Title: Module 7: LogLinear Modeling
1Module 7 Log-Linear Modeling
- RSF Conference Workshop 11-12 January 2003
- What is a log-linear model?
- Log-linear models applied to resource selection
- Base rates
- White-tailed deer example
3What is a Log-Linear Model?
- Log-linear models are also called Poisson
regression models. - Log-linear models are regression models for count
4What is a Log-Linear Model?
- Recall regular (normal theory) regression
- We assume responses Y1, Yn are independently
and identically distributed normal random
variables - I.e., YiNormal(?i,?)
- We also assume
- ?i ß0 ß1xi1 ... ßpxip
5What is a Log-Linear Model?
- An alternative view of the regular regression
equation is - g(?i) ß0 ß1xi1 ... ßpxip
- where the function g(x) x.
- g is called the link function
- g links the linear predictor ß0 ß1xi1 ...
ßpxip to ?i, the expected value of Yi.
6What is a Log-Linear Model?
- In regular regression, coefficients ß0, , ßp
are estimated by minimizing the function - D is called the sum of squares
- Estimates are said to be least squares estimates
7What is a Log-Linear Model?
- For a log-linear model
- We assume responses Y1, Yn are independently
and identically distributed Poisson random
variables - I.e., YiPoisson(?i)
- We also assume
- g(?i) ß0 ß1xi1 ... ßpxip
- where g(x) log(x)
8What is a Log-Linear Model?
- In Poisson regression, coefficients ß0, , ßp are
estimated by minimizing the function - D is called the deviance function
- D is derived from the form of the Poisson
distribution (left for the interested reader!)
9What is a Log-Linear Model?
- Differences between D statistics for different
models can be used to assess the relative fit of
those models.
10What is a Log-Linear Model?
- Log-linear model fitting demonstration
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15RSF Setting
- Log-linear modelling can be used to relate
resource selection to factors such as individual
animals involved, or time of day. Potentially
this approach is very versatile. - It is assumed that data available consists of I
independent counts Y1 to YI, where the ith count
has a Poisson distribution with mean value - µi exp(ß0 ß1xi1 ... ßpxip)
16Base Rates
- Sometimes it is known that µi should be
proportional to some base rate, Bi, so that the
equation is better taken as - µi Biexp(ß0 ß1xi1 ... ßpxip)
exp(log(Bi) ß0 ß1xi1 ... ßpxip)
17Base Rates
- E.g., suppose that Yi number of times that
animal is seen in the ith type of habitat, where
it is known that 60 of the habitat available to
the animal is of this type. Then it is
appropriate to set Bi 0.60 so that if there is
no selection then the model - µi Biexp(ß0)
- should fit exp(ß0) allows for the total number
of observations made on the animal.
18Computer Programs
- Fitting log-linear model requires a suitable
computer program. Many are available, including
SAS Proc Genmod, GLIM, S-Plus glm(), and Manlys
LOGLIN. Quattro or Excel can also be used.
19White-tailed Deer Example
- This application of log-linear modelling was
described by Heisey (1985). - The data were reported by Nelson (1979) from a
radio tracking study of habitat use by
white-tailed deer. - Data consisted of habitat use (HU) of two
white-tailed deer in four types of habitat, with
the proportional availability of those habitats
20White-tailed Deer Example
- Data
Midday Morning and
evening - Deer 68 Deer 342
Deer 68 Deer 342 - Habitat HU HA HU HA HU
- Aspen 18 0.66 29 0.65 43
0.66 46 0.65 - Clearcut 2 0.20 1 0.13 33
0.20 29 0.13 - Plantation 0 0.09 4 0.13 5
0.09 4 0.13 - Spruce 0 0.05 0 0.09 0
0.05 2 0.09
21White-tailed Deer Example
- This is a Design III study with sampling protocol
A, where availability was censused and use was
sampled for each of two animals. - One method for analysing data
- Estimate selection ratios first using the midday
results, and then separately for the morning and
evening results using animals as replicates.
22White-tailed Deer Example
- Problem
- Variance estimates would be unreliable as they
would be based on differences between only two
animals. Hence tests for selection and for
differences between selection ratios would also
be unreliable.
23White-tailed Deer Example
- Another Method
- Assume counts are values from independent Poisson
distributions. Reasonable providing that the
individual observations on deer locations were
far enough apart in time to be independent.
Assume that this was the case. - Heissey used program GLIM to analyse data. This
automatically constructs X variables for the 4
habitat types, 2 deer, and 2 times of day.
24White-tailed Deer Example
- Variables can be set up easily enough for use in
a program that does not have this facility, as
below. Will be seen that base rates and 12
variables are needed to account for selection
related to time of day deer.
25White-tailed Deer Example
- Data
- Base rates proportion available of each habitat
type. - X1 1 for aspen, otherwise 0
- X2 1 for clearcut, otherwise 0
- X3 1 for plantation, otherwise 0
- X4 1 for midday, 0 for morning afternoon
- X5 1 for deer 68, 0 for deer 342
- X6 X1X4 X7 X2X4 X8 X3X4 X9 X1X5
X10 X2X5 X11 X3X5 X12 X4X5
26White-tailed Deer Example
- Data
- Sample Base
- count rate X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11
X12 -
- 18 0.66 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 - 29 0.65 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 - 43 0.66 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 - 46 0.65 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 - 2 0.20 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 - 1 0.13 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 - .
- .
- 5 0.09 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 - 4 0.13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 - 0 0.05 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 - 0 0.09 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 - 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 - 2 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27White-tailed Deer Example
- No Selection Model
- Includes X4, X5 X12 allows the expected counts
to depend on the deer the time of day, with
deer effect possibly varying with the time of
day habitat use is proportional to availability.
No selection deviance 78.26 with 12 df.
28White-tailed Deer Example
- Selection Model 1
- Adding X1 to X3 allows some selection to take
place, at same level for both deer and both times
of day. Deviance 32.42 with 9 df.
29White-tailed Deer Example
- Selection Model 2
- It is possible to expand model to either allow
selection to depend on time of day (adding X6 to
X8) or allow selection to depend on deer (adding
X9 to X11). Deviance is reduced to 6.44 with 6
df if the first option is taken, but reduced
hardly at all to 30.88 with 6 df if the second
option is chosen. The first option is therefore
30White-tailed Deer Example
- Selection Model 3
- The next stage consists of allowing selection to
depend on both the deer and the time of day by
including all of variables X1 to X12. Deviance
4.41 with 3 degrees of freedom.
31White-tailed Deer Example
- The only way that the model can be expanded now
is by adding X variables that allow selection of
habitat by deer to vary with the time of day.
Then there are as many parameters as sample
frequencies so that the model is 'saturated' with
parameters and fits data exactly.
32White-tailed Deer Example
- The model building process is summarised in an
analysis of deviance table. A reasonable
conclusion is that there was selection, and that
this depended on the time of day but not on the
33White-tailed Deer Example
- Model building summary
Difference - Model XL²
df XL² df
- No selection of habitat 78.26
12 -
45.84 3 - Constant selection on habitat 32.42
9 -
25.98 3 - Selection varies with time 6.44
6 -
2.03 3 - Selection varies with time deer 4.41
3 -
4.41 3 - Selection with time effect varying
- with deer 0.00
- Significantly large at 0.1 level.
- Log-linear models explained
- Log-linear models applied to resource selection
- White-tailed deer example