Smooth muscle activation and regulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Smooth muscle activation and regulation


Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) ... WASp family proteins bind to Arp2/3 complex and induce Arp2/3 ... WASp contains a family of homologous proteins found in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Smooth muscle activation and regulation

Smooth muscle activation and regulation
  • Actin polymerization and depolymerization

Organization of smooth muscle cells
  • Contractile apparatus actin and myosin
  • The ratio of thin to thick filaments is much
    higher in smooth muscle (151) than in skeletal
    muscle (61).
  • Cytoskeleton compartment actin filaments and
    intermediate filaments
  • Desmin and vimentin two major intermediate
    filament proteins
  • The sarcomeric structure is poorly understood due
    to the lack of visible cross striations within
    the cells in the light or electron microscope.

Small and Gimona model
Components of contractile apparatus and
The model of malleable sarcomeric structure of
contractile filament
Smooth muscle contraction
  • Sharing the mechanism of the sliding-filament,
    cross-bridge cycling as proposed in striated
  • Optimize the contractile filament overlap at any
    cell length within its physiological range and to
    maintain the ability to generate maximal force
    over that length range.
  • Contractile activation involves cytoskeleton
  • Dynamic remodeling of the actin filament lattice
    within cellular microdomains in response to local
    mechanical and pharmacological events enables
    the cell to maintain its external environment.
  • As the contraction occurs, the cytoskeletal
    lattice stabilizes, solidifies, and forms a rigid
    structure for transmission of tension generated
    by the interaction of myosin and actin. The
    integrated molecular transitions take place
    within the contractile cycle.

Thick filament regulation of smooth muscle
  • The Ca2-dependent phosphorylation/dephosphorylati
    on of MRLC by myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)/
    myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP) is thought
    to control the contraction-relaxation cycle of
    smooth muscle.
  • Smooth muscle myosin similar to striated muscle
    counterpart contains two heavy chains (MHC) and
    two pairs of light chains, one 20-kD regulatory
    light chains (MRLC) and the other 17-kD essential
    light chains (MELC).
  • Activated by Ca2-calmodulin, MLCK causes
    phosphorylation of serine-19 and/or threonine-18
    at MRLC, and MRLC phosphorylation increases
    myosins actin-activated ATPase activity at least
  • Once phosphorylated, the myosin cross-bridge can
    bind to actin, generating force by cross-bridge
  • On the other hand, dephosphorylation is brought
    about by MLCP.

Thin filament regulation of smooth muscle
  • The demonstration of Ca2 sensitivity of myosin
    ATPase activity in preparations containing
    skeletal muscle myosin and smooth muscle thin
  • Reports that cross-bridge cycling rates can vary
    without detectable changes in MRLC
  • Reports of dissociations between MRLC
    phosphorylation and tension
  • Under some conditions, unphosphorylated
    cross-bridges are not completely turned off,
    which indicated that force is also regulated by
    thin filament associated proteins

  • At least six tissue-specific isoforms
    a-skeletal, a-cardiac, and a-vascular g-enteric
    and g-cytoplasmic and b-cytoplasmic actins
  • Highly homologous in their primary structure
    with most sequence differences in the N-terminal
    region of the molecule. This part of the molecule
    is not functionally involved in filament assembly
    but is the site for interaction with various
    actin binding proteins
  • The a-, b- and g- isoforms can be resolved by
    isoelectric focusing, proceeding from the most
    acidic to the least acidic
  • The smooth muscle actins have been associated
    with the contractile filaments, whereas the
    cytoplasmic actins have been associated with the
    non- contractile cytoskeleton and sub-
    plasmalemma cortex.

Tropomyosin (TM)
  • From four highly conserved genes a-, b-, g-,
    d-TM , via alternative splicing, give rise to
    more than 40 isoforms
  • a-TM is a major isoform in smooth muscle with
    minor b-TM to form a homo- or hetero-dimer that
    binds along the major groove of actin filament in
    a head-to-tail manner
  • In vitro studies have implicated TMs in the
    stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton by
    protecting actin filaments from the severing
    action of gelsolin and the depolymerizing action
    of ADF/cofilin
  • X-ray studies have suggested that the activation
    of smooth muscle leads to the movement of TM in a
    manner similar to that in striated muscle
  • The movement of smooth muscle TM by myosin
    binding is more easily facilitated by
    phosphorylated myosin than unphosphorylated
    myosin, providing for possible cross talk between
    thick and thin filament regulation.
  • TM is necessary for full inhibition of actomyosin
    ATPase activity by caldesmon

