Title: Network Visualization by Semantic Substrates
1Network Visualization by Semantic Substrates
- Aleks Aris
- Ben Shneiderman
- Graph Drawing Aesthetics
- Node Placement Methods
- Challenges of Network Visualization
- Semantic Substrates
- Demo
- Questions Answers
3Graph Drawing Aesthetics
- Minimize edge crossings
- Draw links as straight as possible
- Maximize minimum angle
- Maximize symmetry
- Minimize longest link
- Minimize drawing area
- Centralize high-degree nodes
- Distribute nodes evenly
- Maximize convexity (of polygons)
- Keep multi-link paths as straight as possible
Source 9 Davidson Harel
4Node Placement Methods
- Node-link diagrams
- Force-directed
- Geographical maps
- Circular layouts
- One or multiple concentric
- Temporal layouts
- Clustering
- Layouts based on node attributes (later)
- Matrix-based representations
5Force-directed Layout
- Also known as Spring
- Spreads nodes
- Minimizes chance of node occlusion
Source www.visualthesaurus.com
6Geographical Map
SeeNet, Becker et al.
- Familiar location of nodes
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (100)
7Circular Layouts (1 circle)
Schemaball, Martin Krzywinski
- Ex Schemaball
- Database schema
- Tables connected via foreign keys
Source http//mkweb.bcgsc.ca/schemaball/?home
8Circular Layouts (concentric)
Radial Tree Viewer, Nihar Sheth
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (26)
9Circular (concentric) Temporal
Hudson Bay Food Web
Source http//www.itk.ca/environment/tek-ecologic
10Temporal Layout
Source 16 Garfield, Historiographic mapping
of knowledge
Vizster, Heer et al.
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (85)
12Hierarchical Clustering
Source 33 Schaffer, et al.
13Matrix-based Layout
VisAdj, Ghoniem et al.
- Ex VisAdj (Ghoniem, et al.)
- column source vertex
- row target vertex
Source 17 Ghoniem et al., IEEE
14Challenges of Network Visualization
- C1) Basic networks nodes and links
- C2) Node labels
- e.g. article title, book author, animal name
- C3) Link labels
- e.g. Strength of connection, type of link
- C4) Directed networks
- C5) Node attributes
- Categorical (e.g. mammal/reptile/bird/fish/insect)
- Ordinal (e.g. small/medium/large)
- Numerical (e.g. age/weight)
- C6) Link Attributes
- Categorical (e.g. car/train/boat/plane)
- Ordinal (e.g. weak/normal/strong)
- Numerical (e.g. probability/length/time to
15C1) Basic Networks (nodes links)
Power Law Graph, Linyuan Lu
- Power Law Graph
- 5000 nodes
- Uniformly distributed
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (135)
16C1) Basic Networks (continued)
Vizster, Heer et al.
- Social friendship network
- 3 degrees from Heer
- 47,471 people
- 432,430 relations
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (97)
17C2) Node Labels
Internet Industry Partnerships, Valdis Krebs
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (168)
250 nodes
- Adding labels
- Nodes overlap with other nodes
- Nodes overlap with links
18C3) Link Labels
Netscan, Marc Smith
- Challenges
- Length
- Space
- Belongingness
- Distinction from other labels other types of
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (127)
19C4) Directed Networks
Yeast Protein Interaction
- Direction
- arrows
- labels
- Thickness
- color
SeeNet, Becker et al.
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (127)
Source 1 Becker et al.
20C5 C6) Node Link Attributes
CIA World Factbook Visualization, Moritz Stefaner
Source www.visualcomplexity.com (192)
- Value of node attribute indicated by node shape
- Value of link attribute indicated by a letter
21Semantic Substrates
- Group nodes into regions
- according to one attribute
- Categorical, ordinal, or binned numerical
- In each region
- place nodes according to other attribute(s)
- Advantages
- Location conveys meaning, interpretable
- Instant perception of
- different types of nodes
- their relative number
- connections between different groups of nodes
- Limitations
- Beyond 5 regions becomes challenging
- Constraint on nodes interferes with aesthetics
23Thank you!
24Questions Answers
25(No Transcript)
26NVSS Network Visualization by Semantic Substrates
27Comparison with Fruchterman-Reingold
28Filtering Links by source-target
29Filtering links by time attribute (1)
30Filtering links by time attribute (2)
31Overlapped Links
32Three Regions
- Links from District Courts
- Indicates longevity of cases (short to long)
- District
- Circuit
- Supreme
- 1280x1024
- 1,122 nodes
- 7,645 links
34Using a third attribute in regions
- 13 circuits for both Circuit and District Courts
- Horizontally separated
- Reveals that links remain mostly within a circuit
although there are some across (lateral citations)