Computer Applications for Business 8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer Applications for Business 8


Wickets P Vole Inn. Zummats Aardvark Co. Zummats Bloggs Ltd. CUSTOMER ADDRESS ... P Vole Inn Heckmondwyke HX13 3PV. Limits of Flat file Databases ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computer Applications for Business 8

Computer Applications for Business (8)
  • Last week (except for EM)
  • Zip file practical
  • Databases part 1 Two ways to approach
  • From requirement to hold and access information
  • To map the businesss info requirements on to a
  • Microsoft Access Practical single table with
  • This week Databases part 2
  • The Relational Model
  • Practical using Microsoft Access as a relational
  • Completing Currency Converter (production
  • Final Assignment workshop (due this Wednesday)

Week 7 Garages Practical
  • Used a single table
  • One record per vehicle
  • Fields chosen to contain key characteristics of
  • Field properties ensure they can hold the data
  • Built, then modified table contents and layout
  • Should have imported External Data from
  • Exercise 1(d) involved adding to the table
  • How many created queries to select and sort
  • One criterion is easy to define
  • unless you need to match part of a field
  • Multiple criteria focus the selection further
  • We can go on to produce Reports and Forms

Concluding Single Table Practical
  • Exercise 2 Creating Queries
  • Best done with Query Wizardprompts you to
    choose source and which fields to include
  • Modify the design to apply selection criteria
  • Selecting what you put on the Criteria line
  • One criterion is easy to define
  • unless you need a wildcard 2(d) and 2(g)
  • Multiple criteria focus the selection further
    Exercise 3 on p.204
  • (a) selects when either criterion is satisfied on
    one field OR
  • (b) selects when criteria are satisfied in both
    fields AND
  • Exercise 4 producing a calculated field

Advantages of Database Managers
  • Where you have only one table, it could be stored
    in a flat file using an application like Excel
  • However, performance can be a problem
  • Every record scanned in every sort operation
  • Multiple scans for complex sorting such as
    Date-acquired within Make within Garage
  • Gets very slow when database size grows
  • Updates can involve making second copy of entire
    database do you have room on the disk?
  • Database managers (DBMS)
  • build indexes rather than sorting the records
  • save data when it changes, leave most of DB

Limits of Flat file Databases
  • With a single table, we may need to duplicate
  • Proper DBMS can relate different tables of data,
  • Have database of purchases by customer
  • Also have Customers on Address database
  • How do we see whats been selling in PO postcode

Co Banbury OX18 2AC Grommets Bloggs
Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB Zummats Bloggs
Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB Wickets P Vole
Inn Heckmondwyke HX13 3PV
PRODUCT CUSTOMER Grommets Bloggs Ltd Wickets P
Vole Inn Zummats Aardvark Co Zummats Bloggs Ltd
CUSTOMER ADDRESS Aardvark Co Banbury OX18
2AC Bloggs Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB P Vole
Inn Heckmondwyke HX13 3PV
Relational Databases
  • As with simple database, data elements held in
  • Also known as relations because
  • each data element relates the row (record, tuple)
    its in,
  • with the column (field, domain) that describes
    its category
  • Database usually contains several tables, for
  • Purchase table saying what each customer has
  • Customer address table
  • Database Management System lets you manipulate
  • Selecting records
  • Using one table to look up items in another
  • Well do this in Knights Conference exercise
    (p.220 ff)

Relational Database Notes
  • In a relational database management system, the
    table-based structure of data is maintained, and
    the efficiency benefits of indexing are exploited
    to the full. Typically, many tables are stored
    within a single database, and a powerful query
    language, SQL, is provided.
  • Access is by selecting a row (or set of rows),
    and then using named fields, so programs are not
    sensitive to addition of new fields.
  • There is the concept of a View of a table, which
    is a named table consisting of a subset of the
    columns. This supports powerful Security
    facilities. For example, most users could have a
    view of the payroll table excluding salary and
    assessment grades, with only privileged users
    having access to the full table.
  • To return to the question of which products sell
    in Hampshire, we can Join the sales and customer
    tables, combining records that share a common
    customer name. Where we have two sales records
    with the same customer, the address value will be
    duplicated into the new table. Thus if we SELECT
    on the address field of the joined table, wed be
    left with a table of two rows, for the products
    bought by our only Portsmouth area customer. We
    could even work on a view of the table that
    excluded the customer name for example we might
    choose to do this to avoid having too many people
    knowing the identity of customers who are buying
    goods that are in short supply this list could
    be very valuable to a competitor who has plenty
    of such goods.

