Title: Sheila Porter
1PowerPoint Presentation III Making Machines and
Observing Functionality
- Sheila Porter
- Intel Ireland
2Session 6 Making Machines
- Understanding the session
- Exploration of the mechanics of simple machines
- Practical based lesson in which the student
builds different types of toys using basic
The session is broken down into 3
sections Section A Design, Build, Make It
Go Section B Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts and
Belts Section C Using Motors to Produce Motion
3Activity 5A Rolling Kit
Goal To allow students to become more familiar
with the ideas behind basic mechanics, how energy
can be stored, transferred and transformed. Outcom
e Make a Rolling toy which can travel 1-1.5
metres as an introduction to mechanical
engineering. Preparation To do this you will
need One Rolling Kit per student Materials
required (Rolling Kit) 1 film canister with
lid, with holes (8mm 10mm Ø) drilled in both
ends 2 Rubber bands (6.5cm) 2 small washers 1
piece of thick drinking straw
Session 6, Activity A
4Building the Rolling Toy
See Design and Discovery Website - Resources
Note If film canisters are unavailable use empty
coke cans
5Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts Belts
- Students
- Are introduced to the concepts of mechanical
engineering - explore the mechanics of simple machines and
learn that most mechanical devices are really a
set of simple machines working together - learn how machine action can be transferred or
change direction by experimenting with gears,
wheels and belts, and crankshafts
6Example of a Crankshaft Toy
See Design and Discovery Website - Resources
7- Materials
- Small milk carton
- 3 pieces of
- 16-gauge steel wire
- - 1 x 20cm long
- - 2 x 7cm long
- 1 straw
- Insulating tape for crank handle
- Needle nose pliers
8The Session ends with the students building a
Wacky Racer
Can you build a Wacky Racer?