Title: 6th DITTY Steering Committee Siena 2223 September 2005
16th DITTY Steering Committee Siena 22-23
September 2005 WP8 DSS Development
University of the Aegean, GreeceDept of Marine
Sciences Municipality of Gera E. Avagianou, N.
Tamvaki and G. Tsirtsis
2Overview of the activities during the last six
- WP5 Intercomparison analysis between POM and
Coherens - Application of LOICZ budget analysis
- Application of Network Analysis
- Application of Loop Analysis
- WP6 Quantification of scenario analysis First
simulations - WP7 In progress
- WP8 Development of the DSS for Gera
3Flow diagram of the DSS for Gera
Environmental indicators
Socioeconomic indicators
V1 Population growth () V2 Tourism increase
() V3 Oliveculture intensification (2 pos.) V4
Agriculture intensification (2 pos.) V5
Aquaculture intensification () D1 Change in
rainfall height due to the climatic change
4Flow diagram of the DSS for Gera
- Simplified Model (3 components)
- Simplified watershed model calculating
terrestrial loading by changing Vi - LOICZ budget for the estimation of environmental
indicators in the marine system - Socioeconomic component estimating simple
socioeconomic indicators by changing Vi
- Environmental indicators
- Nutrient loading
- Water residence time
- Eutrophication level
- Others
- Socioeconomic indicators
- Employment
- Total income
- Others
THRESHOLD VALUES Defined for each indicator
- A linear combination (with weights possibly
defined by the end-user) - of environmental and socioeconomic indicators
- Multicriteria choice methodology
5WPs inputs to the Gera DSS
Watershed model
Land uses, Curve numbers
Gera DSS
Scenario definition
Socioeconomic indicators
6Presentation of the simplified model
- Calculation of loading from non-point sources
- Application of the watershed model developed
under WP4 - The watershed is divided into 3 parts (eastern,
western and northern) and each one in six types
of land use (abandoned olive grooves, terraced
fertilized olive grooves, terraced not fertilized
olive grooves, maquis, urban areas and pine
forests) - The Curve Number equation is used to calculate
nutrient loading from each unit area after a
rainfall event - NO3, NH3, OrgN and PO4 loadings are calculated
on a daily basis
7Presentation of the simplified model
- Calculation of loading from other sources
including sewerage, cattle breeding, olive
refineries and aquaculture plants - Use of literature values (e.g. LOICZ) estimating
the per unit contribution of the various sources
in N and P multiplied by the number of residents,
tourists, animals, tons of olives treated and
tons of fish produced. - A retention factor is used to take into account
the decrease in the concentration of pollutants
due to physical and chemical processes along the
route connecting the watershed with the sea
8Scenario analysis
- Olive culture intensification (two levels in
terms of area cultured and application of
fertilizers) - Agriculture intensification (two levels
horticulture and greenhouses) - Tourism increase (Number of tourists and
(possibly) the touristic period) - Urbanization (Number of residents)
- Aquaculture intensification (Tons of fish
produced) - Possible combinations
- The sustainable scenarios are ranked based on an
optimization function or the application of a
multicriteria choice methodology
9First Results
Possible scenario 2 Oliveculture intensification
(Level 2) 10 increase in the local population
10Future activities
- Calibration of the model based on field data
- Coupling with a marine response model (LOICZ?)
- Quantification of a number of possible
scenarios (economists/end-user) - Definition of threshold values (Environmental
and socioeconomic) - Definition of the optimization function (or
method of multicriteria analysis) - Development of a user-friendly interface
116th DITTY Steering Committee Siena 22-23
September 2005 WPs 5
University of the Aegean, GreeceDept of Marine
Sciences Z. Kavakli, S. Spatharis, E. Avagianou,
V. Kolovoyiannis and G. Tsirtsis
12Overview of the activities during the last six
- WP5 Intercomparison analysis between POM and
Coherens - Application of LOICZ budget analysis
- Application of Network Analysis
- Application of Loop Analysis
13WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Schematic representation of he one layer
single-box model for the gulf of Gera with
sources of incoming/outcoming conservative and
non conservative material.
14WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Existing Models
- Estimation of Residual (VR) and Mixing (VX) flows
using the 3D-Hydrodynamic model POM (Princeton
Ocean Model) calculating hydrodynamic
circulation, advection and diffusion processes. - Watershed model calculating erosion/surface
runoff and the quantities of nutrients and
organic matter flowing into the marine ecosystem
through point and non-point sources.
15WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Equations LOICZ Biogeochemical Guidelines
Groundwater Flow
Residence Time
Non-conservative Material
Rate of Net Ecosystem Metabolism
Difference Between Nitrogen Fixation and
16WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Scenarios Considered
- Scenario 1 Present State
- Scenario 2 Agriculture Intensification
- Cultivation of horticultural plants, flowers,
vineyards and construction of greenhouses - ?increase of fertiliser and pesticide application
which end up to the gulf through point and
non-point sources. - Scenario 3 Urban and Tourism Development
- Population (including tourists) doubling
- ?construction of the supporting infrastructure in
the form of road network, hotels, restaurants and
other facilities.
17WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Results Water Budget
- Groundwater flow
- Of the same order of magnitude for both periods.
- Of the order of magnitude of the evaporation
flux. - Residence times
- in agreement with previous studies based on
completely different methodologies.
18WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Results Non-conservative Budgets
Summary of non-conservative fluxes during
stratification and mixing periods.
19WP5 Application of LOICZ budget
Results Scenarios
Percentage of change of the non-conservative
parameters in Agricultural and Urban-Tourism
Scenarios in comparison to the Present state of
the marine ecosystem.
20WP5 Application of Network Analysis
Flow diagram of the nitrogen network for the Gulf
of Gera
21WP5 Application of Network Analysis
Histogram of seven system-level indices for the
stratification and mixing periods
22WP5 Application of Network Analysis
The total dependency matrix for the
stratification and mixing periods
23WP5 Application of Loop Analysis
(E) Local Economy-available resources (?)
Tourism-Number of visitors (N) Natural
conservation-available resources (A)
Agricultural activities (U) Urbanization
24- University of Aegean
- Department of Marine Sciences
- WPs 6 and 7
- Modeling
- management options in Gera lagoon
- An integrated scenario approach
- A. Kontogianni, G. Tsirtsis
25Topics of interest
- Delimiting future options
- The mechanisms of scenarios comparison/evaluation
- The basic narratives
- An elaborated version of the Gera scenarios
- Whats next
26Future perspectives
- The choice set of the scenario variables is
conditioned by - Balanced deviation from trend due to decision
makers in Greece exhibiting - High time preference
- Short planning horizon
- Weak concern on precautionary actions
27Basic Narratives
- A dynamic region of the island with below
average population density - Growing urbanization
- Loose implementation of existing legal framework
(symbolic politics) - Low interest by NGO and citizens groups
28Basic Narratives
- A heritage of diffuse agricultural pollution
- A heritage of intensive water use for irrigation
- Importance of olive culture
- Importance of tourism
29Basic Narratives
- Raising interest of public authorities in
environmental incentive schemes - Amounts of investment funds (Structural funds)
directed to the region during 2000-2006 - Importance of Gera for drinking water supply in
30Basic Narratives
- Duality of social values Intensified consumerism
in some parts of the watershed Vs stable
traditional family and culture values in other
31Designing the scenarios
- Basic narratives
32Main variables
- Population density
- Tourism
- Agriculture
- Aquaculture/Fisheries
- Social Values
- Population density Stable, slightly rising. Main
urban expansion in the coastal zone Uncontrolled
expansion - Environmental Policies. Loose monitoring and
implementation of policies
- Agriculture Continuing intensification of
production. Merging of small parcels into bigger
ones, concentration of landholding. Reduction of
agricultural labor force. Raising incomes.
Recession after the first decade due to increased
international competition abolishment of
subsidies and extreme weather conditions.
- Fisheries Intensification of fishing, gradual
recession and abandonment. Unemployment problems. - Tourism Slow but gradual expansion of mass
tourism - Values Increasing consumerism, low priority for
environmental protection.
- Targeted Control of eutrophication from
agricultural sources. - Population Rising
- Housing Lower rate of expansion, especially at
the coastal zone due to the enforcement of
existing legal framework.
- Agriculture Raising importance of extensive
agriculture, higher added value of agricultural
products, some implementation of the Codes for
Good Agricultural Practices. - Fisheries Fishing yields continue to decrease
due to restrictions and quotas enacted by the
local authorities. Later, fishing is stabilized.
- Targeted Control of eutrophication from
agricultural sources plus protection of coastal
biotopes. - Population Rising
- Policies Enforced environmental policies Fully
controlled rate of housing expansion.
- Agriculture Strong incentives for set-aside
schemes. Only extensive agriculture, high added
value of agricultural products, full
implementation of the Codes for Good Agricultural
Practices. - Fisheries Fishing yields decreasing for some
period but stabilization after the full
implementation of CAP.
40Scenarios Parameters
41Preliminary assessment of Benefit transfer for
Economic values of clean water
- Definition /description of management options
- Assessment of qualitative scenarios by
stakeholders - Ongoing assessment of implementation cost of
scenarios - Ongoing refinement of benefit transfer for each
scenario - Check costs and benefits with stakeholders
- Assessment of quantitative scenarios by
stakeholders - Integration of stakeholders views into management
options - Test hypotheses for consistency
- Overall economic ranking of scenarios according
to DSS