Relationships Between Tables
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to Many

Structured Query Language
  • Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
    implement SQL (usually pronounced sequel)
  • Examples
  • SELECT sales.PRODUCT sales.CUSTOMERFROM lttable
    database namegtWHERE sales.PRODUCTGrommetORDER
    BY sales.CUSTOMER
  • JOIN tables that share a column to produce a new

Co Banbury OX18 2AC Grommets Bloggs
Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB Zummats Bloggs
Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB Wickets P Vole
Inn Heckmondwyke HX13 3PV
How Database Managers Help
  • When you JOIN two tables, there will be
    redundancy in the table so produced
  • However, if youre only interested in SELECTed
    records, the DBMS doesnt actually need to create
    the full table
  • This saves space and processing time
  • Access goes one better, and saves you writing SQL
  • Can SELECT, ORDER and JOIN graphically, and
    using wizards
  • There is a View SQL option when you need it
    provides an easy way to sort records exactly as
    you want
  • Well cover this next week

Joining and Selecting
  • When you join tables, for example with a Query,
    the result set contains the records that appear
    in BOTH tables (and only those records)
  • You can also Select in Access it uses the
    Criteria line in Design View of the query
  • Thus the criterion PRODUCTZummats would exclude
    the lines shown in pink from the query results

Co Banbury OX18 2AC Grommets Bloggs
Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB Zummats Bloggs
Ltd Fareham PO15 1JB Wickets P Vole
Inn Heckmondwyke HX13 3PV
Design Considerations
  • What level of granularity is needed for fields?
  • Sometimes fairly obvious, e.g. splitting out
  • But how much do you need to chop up a name?
  • Surname title rest-of-nameBodger Mr Eric
    Owen MA JP
  • Surname title given-name1 given-name2
    given-name3 rest-of-name suffix-lettersClinton
    ex-President William Jefferson III MA LlB
  • Similarly with addresses
  • Problems arise if you get it wrong in either
  • database can be full of empty fields
  • or you cant access the data by the component you
  • How do you make primary keys unique?
  • Often leads to artifices like Customer numbers

More Design Considerations
  • What are the appropriate tables?
  • If two groups of data are in a 11 relationship,
    it doesnt much matter whether you put them in
    one or two tables
  • If theres a one-to-many relationship, its
    clearly beneficial to separate them, thus
    avoiding duplication
  • Where theres many-to-many relationship, you need
    to create a table that bridges between them

Data Validation
  • We saw techniques for validating data in the
  • Can reject non-numeric characters in a numeric
  • Use lists to help enter members of an enumerated
  • Or set ranges for numerical values
  • Sometimes we need to validate consistency
  • If car registered in 1992, itll probably have J
    or K prefix
  • This is where you think about programming a macro
  • Best to detect errors at data-entry stage if
    possible GIGO
  • Design must define any consistency rules
  • And mechanisms for enforcing them
  • Dont forget overrides where appropriate

Database Creation
  • Once the database design is complete,Need to
    prime the tables with initial data
  • May be able to import it from a previous
    system(as you did with the Garages table)
  • Or use skilled people to type direct into tables
  • If not, build forms to accept data in
    human-centred way
  • Complex validation rules may require programming
  • Inspect multiple fields on form and check
  • Access supports Macros to do that
  • Database may also include generated fields
  • Well see why later

Forms and Reports
  • Data isnt much use while its locked into a
  • We need to access selected elements to get value
  • Usual approach is to
  • Select records according to specified
    criteria(or maybe just one criterion)
  • Order them as specified
  • Lay them out to be helpful to user
  • Generate summaries where appropriate
  • Further Practical please do in your own time
  • You should already have completed Exercises 1 to
    4 in Knight (1999) Chapter 8
  • Optional Report design exercises (starting on
  • Form design (p.212) Validation rules (p.215)

Search Precision
  • Lets assume were building a simple phone book
  • Query takes form of user typing in name
  • Database system returns all record containing the
  • Potential Problems
  • Case If I type smith and database contains
    Smith how do we guarantee a match?
  • Different spellings Dupre, Du Pre, Dupré
    MacPherson, Macpherson, McPherson
  • CALLUP system generated a hidden, standardized
  • Squeezed out blanks, hyphens, apostrophes etc
  • Converted Mc to mac
  • Folded all names to upper-case
  • Did same thing to the target the user typed in

