Title: Emission Inventories for Santiago, Chile
1Emission Inventories for Santiago, Chile
- Héctor Jorquera, Jaime Escobar, Julio Castro
- Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Bioprocesos
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile
- jorquera_at_ing.puc.cl, jcastrom_at_puc.cl,
- Technical Description of SAIE System
- A glance at EDB DICTUC 2000
- Current resources and needs
- Current research cooperation
- Example using CAMx January 2000
- Work in progress
- Conclusions
3Overview of SAIE System
4SAIE Structure
6Stationary source emissions
- Based on U.S. EPA AP-42 methodology
- Raw data
- SESMA annual listing of permitted stationary
sources, - Annual emission statement by industry (mandatory)
- Measurements of PM10 and gases
- Census data for residential sources
- Statistics of fuel consumption.
7Urban Transport System at Santiago
- Population 5.6 million
- Economics 47 of the GDP
- Public transport 8,000 buses
- Bus routes 327 lines
- Metro lines 3 (40 Klms.)
- Cars 950,000
8Basic Tasks of the Strategic Transportation Model
9Outcomes of ESTRAUSS
- Vehicle counts on each link of the road network
- Fleet composition
- Average speed on each link
- Fluxes between city zones by type of modal
- transport.
10A Glance at EDB DICTUC 2000
- MODEM emissions checked with fuel consumption by
type of vehicle - COV speciation was incorporated in point, area
and mobile sources - Mobile from COPERT II
- Point and area using EPAs SPECIATE library
- Fully bottom up approach
- Consistency check between Airviros EDB module,
SAIE/MODEM output and CAMx input emission files.
Discrepancy lt 1
11Summary of EDB DICTUC 2000 (ton/year)
12Example CO emissions
13Example NOX emissions
14Example SO2 emissions
15Example Isoprene emissions
16Example PM10 emissions
17Current Resources Staff
- H. Jorquera expertise on air quality modeling,
air quality forecast - J. Escobar expertise on EDB management, USA
training on EDB development - J. Castro expertise on CALMET, AIRVIRO, CAMx
- Students many talented students, but poor
incentives to pursue MSc/PhD programs.
18Current Funding and Needs
- Funding from
- CONAMA development of a photochemical model for
Santiago. - Other public institutions
- Modest funding from abroad (BC-UK)
- Critical needs
- Adequate space in campus
- Support for graduate students
- Staff training in ESL, EWS, Meteorology, MM5,
Integrated Analyses, EDSS
19Current Research Cooperation
- UC/Statistics W. Palma, J. Tapia (U. Valparaiso)
- AQ Intervention analyses (AE, 2000)
- Statistical ozone forecasting (JOF, 2002)
- Long memory estimation (CSDA, 2003)
- Influence analysis (Joses PhD Thesis, 2003)
- No external funding whatsoever
- Imperial College V. Vesovic, Earth Science
Engineering - Trends in air quality and population exposure
1989-2001 ( IJEP, 2003) - A Neural Network Supervised Performance of CAMx
(work in progress) - Modest funding (LINK BC, ends 2004)
20Application of CAMx
- Model handles gas phase photochemistry, primary
and secondary aerosols, EC, OC, PM10, PM2.5 and
selected tracers - Meteorological fields CALMETMM5 and CALMET
- Preliminary results for CO, NOx, O3
21Modeling Domain
Grid settings 60 E-W, 40 N-S 2 x 2 km cells 8
vertical levels, up to 3 km a.g.l. Origin 270
km (E), 6250 km (N)
22CO January 2000 Station B
23CO January 2000 Station Q
24CO January 2000 Station G
25CO January 2000 Station J
26NO2 January 2000 Station N
27NO2 January 2000 Station P
28NO January 2000 Station P
29O3 January 2000 Station M
30O3 January 2000 Station Q
31O3 January 2000 Station J
32Work in progress
- Improving VOC speciation using ambient VOC
campaigns and further information. - Projecting EDB for the 2004 scenario, including
the TRANSANTIAGO initiative. - Estimation of emission reductions for the
1997-2004 span of the PPDA initiative. - Estimation of AQ benefits from PPDA.
- EDB DICTUC 2000 updated and completed, including
point, area, mobile and biogenic sources. - EDB available in the AIRVIRO system for different
statistical reports. - EDB DICTUC 2000 with spatial and temporal
resolution for modeling purposes. - SAIE modules developed for generating inputs to
UAM-IV, CAMx, CADM (CBM-IV and RADM2). - There are problems with the VOC emissions and
speciation, particularly from area sources. - These pitfalls require further efforts to be