Caldesmon (CaD)
  • CaD is an actin, Tm, myosin, and calmodulin (CaM)
    binding protein.
  • Two isoforms are produced by a single gene
    through alternative splicing to generate a smooth
    muscle form, h-CaD with high molecular weight of
    130140 kD and a non-muscle l-CaD with low
    molecular weight of 6090 kD
  • The difference between h- and l-CaD is a highly
    charged repeating sequence, corresponding to a 35
    nm-long single helical region that separates the
    N-terminal domain from the C-terminal domain of

  • An elongated protein containing two relatively
    compact domains at the N- and the C-terminal ends
  • The C-terminal domains are responsible for actin
    binding and inhibition of myosin ATPase activity
    in vitro.
  • Binding of CaM or phosphorylation of sites
    between the two C-terminal actin binding domains
    can reverse some of the inhibitory actions of CaD
    in vitro.
  • The N-terminal half of the molecule has been
    shown to bind myosin and, in vitro, tether myosin
    to actin in conjunction with C-terminal actin
    binding domains of CaD

Domain structure of CaD
Calponin (CaP)
  • CaP is an actin binding protein that also binds
    to CaM, myosin, desmin, and phospholipids
  • There are three different isoforms encoded by
    separate genes and expressed in smooth muscle (h1
    basic CaP), cardiac muscle (h2 neutral CaP), and
    non-muscle cells (acidic CaP), respectively.
  • In smooth muscle, CaP interacts with F-actin and
    inhibits the actomyosin Mg-ATPase activity in
    vitro. When phosphorylated in vitro by either
    CaMKII or PKC, the inhibitory action of CaP on
    the actin-myosin interaction is reversed
  • Smooth muscle CaP is an elongated molecule (MW
    32 kD) of 18 nm long
  • The domain structure containing a CaP homology
    domain (CH), followed by a TnI-like domain, and
    three C-terminal repeat sequence. The CH domain
    in smooth muscle CaP is thought to localize the
    signaling molecules to the actin cytoskeleton
    since this domain can bind to ERK.
  • Both TnI-like domain and C-terminal repeat can
    bind to actin.

Domain structure of CaP
Actin polymerization and depolymerization
  • Actin exists in two forms, globular (G) monomer
    and filamentous (F) polymer.
  • G-actin contains bound ATP, which, on
    polymerization, is transformed into
    F-actin-bound-ADP and Pi
  • At intermediate concentration of free G-actin
    subunits, the filaments loose actin-ADP at the
    minusend (pointed end) and assemble actin-ATP at
    the plus-end (barbed end). This phenomenon is
    called treadmilling of actin filament
  • The treadmilling of actin filament is the basic
    mechanism for motility in nonmuscle cells

Actin associated proteins in actin filament
polymerization and deplymerization
  • Proteins that bind to G-actin
  • -profilin, thymosin
  • Proteins that nucleate F-actin
  • -formin, Arp2/3 (also branching effect)
  • Proteins that bind to F-actin ends and control
  • - cofilin, gelsolin severing, and capping at
    the plus end
  • - gCAP39, capZ capping at the plus end
  • - tropomodulin capping at the minus end
  • - severin severing, and capping
  • - villin crosslinking, severing, and capping
  • Proteins that attach actin to the plasma
    membrane Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM) protein
  • Proteins that crosslink/branch F-actin filamin,
    fimbrin, a-actinin, fascin, spectrin

Arp2/3 complex downstream target of multiple
signaling pathways leading to actin assembly
  • Seven conserved subunits including Arp2 and
    Arp3 (Machesky et al., 1994).
  • Generates new actin filaments in a
    stimulus-responsive and spatially controlled

Arp 2/3 complex mediates branching of actin
Physiological functions
  • Using the methods of DNase inhibition and actin
    affecting drugs (phalloidin, cytochalasin, and
    latrunculin), Mehta and Gunst first found that
    the G-actin content was 30 lower in extracts of
    muscle strips activated with acetylcholine than
    in extracts from unstimulated muscle strips. The
    decrease in G-actin in response to contractile
    stimulation was prevented by inhibitors of actin
    polymerization with no effect on MRLC
  • Actin polymerization in smooth muscle is
    functionally related to contractile activity
    under physiological conditions
  • Bárány and his colleagues found a rapid exchange
    of the G-actin bound-ATP in intact arterial
    smooth muscle, indicating that dynamic
    rearrangement of actin filament occurs in intact
    smooth muscle.
  • All these studies have suggested that
    polymerization of G-actin monomer into
    filamentous F-actin may play an important role in
    contractile activation in smooth muscle
    independent of activation of myosin ATPase
    activity in response to MRLC phosphorylation.