Fuzzy Searching
  • Some databases go further, and apply very strong
    transformations, for example
  • Remove vowels and repeated consonants
  • Patterson and Peterson both go to PTRSN
  • Smith Smyth and Smithe all go to SMTH
  • Can even classify consonants, e.g. S and Z become
    S (so Pieterzoon also becomes PTRSN)
  • Usually search for exact match first, then near
  • Design choice whether to keep transformed
  • Keeping them uses disk space,but lets you sort
    the table for efficient searching
  • Generating them on the fly is expensive in
    processingand doesnt support efficient searching

Joining Tables
  • To join tables together, they must share a field
  • In this example, it is Module
  • Module is a unique key in the Courses table
  • Joining Courses and Students gives a table with
    record for each intersection

Joined on Module
Relational Database Practical
  • Knights example 7 from p.220 involves linked
  • Problem organizing seminars for conference
  • Delegates details are held in a table
  • Seminar details are held in another table
  • Each delegate can attend one seminar(but we hope
    each seminar will attract many delegates!)

Note ambiguity Name can mean SeminarName or
DelegateName these would be better field names
Delegates Delegate-ref Name Company Address... Pho
ne number Seminar-ref
Seminars Seminar-ref Name From To Fee
Relational Database Practical (2)
  • Knights specification brings a problem
  • How do I write to someone if the name is in one
  • OK in the window Mr H Huntington, BSc
  • But we cant derive Dear Mr Huntington from
  • So lets chop the name into components
  • Thats what I did in the table you can import

How to do it Exercise 7
  • (a) Design the Seminars table according to
  • Be sure to specify Seminar ref as primary key
  • Enter the data as given
  • (b) Set up the Delegates table as specified (not
  • First download spreadsheet and import it to
    Access table as External data
  • Get Access to use delegate refs as a primary key
  • Fix up the format as specified
  • (c) Use the Relationships tool to link
    the tables using Seminar ref
  • Select enforce referential integrity (Ill
    explain later)
  • (d) Finally, produce a query using fields from
    both tables

Access Summary
  • Access is a reasonable inexpensive Relational
  • Defines fields in a fairly intuitive way
  • Lets you work graphically
  • Provides most relational features
  • Saves you writing SQL for yourself (but you can
    View it)
  • Key terms
  • Table where the data is actually kept
  • Query view of table(s) manipulated according to
    rules you set joins, selects, sorts
  • Less good for shared databases
  • Good design environment before move to Oracle or

  • Data stored is used to model the business
  • Tables hold the main players suppliers,
    products, customers, employees
  • Applications then work on the appropriate data
  • Avoid duplication by using multiple tables
  • Youll learn next year how to design suitable
  • At minimum, separate customer/supplier
    demographics from details of their dealings with
  • Link tables using a data element common to both
  • This needs to be unique in one of the tables..
  • ..where it acts as a key
  • This is the place to filter to exclude irrelevant

Optional Database Exercise
  • These exercises are taken fromKnight, J (1999)
    Computing for Business
  • Learn about Forms by doing Exercises 6(a)-6(c) on
    pp.212-4, and 7(e) on p.222
  • And about Reports in Exercises on pp.209-211 and
  • Of these, only p.222 is included in the hand-out

Assignment Workshop
  • Key points
  • Work out the Business Case for yourself
  • Get a cash-flow chart for ideal case and for
  • Then design your report
  • Executive Summary
  • Make the executive want to buy your proposal
  • For example If you invest X it will pay for
    itself in Y months, yielding an extra profit of
    Z over six years
  • Very efficient way to get marks!Especially if
    you back it up with a graph
  • Body of report
  • Where you back up with facts and logic the
    assertions you made in the Executive Summary

Business Report Structure
  • Title Page
  • Executive Summary Vital in this assignment
  • Contents always a good idea
  • Introduction
  • Body of Report
  • Conclusions Recommendations
  • Bibliography Give credit to your sources
  • (Appendix) Not needed here

Marking Criteria
  • Exec. Summary 20
  • Analysis 20
  • Spreadsheet 20
  • Structure integration 20and following the
  • Credibility of Report 20including accuracy of

Currency Converter
  • Example of spreadsheet used in Production
  • Main learning outcomes
  • MAX function
  • Use of IF function to cope with empty and zero
  • Need to choose solutions e.g. between MAX and
  • VLOOKUP (theres also an HLOOKUP)
  • Protection of cells and sheets
  • How to indicate protection visually
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