Title: Promoting Regeneration in Merseyside: Structural Funds and Trams
1Promoting Regeneration in Merseyside Structural
Funds and Trams
- Anne McGregor, Steer Davies Gleave
- Thursday 20th November, 2003
- Merseyside Social and Economic Context
- Objective 1 Programme 2000 2006 in Merseyside
- Merseytram Achieving Regeneration Objectives
for Merseyside - Utilising the Structural and Cohesion Funds
3Where is Merseyside?
- North West of England
- Bordered by Wales
- 5 Local Authorities
- 655 Square Kilometres
- 1.5 Million Residents
- Liverpool Urban Centre
- European Capital of Culture 2008
- Home of the Beatles
- 450,000 Residents
4Merseyside Social and Economic Context
- One of the poorest urban areas in the UK
- Low economic activity
- High levels of unemployment, income and education
- Pathways Areas
- Established under previous Objective 1 Programme
- 38 Community Economic Development Areas
- Suffer from high levels of depravation
5Merseyside A Snapshot
6Objective 1 Programme 2000 2006 in Merseyside
- Designated Objective 1 area for second period
- Region under-performing against EU average GDP
per head of population - Will receive 1.3 billion between 2000 and 2006
from Objective 1 Programme - Along with public and private sector
contributions the Programme will be worth an
estimated 3.3 billion
7Global Objectives
- The Vision To Create A World Class City-Region
that attracts people to live, work, invest and
visit - To raise GDP per capita to UK level
- To bring unemployment levels in Merseyside in
line with UK levels - To bring level of unemployment in Pathways areas
into line with Merseyside levels - Four Priorities identified to deliver these
global objectives
8Objective 1 Programme Regeneration Focus
- Spatially Targeted
- Strategic Investment Areas
- 38 Pathways Areas
- Creating jobs and improving opportunities for
people to access employment
9Objective 1 Priorities Key Investment Areas
- Priority 1 Developing Business
- Priority 2 Developing People
- Priority 3 Developing Locations
- Priority 4 Developing Pathways Communities
- Key Investment areas
- Infrastructure and essential facilities
- Transport infrastructure
- Under-developed key sites
- Along main Gateways / Corridors
- Better Access, Communications and Transport Links
- Better Access to Economic Areas
10Merseytram Proposed Tram Routes in Merseyside
11Merseytram Line 1
- Specifically developed to address Objective 1
issues - Connects 2 Strategic Investment Areas (where the
aim is to create 10,000 jobs) - Passes through 6 Pathways Areas (total population
of 156,750) - Enhances public transport accessibility to the
City Centre - Promotes social inclusion in Pathways Areas
12How Does Merseytram Best Fit With the Priorities?
- Priority 3 Measure 24 Improving Communications
- Contribute to the social and economic
regeneration through a transport strategy based
on investment in public transport - The scheme will
- Improve access to employment
- Secure additional business investment and
employment - Link areas of need and opportunity
- Increase public transports modal share and
reduce car use
13How Does Merseytram Best Fit With the Priorities?
- Priority 3, Measure 21 Liverpool City Centre
- Supports the development of Liverpool into a
premier European city - The scheme will
- Assist regeneration of the City Centre and
Waterfront - Enable city centre employers to have better
access to staff - Create links between the city centre and areas of
14How Does Merseytram Best Fit With the Priorities?
- Priority 4, Measure 29 - Creating / Accessing
Opportunities in Pathways Areas - Contributes to the reduction of disparities
between Pathways areas through supporting actions
to improve economic and social opportunities,
improving the quality of life and building
sustainable neighbourhoods and vibrant
communities - The scheme will
- Assist the regeneration through enhancing
linkages between key areas - Improve access to employment for 21 of Pathways
15Current Status of Merseytram Project
- Preliminary application for ERDF Funding accepted
- Main application currently being processed
- Consideration given to applying for the funding
under different Measures - Other project currently applying for funding from
the same Measure - Final application for 25 million from Measure 24
16Structural Funds Significant Resource for
Acceding Countries
- Over 20 billion available across sectors for
Central European applicants - Funds must be disbursed by 2006
- Successful project applicants have 2 years to
realise their projects and draw down the
commitment - If a commitment is not used within this period
the money will be decommitted
17Utilising the Structural Funds Successfully -
Lessons Learned from Experience in Merseyside
- Able to understand the aims and objectives of the
Programme, Priorities and Measures - Must show adequately that the project meets the
objectives of the Measure - Consider applying for money from different
Measures - Innovative thinking will allow successful
utilisation of the funds
18Contact details
- Steer Davies Gleave
- 26-32 Upper Ground
- London SE1 9PD
- Tel 44 (0) 20 7919 8500
- Fax 44 (0) 20 7827 9855
- www.steerdaviesgleave.com