Title: Ship Structural FE Analysis
1Ship StructuralFE Analysis
2Global Model
- Full global FE model
- DNV rules for high speed craft requirement for
Vessels gt 50m in length
Global model
3Design Loads - Multihull
Still Water Longitudinal hogging
moment Longitudinal sagging moment Transverse
split PCM Combined Longitudinal and PCM
Global model
4Design Loads - Monohull
Still Water Longitudinal hogging
moment Longitudinal sagging moment Torsion moment
Transverse racking
Global model
5Design Loads
- Based on Class Rules design values should be
agreed between designer and class society prior
to final analysis - Alternative loads based on hydrodynamic analysis
motions and loads calculations e.g. DNV program
Global model
6Design Loads
Hydrostatically balance vessel on wave Using
correct weight distribution (inc. dynamic
component) Determine sea forces
Global model
7Design Loads
- Necessary to show
- Required maximum BM
- Max shear at approx ΒΌ vessel length
- LCG approx in line with LCB
- If constraints used negligible reaction forces
Global model
- Model covers complete ship
- Geometrical hull shape
- Transverse bulkheads
- Decks
- Torsional box structures
Global model
9Modelling - Elements
Size, type and number of elements selected to
ensure effects of bending, shear and torsion of
the hull beam fully accounted for. If 4 noded
elements used typically max 3 elements per
longitudinal frame spacing and 3 per tier. Aspect
ratio of 13 is acceptable.
Global model
10Simplified Modelling
- Simplified modelling is acceptable must be
clearly identified, e.g. - curved plate modelled straight
- stiffeners lumped to nearest mesh line
- masses lumped as discrete points
- representation of cut-outs
Global model
11Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions may reflect symmetry
Attention should be paid to stresses and
deflections resulting from the modelled BCs BCs
checked to ensure that they are in balance
without reaction forces and only rigid body
motions are prevented
Global model
12Boundary Conditions
Inertial relief may be best option for
restraining model. This constraint provides
stability by internally calculating and applying
an acceleration based on system mass to
counteract any unconstrained DOFs as
specified. (remember global accelerations will
need to be applied to the model to simulate
quasi-dynamic situation)
Global model
13Design Criteria
- Allowable global stresses
- Special attention to structural discontinuities
esp. where coarse element mesh or simplifications
in modelling - Combination of global and local stresses
- Buckling capacity of various panels, stiffeners
and girder systems as per class rules
Global model
14Local Model Analysis
Transverse web frame analysis, for typical frame
in the midship region, is DNV rules for high
speed craft requirement for vessels lt 50m in
For larger vessels several sections along length
of vessel should be considered
Local model
15Load Conditions
- Sea pressure, max load on decks (LC1)
- Symmetric bottom slamming (LC2)
- Asymmetric bottom slamming (LC3 LC4)
- Flat cross structure slamming (LC5)- multihull
only - Transverse racking (LC6) - monohull only
- Asymmetric deck load (LC7)
Local model
- Analyse structural strength of transverse web
frame - Length of one compartment in midship area
- From baseline to upper deck
- Extend from centre of one compartment to centre
of next compartment
Local model
17Modelling - Elements
- Mesh fineness and element types must be
sufficient to represent deformation pattern of
actual structure with respect to - effective flange (shear lag)
- bending deformation of beam structures
- 3-d response of curved regions
Local model
18Modelling Shear Lag
Compressive strain in upper edge and Tensile
strain in lower edge
Strain in flanges Strain in web at
flange/web join
Result -gt shear loading to edge of each flange
Local model
19Modelling - Elements
- Mesh fineness should represent true web frame
structure - Model plating, webs and flanges as separate
elements - 3 elements per height of web of frame
- Aspect ratio 13 is acceptable
- With curved flanges, element length stiffener
spacing - In areas with discontinuities, e.g. ends of
flanges, brackets, use increased mesh fineness
Local model
20Boundary Conditions
- Symmetry conditions to be applied at each end of
model - If only half of breadth then symmetry conditions
to be applied at centre line - To obtain a balanced model use may be made of
spring elements to restrain at boundaries
Local model
21Boundary Conditions
Local model
22Boundary Conditions
- Combine compartment model to beam simulating rest
of vessel - Joined using rigid elements
- Use inertial relief solution
Local model
23Design Criteria
- Allowable stresses dynamic loads and static
loads - Plate buckling of girder plate flange
Local model
24Additional Models Waterjet Ducts
- Reaction forces from waterjet nozzles transmitted
into hull structure. Critical for strength and
fatigue - Load cases
- - Crash stop
- - max reversing load
- - max steering load
- - unit accelerated as cantilever in pitching
Local model
25ISSC Study FE Analysis of Transverse Frame
- Performed 9 analyses of the same tanker
transverse frame - Variety of programs, meshes, boundary condition
methods etc. - Deflection of bottom transverse ranged from 5.5
mm to 44.0 mm - Axial stress in flange ranged from 180 MPa to 227
Local model