Title: Selection on Quantitative Traits
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2Selection on Quantitative Traits
- The number of loci that contribute to variation
in a character may be less than the number that
actually contribute to its development. - Futuyma, p 301
3Swallowtail polymorphism
4Heliconius mimicry
5Heliconius genetics of mimicry
- Multiple loci
- H. erato (15) and H. melpomene (12)
- Loci are scattered on different chromosomes not
linked - Mating between forms produces diverse (and
unsuccessful) intermediates
6How are genes influencing QT identified?
- QTL mapping
- More complex than on-off or single-gene
approach - Measures association between variation in a
phenotype and a genetic marker - Reveals
- Number of loci influencing a QT
- Magnitude of their effects on the QT
- Location in the genome
7Genetic markers (X,Y,Z) on different strains
8Which chromosome contributes to variation?
9Juenger et al., 2005. Quantitative trait loci
mapping of floral and leaf morphology traits in
Arabidopsis thaliana . . .. Evolution
Development 7259-271.
10Genomic positions of QTL for floral and leaf
characters Juenger et al.
11General conclusions about QTL
- Variation may be influenced by dozens of loci
- 53 QTL for Drosophila bristle number
- Loci vary in intensity of effect
- Diverse genetic mechanisms for affecting
variation - Additive effects
- Epistatic effects
- Gene-environment interactions
12How do we add this complexity to models of
population genetics?
- It depends
- How many loci are involved?
- Do the loci assort independently, or as a group?
13Questions about linkage disequilibrium
- What is linkage disequilibrium?
- Why is this phenomenon important?
- How is linkage disequilibrium measured?
- What factors influence change in linkage
disequilibrium? - How are linkage disequilibrium and natural
selection related?
14What is linkage disequilibrium?
- LD addresses relations among different genes
(loci) on same chromosome type (e.g., Chromosome
1, X Chromosome) - When genotypes of one locus are distributed
independently of genotypes at another locus, the
two loci are in linkage equilibrium - Linkage disequilibrium is anything else
15Crossing-over disconnects loci on a chromatid,
creating new haplotypes
16How is L.-D. measured?
- Count each haplotype in the population
- e.g., AB Ab aB ab
- Calculate frequencies (the proportion of all
chromosomes represented by each haplotype) - gAB gAb gaB gab
- Coefficient of Linkage Disequilibrium D
- D gABgab gAb gaB
17Linkage disequilibrium tends to decline (loci
appear to assort independently)
- What reduces physical linkage?
- Crossing over during meiosis
- Sexual reproduction is required
- genetic recombination results from
- shuffling of chromosomes
- crossing over within chromosomes
18An experimental test of L.-D. theory
19Why is L.-D. observed in nature?
- New mutations in asexually reproducing
populations - Selection on multilocus genotypes
- e.g., genes influencing mimicry
- Population admixture
- Genetic drift
20How does L.-D. influence selection?
- What if . . . a new, beneficial mutation is
linked with a deleterious allele? - What if . . . a new, nasty mutation is linked
with a beneficial allele? - Can single-locus models predict evolutionary
21Response to selection for a simple QT
22Can we quantify the response of QT to selection?
- Selection differential the difference in average
phenotype between the general population and the
surviving subset - Selection gradient the shift in relative fitness
for the starting population and surviving subset
23Selection events for Eurosta
24Selection differential vs response high h
25Selection differential vs response low h
26Response to Selection
- The response to selection will depend on
- The selection differential (S)
- The heritability of the trait (h2)
- R h2S
27What about selection on correlated characters?
- What are correlated characters?
- Why might selection on one trait depend on the
form of a different character?
28Correlated characters Selection Surfaces
Adaptive landscape