cellular automataWhat relevance to geography?
  • CAs are inherently spatial, incorporating the
    intrinsically spatial concept of the
  • Relationships can be seen between CAs and earlier
    work such as Tobler's (1979) cellular geography,
    raster GIS models and Hagerstrand's (1968)
    diffusion models.
  • The relevance of CAs to geography depends on the
    extent to which simple rules underlie the
    apparent complexity of geographical systems
    particularly human systems
  • CAs may be seen as a simple way of integrating
    time into GIS/spatial data structures.

Environmental Modelling GY7202 PROBABILISTIC
Cellular automataWhy not continue with
equations? (1)
  • In many models it is common to refer to the
    derivative of a variable with respect to
    population size N. It assumes that N is large,
    not good when modelling small population effects
  • Equations are generally poor at dealing with
    highly non-linear effects such as thresholding or
    if-then-else conditionals, which arise very
    frequently in the description of animal and human
  • It would take tens to hundreds of lines of
    equations to express even a simple model of many
    geographical processes as a function of the many
    genetic, memory and environmental variables that
    affect their behaviour

(After Taylor Jefferson, 1996, p5-6)
Cellular automataWhy not continue with
equations? (2)
  • Most differential equations, especially of the
    real world, have no closed form solution
  • One of the well known CA-scientists Tommaso
    Toffoli contributed to this problematic (Toffoli,
  • "... in modeling physics with the traditional
    approach, we start for historical reasons ...
    with mathematical machinery that probably has
    much more than we need, and we have to spend much
    effort disabling these 'advanced features' so
    that we can get our job done in spite of them."

(After A. Schalten, http//www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/a
schatt/info/ca/Behav_Univers, Accessed 21
October 2003)
  • Practical steps to consider when building a
    cellular automata model
  • Applications of cellular automata, with a focus
    on land use change

  • Wolfram, S. (2002) A new kind of science
  • Two dimensions and beyond, Chapter 5, pp169-221
  • Implications for everyday systems, Chapter 8,
    pp 363-432.
  • Resnick, M. (1997) Turtles, Termites, and
    Traffic Jams, MIT Press, pp163.
  • Openshaw, S., Openshaw, C. (1997) Artificial
    intelligence in Geography
  • Artificial Life, Chapter 8, p236-266
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