Title: Subversion%20for%20Smarties
1Subversion for Smarties
- Cameron Childress
- cameronc_at_sumoc.com
- ColdFusion, since 1996
- ACFUG since, 1998
- Foosball, since 2001
- Sumo Consulting, since 2002
3Session Description
- So you know how to Branch and Tag, but you have
a sneaky suspicion there is more you could be
doing with SVN. Come find out what you've been
missing out on and how to make Subversion do more
for you!
- Review of SVN basics
- A few non-SVN things
- Interesting bits built into SVN
- External tools
- Some examples
5Review Key Advantages vs. VSS or CVS
- SVN Server runs on many platforms
- Many clients available for SVN
- SVN is free open source
- Too many more to list
6Subversion vs. Git Basics
- Created by Linus Torvalds
- Replaced BitKeeper
- Used for Linux Kernel, PERL, RoR, Android OS
- Download athttp//git-scm.com
7Subversion vs. Git Git Wins
- SVN is Centralized, Git is distributed
- Local operations are faster
- Branching Handling
- Merge Handling
- Smaller HD Footprint (Mozilla 12 GiB in SVN,
420 MiB in Git)
8Subversion vs Git SVN Wins
- Better IDE support
- SVN has a de-facto single Repository
- Centralized access control
- Version numbers are easier in SVN
- Git / SVN Comparisonhttp//git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitS
9Review Subversion Basics
- Conventional Project Structure
- Branches
- Tags
- Trunk
- Typical Exposure
- Comit
- Update
- Resolve Conflicts
- Branch / Merge (maybe)
10Review Key Subversion Features
- Revision numbers apply to entire tree
- Directories are versioned
- Working Copy vs. Repository
- Caches pristine copy which allows
- Revert
- Diff
- Status
- Branches and tags are normal directories
- Binary files are stored as difference data
11Something New in SVN Changelists
- Introduced in SVN 1.5 (currently at 1.6)
- Also a feature in Perforce
- Groups files for operations
- Commit
- Diff
- Great for grouping files for bug resolution
12Changelists You Should Know
- Part of working copy, not repository
- Only works with files, not directories
- One changelist assignment per file
- Changelists cleared on commit
- Override using flag --keep-changelists
13Changelist How To Command Line
- Syntax svn changelist listname filelist
- Listname can be any string
- Filelist supports wildcards
- Morehttp//svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.
14Changelist How To Tortoise
15By the way Perforce Also Has
- Labels
- Similar to Tags, but not simply convention
- ClientSpecs
- Maps repo / directories
- Together
- Very powerful for deployment
- Great for large teams w/distributed roles
16SVN Properties
- Think metadata for each file
- Stored in .svn/props
- Checked into repo with file
- Versioned
- Special Properties
- svnignore
- svnkeywords
- svnneeds-lock
- svnexecutable
17Special SVN Property svnkeywords
- Used for keyword substitution
- Must be explicitly turned on
- svnkeywords
- Date
- Revision
- Author
- HeadURL
- Id
- Example
18Automate Keyword Substitution
- Config file miscellany section
- Applies to working copy, not repo
- On windows, found in
- /AppData/Subversion
- More
- http//svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/
- svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html
- Run a program at certain points in commit process
- Implemented as bat file in Windows
- Live in repo, not working copy
- Examples by default found in repo/hooks
- http//svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/
- svn.reposadmin.create.htmlsvn.reposadmin.create.h
20Hook Types
- start-commit
- pre-commit / post-commit
- pre-revprop-change / post-revprop-change
- pre-lock / post-lock
- pre-unlock / post-unlock
21Hooks Tips
- Hook programs execute with an empty environment
- Do not modify a commit transaction using hook
scripts - Permissions, permissions, permissions
22Hooks Ideas
- Push code to staging server
- Send notification emails to dev team
- Update issue / project management software
23Resources for Hooks
- Brad Woods Bloghttp//www.codersrevolution.com/i
Subversion - Dan Switzers Blog
- http//blog.pengoworks.com/index.cfm/2008/2/5/Debu
24Visual SVN Server
- Windows installer (visualsvn.com)
- Installs Apache based Service
- HTTPS/SSL Capable
- Internally _at_ SVN 1.6.4 (current) as of 8/12/09
- Take a Look
25SVN Abstration Layer
- Provides abstraction for RIA ForgeBy Rob Gonda
- Configure via XML
- Uses Apache by default, partial support for
SVNServe - http//svnservice.riaforge.org/
26SVN Abstraction Layer
- Repositories
- Create, delete, list
- Users
- Create, delete, list, changepassword
- History
- List
27SVN Abstraction Layer Example Code
- svnService createObject('component',
'models.svnService').init('config/config.xml') - svnService.listRepos()
- svnService.create(myRepo)
- svnService.getLog(myRepo', 10)
- svnService.addUser(myRepo', username',
28SVN Sync
- SVNSync Repo BrowserBy Tom de Manincor
- Configure via XML (X2)
- config/environment.xml
- model/svnAPI/config.xml
- http//svnsync.riaforge.org/
29SVN Sync
30Roundup RIA Forge Projects
- Deployment builder - ANT/SVNBy Matt
Rileyhttp//deploymentbuilder.riaforge.org/ - Skweegee - TRAC more(formerly Trac_Fu)By
Russ Johnsonhttp//skweegee.riaforge.org/
31Roundup RIA Forge Projects
- SVNAuthz.cfc Manipulate authz filesBy
Terrance Ryanhttp//svnauthz.riaforge.org/ - SVNUtil AIR App, Removes .svn infoBy Omar
- Book - Version Control with Subversionhttp//svnb
ook.red-bean.com - Windows Installer / Admin - VisualSVNhttp//www.v
- Contact
- cameronc_at_sumoc.com
- cameroncf (YIM / AIM)
- Presentation available NOW via
- USB Thumbdrive
- http//www.sumoc.com/downloads/files/svn.zip
- Take the Surveyhttp//tinyurl.com/cfunitedsurvey