Title: American Woodcock
1American Woodcock
- Life History and
- Habitat Management
2Description Females 215 g Males 174
g Bill 60-75 mm (Prehensile tip) lt 68
mm Male gt68 mm Female Large Field of View
3Poor Survey for Woodcock
4Singing Ground Survey
5Singing Ground Survey
- Woodcock declining 2.5 per year since 1968
6Migration Some may over-winter Spring Arrive
Court (Feb) Peak 40-50 min 9-13
Courtship Flights Fall Migration October
7Males High affinity for singing grounds among
years. 30 recapture on site 95 within 1-5
km High Mortality Females Mate several times
in 2-3 weeks
8Nesting High nest fidelity Shallow nest
depression Base of tree or shrub
Average 3.8 to 3.9 eggs/clutch Renest
(3.0 eggs/clutch)
9Chicks Precocial Require maternal foods for 7
days Periodic brooding 15-20 days Invertebrates
Fly 18 days
50-90- diet
10Home Range lt 50 acres (42 84 acres) 36 acres
saplings 73 acres older stands
11Breeding Habitat Singing Grounds Openings lt
10-m diameter single male gt10-m diameter
multiple males Tall surrounding vegetation is bad
12Breeding Habitat Nesting Young, second growth
hardwood stands lt 150 m from singing
ground 20,000 stems/acre (PA) (8,500 Alabama
6,100 New York)
13Breeding Habitat Brood Rearing Dense, hardwood
cover Good soil (earthworms) Good overhead
cover Limited ground cover
14Breeding Habitat Nocturnal Habitat Clearcuts A
bandoned Ag. Fields Pastures Intermediate
Vegetative Cover
15Basics of Habitat ManagementEarly Successional
16Four Key Habitat Types
- Daytime Feeding Cover moist, rich
soils invertebrates
- Young second growth nesting and broods
- Grasslands, scrub-shrub roosting
17Daytime Feeding Cover
- 10 year max. life for alder cover
- Clear cut 70 foot (21 m) wide strips
- Uncut strips 280 feet (85 m) between cuts
- Cut across stream or wetland
- Cut next to old strips 4-5 years 20 years
- gt20 years old, cut every 2 years 10 years
18Nest and Brood Habitat
Daytime feeding cover recipe Drier sites Cut
Back Border around fields
19Singing Grounds
Openings near feeding cover Slash Removal on
Parts 2-3 100 sq. foot openings gt 0.5 acre
openings lt 0.5 acres, border cut Cut 1 or 2
clearings per year
20Roost Sites
3 acre fields Abandoned ag fields, scrub-shrub,
pastures (Early successional habitats) 1 field/
100 acres Mow or burn every 2-3 years Cut Back
21Plantings Alder Apple Arrowwood
Aspen Dogwoods Black Haw Hawthorn Hazelnut
22Other Habitat Measures
Small clumps short conifers Limited understory