Topics: Introduction to Robotics CS 491/691(X) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topics: Introduction to Robotics CS 491/691(X)


Ambient / background light can interfere with the sensor measurement. To correct it we need to subtract the ambient light ... Cartesian robots, overhead cranes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Topics: Introduction to Robotics CS 491/691(X)

Topics Introduction to RoboticsCS 491/691(X)
  • Lecture 5
  • Instructor Monica Nicolescu

Ambient light
  • Ambient / background light can interfere with the
    sensor measurement
  • To correct it we need to subtract the ambient
    light level from the sensor measurement
  • This is how
  • take two (or more, for increased accuracy)
    readings of the detector, one with the emitter
    on, one with it off,
  • then subtract them
  • The result is the ambient light level

  • The ambient light level should be subtracted to
    get only the emitter light level
  • Calibration the process of adjusting a mechanism
    so as to maximize its performance
  • Ambient light can change ? sensors need to be
    calibrated repeatedly
  • Detecting ambient light is difficult if the
    emitter has the same wavelength
  • Adjust the wavelength of the emitter

Infra Red (IR) Light
  • IR light works at a frequency different than
    ambient light
  • IR sensors are used in the same ways as the
    visible light sensors, but more robustly
  • Detect presence of objects and distance to
  • Sensor reports the amount of overall
  • ambient lighting and the light from light source
  • More powerful way to use infrared sensing
  • Modulation/demodulation rapidly turn on and off
    the source of light

  • Modulated IR is commonly
  • used for communication
  • Modulation is done by flashing the light source
    at a particular frequency
  • This signal is detected by a demodulator tuned to
    that particular frequency
  • Offers great insensitivity to ambient light
  • Flashes of light can be detected even if weak

Infrared Communication
  • Bit frames
  • All bits take the same amount of
  • time to transmit
  • Sample the signal in the middle of the bit frame
  • Used for standard computer/modem communication
  • Useful when the waveform can be reliably
  • Bit intervals
  • Sampled at the falling edge
  • Duration of interval between sampling determines
    whether it is a 0 or 1
  • Common in commercial use
  • Useful when it is difficult to control the exact
    shape of the waveform

Proximity Sensing
  • Ideal application for modulated/demodulated IR
    light sensing
  • Light from the emitter is reflected back into
    detector by a nearby object, indicating whether
    an object is present
  • LED emitter and detector are pointed in the same
  • Modulated light is far less susceptible to
    environmental variables
  • amount of ambient light and the reflectivity of
    different objects

Break Beam Sensors
  • Any pair of compatible emitter-detector devices
    can be used to make a break-beam sensor
  • Examples
  • Incadescent flashlight bulb and photocell
  • Red LEDs and visible-light-sensitive
  • IR emitters and detectors
  • Where have you seen these?
  • Laser beams and clever burglars in movies
  • In robotics they are mostly used for keeping
    track of shaft rotation

Shaft Encoding
  • Shaft encoders
  • Measure the angular rotation of a shaft or an
  • Provide position and velocity information about
    the shaft
  • Speedometers measure how fast the wheels are
  • Odometers measure the number of rotations of the

Measuring Rotation
  • A perforated disk is mounted on the shaft
  • An emitterdetector pair is placed on both
  • sides of the disk
  • As the shaft rotates, the holes in the disk
  • interrupt the light beam
  • These light pulses are counted thus monitoring
    the rotation of the shaft
  • The more notches, the higher the resolution of
    the encoder
  • One notch, only complete rotations can be counted

Color-Based Encoders
  • Paint the disk wedges in alternating contrasting
  • Use a reflectance sensors to count the rotations
  • Black wedges absorb light, white reflect it and
    only reflections are counted

General Encoder Properties
  • Encoders are active sensors
  • Produce and measure a wave
  • function of light intensity
  • The wave peaks are counted to compute the speed
    of the shaft
  • Encoders measure rotational velocity and position
  • Where can encoders be used?

