Title: Welcome to Day 3 of Elementary InTech
1Welcome to Day 3 of Elementary InTech
Georgia Framework for INtegrating TECHnology in
the Student-Centered Classroom
Instructor Name
2Welcome to Multimedia Day! We will be
publishing a slideshow, using the scanner, and
digital camera today.
3Objectives/Daily Activities
- Create a multimedia presentation.
- Digital pictures from the rain forest.
- Postcards from the rain forest.
4Software Applications
- Kid Pix Studio
- Microsoft Word
- Scanner
- Digital Camera
5Morning Activities
- Check email at www.yahoo.com
- Reply to Email Day 3
- Type and save your journal response. Save as
journal3.doc. - Check the weather conditions.
- Read the online article.
- Create a shortcut on your desktop to your folder
on the server. Forgot how? See next slide.
6To Create a Shortcut
- At your desktop go to
- My Computer
- Shared on Edtech ( P drive)
- Elementary Intech
- 1Intech Participants
- Open your section
- Right click on your name Send to Desktop - ok
7Journal Topic
- How have your beliefs about teaching, learning,
and technology integration evolved throughout the
InTech training? How has your vision changed? How
has your teaching changed?
8Weather Conditions
- Go to www.weather.com and check the weather for
your zipcode and Manaus, Brazil. Record this
information on Day 1, pg 40.
9New Ideas Database(in a one computer classroom)
- Today we will continue using our database. This
will be an ongoing activity. - Classroom Management Been There Done That with
Post it Notes.
10Electronic On-line Journals
- The second journal article will be shared this
morning. Make sure you are prepared to share your
thoughts on the Day 2 article. The computer will
randomly select someone to share!
11Question of the Day I am a tree that forms
stilt-like roots and, over a period of time, I
pick myself up on them "walking" out from under
fallen trees or toward light. I am the only plant
that plants itself wherever I want to! Who am
12If you finish before 830
- Make sure you have
- Signed in.
- Read the online journal article.
- Checked the weather.
- Rotated to the New Ideas Database!
- Created your shortcut on the desktop!
- Question of the Day!