Contractile stimulation inducing the formation of
linkages between the cytoskeleton and integrin
  • Receptor coupled G-protein (Rho) activation by
    extracellular stimulation of carbachol may
    involve in actin reorganization in human airway
    smooth muscle.
  • Signaling cascade of integrin activation to
    remodeling of cytoskeleton in regulation of
    smooth muscle contraction
  • Cholinergic receptor stimulation recruits actin-
    and integrin- binding proteins (e.g. a-actinin,
    vinculin, talin, focal adhesion kinase, and
    paxillin) from the cytoplasm to the membrane
  • Depletion of paxillin and focal adhesion kinase
    led to loss of force in tracheal smooth muscle

Linkages between the cytoskeleton and integrin
  • Nonphosphorylatable paxillin mutants in tracheal
    muscle inhibits tension development and actin
    polymerization, without affecting MRLC
  • Down-regulation of profilin, an actin regulatory
    protein, was found to attenuate the force
    development of arterial smooth muscle as well
  • Membrane cytoskeletal linker proteins (e.g.
    a-actinin, vinculin, talin etc.) and integrin
    associated proteins (e.g. FAK, and paxillin)
    plays an important role in reorganization of
    actin filament polymerization and
    depolymerization in the membrane/cytoskeletal
    compartment during smooth muscle contraction.
  • Contractile stimulation could induce formation of
    the structural linkage between the cytoskeleton
    and integrin proteins that mediate tension
    transmission between the contractile apparatus
    and the extracellular matrix in smooth muscle.

Actin binding protein regulation of actin filament
  • Formin and Arp 2/3 complexes (actin related
    proteins 2 and 3, seven strongly associated
    subunits) are the two nucleating proteins that
    facilitate the polymerization of actin filament.
  • While the formin protein induces a linear form of
    actin filament, the Arp 2/3 protein complex
    branches the actin filaments to form a network
    within the cells.
  • Profilin is an actin binding protein to promote
    the nucleotide exchange of G-actin and to
    increase the polymerization rate of actin
    filament formation.
  • Cofilin associated with actin depolymerization
    factor (ADF/cofilin), gelsolin, severin, are
    known to cut off the actin filament and involved
    in depolymerization of actin filament.

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp)
  • Originally described in fibroblasts could induce
    actin polymerization in connection with the small
    GTPase cdc42
  • WASp family proteins bind to Arp2/3 complex and
    induce Arp2/3 complex activation and the
    nucleation of actin filaments
  • WASp contains a family of homologous proteins
    found in different cells.
  • All families of WASp contain a conserved region
    at the C-terminus with a proline-rich (PRO)
    region followed by one or two WH2 (also called V
    for verproline homology) domain, a central (C)
    region and an acidic (A) domain. The PRO region
    binds profilin and SH3-containing adaptor
    proteins, WH2 domain for binding G-actin, and A
    domain for Arp 2/3 binding. On the other hand,
    two domains at the the N-terminus, the GBD domain
    binds small G-protein Cdc42, and WH1 for F-actin

Domain structures of WASp family protein

  • In the unstimulated conditions, the WASp molecule
    has the inhibitory interaction between the N- and
    C-terminus and burries the binding site for Arp
    2/3. Upon stimulation, Cdc42 binding to GBD
    domain activates WASp, and unfold the N-and
    C-terminal domains of the molecule, and expose
    the binding site for Arp 2/3, finally initiate
    the actin filament polymerization .

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Signaling pathway by WASp regulation in smooth
  • The signaling cascades by profilin and its
    upstream regulator, p130 Crk-associated substrate
    are necessary for regulation of actin filament
    polymerization and force generation in arterial
    smooth muscle in response to contractile
  • Small GTPase Cdc42 regulates actin polymerization
    and also tension development during contractile
    stimulation of tracheal smooth muscle.
  • Crk II regulation of N-WASp-mediated activation
    of the Arp2/3 complex is also necessary for actin
    polymerization and tension development in
    response to muscarinic stimulation in tracheal
    smooth muscle.
  • These studies provide evidence showing that the
    signaling pathway by the regulation of WASp
    activation upon contractile stimulation cause the
    reorganization of the actin filament network and
    smooth muscle contraction.
  • Newly formed actin filaments may localize
    beneath the cell membrane (dense bodies) and may
    be critical for the transmission of tension from
    the contractile apparatus to adhesion sites on
    the membrane during contractile stimulation.
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