Title: The Relevance of Libraries in the 21st century
1The Relevance of Libraries in the 21st century
- Leanne Cameron
- Macquarie University
- Leanne.Cameron_at_mq.edu.au
- The need for the library as a physical building
has gone. - We need multi-functional teachers, not
specialist support staff. Flexibility is the
key. We can no longer afford one-trick ponies.
3Is there a future for libraries?
4Macquarie Universitys New Library
5(No Transcript)
6Is there a future for schools?
7 Where we are headed today
- What do we know about our current learners and
how they have changed - introducing the "Net Gen" - How does effective learning take place now and
what is the role of learning spaces? - How might this be applied to the school context?
- Should we reshape our school libraries?
- An e-library perhaps?
8What do we know about how we learn?
- Learning changes the physical structure of the
brain - Learning organises and reorganizes the structure
of the brain
9Marc Prensky(Digital Natives, Digital
- Todays students think and process information
fundamentally differently. - Many of our current teachers are struggling to
teach a population that speaks an entirely new
language. - www.marcprensky.com
10The Net Gen students are used to receiving
information really fast
BA (Google) Graduating to information literacy
- Research involves three steps
- finding relevant information,
- assessing the quality of that information, and
then - using appropriate information either to try to
conclude something, to uncover something, or to
argue something. - The Internet is useful for the first step,
somewhat useful for the second, and not at all
useful for the third. - Beth Stafford (1999)
Tara Brabazon
11Your students have a problem
- Too much information,
- It takes too long to find reliable, relevant
information - Learn from the success stories
- Amazon.com has made a science of user
engagement - Harness your students to annotate YOUR data
- (refer Tim OReilly blog)
12Net Geners parallel process and multi-task
they prefer random access
- Non-linear learning, multi-tasking
- how do teachers cope when this is
incompatible with current teaching practice. - Primary versus Secondary schools
- (have a look at the ICT success stories)
13And they function best when networked
- Students want to talk all the time
- F2f, on the mobile, MSN
- often at the same time
- These students dont want to observe,
- they want to participate
14How does effective learning take place
now? Lets talk about it.
EFMA_EvolutionOfHybrid_Mar05.pdf Dr Kenn Fisher,
Rubida Research Pty Ltd.
15Back to the Future
- Learning by questioning (Socrates)
- Learning by doing (Piaget, Papert)
- Learning in the company of others (Wenger)
- Learning through dialogue (Vygotsky, Mercer)
- Learning through reflection (Dewey, Jarvis)
- http//www.tefma.com/infoservices/papers/2005_Fut
TEFMA_EvolutionOfHybrid_Mar05.pdf - Dr Kenn Fisher, Rubida Research Pty Ltd.
16Consciously make the move to learner centred
EFMA_EvolutionOfHybrid_Mar05.pdf Dr Kenn
Fisher, Rubida Research Pty Ltd.
17How are universities thinking about learning
- A learning space should be able to motivate
learners and promote learning as an activity,
support collaborative as well as formal practice,
provide a personalised and inclusive environment,
and be flexible in the face of changing needs. - http//www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/JISClearn
18Spaces themselves are agents for change.
- Changed spaces will change practice.
This link sends you off to a website. Click on
the TEAL video link to see the presentation
19Spaces that facilitate learning in Higher Ed
- Flexible (including furniture) inter-connected
environments with high tech support - Facilitates project / team / multi-disciplinary
work - Adaptable for change in purpose or usage
- Flexible access everything online
- And space for discussions
- http//www.tefma.com/infoservices/papers/2005_Futu
20My Learning Space
21(No Transcript)
22Moodle (Open Source)
23 .LRN (Open Source)
24Breeze (Video conferencing)
25 Assignments
26Lesson Plans
27- Is any of this research relevant to schools?
28Effective classrooms exploit
- Motivation
- Flexibility
- Connectivity
- Interactivity
- Collaboration
- Authentic problems
- Extension opportunities
- Resource production JISC (2004)
29Tools of the trade
- Learning Management Systems
- Webquests
- LAMs
- Blogs and Wikis
- SMS texting
- PDAs / Origami
- Graphics tablets
30How can teacher librarians create effective
learning environments?Should we reshape our
school libraries?
31- We need multi-functional teachers, not
specialist support staff. Flexibility is the
key. - We can no longer afford one-trick ponies.
32And remember
- If you dont know where youre going,
- youll probably end up somewhere else
- Quote from Yogi Berra
- For more information about learning spaces
- http//www.cfl.mq.edu.au/led/literature.htm
- BA (Google) Tara Brabazon
- http//www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/cd/docs_dandt/r
- Marc Prensky
- http//www.marcprensky.com/writing/default.asp