Analysis of E94110 Elastic Cross Sections and Global Fits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of E94110 Elastic Cross Sections and Global Fits


Accurate elastic cross sections are needed for normalization ... 4 cm tuna can target provides minimal target length/energy loss/multiple scattering effects. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Analysis of E94110 Elastic Cross Sections and Global Fits

Analysis of E94-110 Elastic Cross Sections and
Global Fits
M. Eric Christy Hampton University
Hall C Summer Workshop Sept 11, 2003
Proton Elastic Form Factors
Dse(1 t) eGE2 tGM 2 dW sMott tGE
slope GM intercept
  • Cross Section and Polarization transfer
    measurements disagree on GE/GM !
  • Accurate elastic cross sections are needed for
    normalization and radiative corrections in wide
    range of experiments! What is wrong?
  • Problem with formalism or 1/both techniques?

Sensitivity of Cross Section to GE
  • Cross section measurements become
    insensitive to GE at large Q2
  • ?

Polarization transfer technique provides
experimental method of determining GE/GM at large
Q2 with good precision.
Recent Global Fits
Question Can we extract GE and GM separately
from the entire data set, ie. including both the
cross section and polarization transfer (PT)
measurements? How to combine the data?
  • There have been two recent attempts to do this
    by E. Brash ( PRC 65, 2002),
    and J.R. Arrington (arXivnucl-ex 2003).
  • Brash extraction uses GE/GM from PT as
    constraint and performs a 1 parameter
    Rosenbluth refit of the cross section data .
  • Arrington extraction uses and equal weighting c
    2 fit to both cross section and PT data.

Jlab Hall C Experiment E94-110
  • Performed Rosenbluth type separations to extract
    sL and sT in resonance region. ?
  • Typical e pt-pt Uncertainties
    lt 1.5 systematic
    ltlt 1 statistical.

E94-110 Elastic Cross Sections
  • Elastic eP cross sections measured
    at 28 kinematic settings for
    ( 0.5 lt Q2 lt 5.5
  • Typical e pt-pt Uncertainties
    lt 1.2 systematic
    lt 1 statistical.
  • Not optimized for elastic L-Ts but a
    large range covered in Q2 e.

Hall C E94-110 Systematics
  • Use of a single spectrometer (HMS) for both high
    and low e.
  • HMS optics and acceptance are well understood.
  • Kinematics are well determined. ?
  • Relatively large acceptance spectrometer. This
    has distinct advantages over previous

  • 4 cm tuna can target provides minimal

    target length/energy loss/multiple scattering
  • Beam current kept constant to within 2 uA
  • Cutoff point in the radiative tail integration
    is typically not determined by acceptance (same
    cut for most all kinematics)!
  • Relatively insensitive to resolution matching
    between MC and data!
  • Small pt-pt uncertainties due to Q
    normalization, target boiling.

HMS Monte Carlo
  • Comparison of MC to E99-118 data using
    E94-110 resonance region model.
  • Spectrometer model is excellent.
  • Excellent agreement between
    different experiments!
  • Acceptance is determined to lt 1 pt-pt
    in the kinematics.

E94-110 Elastic Kinematics
  • Elastic calibrations (Wrec MP) allow a
    determination of the kinematics to dE dE'
    0.04 dq 0.3 mrad.
  • HMS E' and q consistent with many Hall C
    experiments over 3-4 years .
  • E determination consistent with recent
    remapping of Arc Magnet.

Elastic Cross Section Extraction
  • Apply background subtractions and acceptance
    corrections in each E'-q bin.
  • Integrate radiative tail in each q bin.
  • Apply radiative corrections (code from SLAC NE11,
    modified for current target).
  • Use Model to remove q dependence.
  • Do Weighted average over q.

Comparison to Arrington fit of previous Cross
Section measurements.
  • Current measurements compare well to Arrington
    fit of s only.
  • No systematic deviation with kinematics is

Study of Radiative Tail Integration
  • No e dependent systematic with cut is observed.
  • Further studies performed indicate that cut is
    large enough provide relative insensitivity to
    MC resolution matching in extracting acceptance.
  • Standard cut applied in analysis was W2max 1.13.

Rosenbluth Separated GE/GM
  • Data are more consistent with previous cross
    section data than with the
    polarization transfer results.

  • Any systematic in the cross section data is
    global and not isolated to any
    single data set, device, or facility! ...
    Radiative corrections?

return from detour
Comparisons to Recent Fits
C2/pdf (Q2 gt 1)
  • E94-110 measured elastic cross sections with
    precision comparable to previous best precision
    measurements from SLAC.
  • Measurements are consistent with previous cross
    section measurements/Rosenbluth separations.

  • Global extractions/fits can not give us
    separated GE GM unambiguously since some ansantz
    of how to combine the inconsistent data sets is
  • Fits to cross sections alone should be used for
    normalization / radiative corrections for other
  • Discrepency needs to be resolved Experiment
    Super Rosenbluth, Theory 2g exchange? ...
    Progress is being made.

  • It is unlikely that there is some heretofore
    unknown systematic in the cross section

HMS Spectrometer
HMS Properties (pt-pt tune)
Detector Stack (view from above)
Kinematic Range
Central Momentum
0.5 7.5 GeV/c
Vertically Segmented Hodoscope
4-layer Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Central Angle
10.5O - 80O
2 sets of vertical horizontal Drift Chambers
Gas Cerenkov
6.5 msr
lt 0.1
1 mrad
  • Resolution is easily good enough for
    1.5 cross sections if spectrometer is
    understood well.
  • Cer Cal provide p rejection factor
    104/1 Above 1GeV.

horizontally Segmented Hodoscope
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