Uses of Encoders
  • Velocity can be measured
  • at a driven (active) wheel
  • at a passive wheel (e.g., dragged behind a legged
  • By combining position and velocity information,
    one can
  • move in a straight line
  • rotate by a fixed angle
  • Can be difficult due to wheel and gear slippage
    and to backlash in geartrains

Quadrature Shaft Encoding
  • How can we measure direction of rotation?
  • Idea
  • Use two encoders instead of one
  • Align sensors to be 90 degrees out of phase
  • Compare the outputs of both sensors at each time
    step with the previous time step
  • Only one sensor changes state (on/off) at each
    time step, based on the direction of the shaft
    rotation ? this determines the direction of
  • A counter is incremented in the encoder that was

Which Direction is the Shaft Moving?
  • Encoder A 1 and Encoder B 0
  • If moving to position AB00, the position count
    is incremented
  • If moving to the position AB11, the position
    count is decremented
  • State transition table
  • Previous state current state ? no change in
  • Single-bit change ? incrementing / decrementing
    the count
  • Double-bit change ? illegal transition

Uses of QSE in Robotics
  • Robot arms with complex joints
  • e.g., rotary/ball joints like knees or shoulders
  • Cartesian robots, overhead cranes
  • The rotation of a long worm screw moves an
    arm/rack back and fort along an axis
  • Motion of robot wheels
  • Dead-reckoning positioning
  • Copy machines, printers
  • Elevators

Ultrasonic Distance Sensing
  • Sonars so(und) na(vigation) r(anging)
  • Based on the time-of-flight principle
  • The emitter sends a chirp of sound
  • If the sound encounters a barrier it reflects
    back to the sensor
  • The reflection is detected by a receiver circuit,
    tuned to the frequency of the emitter
  • Distance to objects can be computed by measuring
    the elapsed time between the chirp and the echo
  • Sound travels about 0.89 milliseconds per foot

Sonar Sensors
  • Emitter is a membrane that transforms mechanical
    energy into a ping (inaudible sound wave)
  • The receiver is a microphone tuned to the
    frequency of the emitted sound
  • Polaroid Ultrasound Sensor
  • Used in a camera to measure the
  • distance from the camera to the subject
  • for auto-focus system
  • Emits in a 30 degree sound cone
  • Has a range of 32 feet
  • Operates at 50 KHz

  • Echolocation finding location based on sonar
  • Numerous animals use echolocation
  • Bats use sound for
  • finding pray, avoid obstacles, find mates,
  • communication with other bats
  • Dolphins/Whales
  • find small fish, swim through mazes
  • Natural sensors are much more complex than
    artificial ones

Specular Reflection
  • Sound does not reflect directly and come right
  • Specular reflection
  • The sound wave bounces off multiple sources
    before returning to the detector
  • Smoothness
  • The smoother the surface the more likely is that
    the sound would bounce off
  • Incident angle
  • The smaller the incident angle of the sound wave
    the higher the probability that the sound will
    bounce off

Improving Accuracy
  • Use rough surfaces in lab environments
  • Multiple sensors covering the same area
  • Multiple readings over time to detect
  • Active sensing
  • In spite of these problems sonars are used
    successfully in robotics applications
  • Navigation
  • Mapping

Laser Sensing
  • High accuracy sensors
  • Lasers use light time-of-flight
  • Light is emitted in a beam (3mm) rather than a
  • Provide higher resolution
  • For small distances light travels faster than it
    can be measured ? use phase-shift measurement
  • SIC LMS200
  • 360 readings over an 180-degrees, 10Hz
  • Disadvantages cost, weight, power, price, mostly

Visual Sensing
  • Cameras try to model biological eyes
  • Machine vision is a highly difficult research
  • Reconstruction
  • What is that? Who is that? Where is that?
  • Robotics requires answers related to achieving
  • Not usually necessary to reconstruct the entire

Principles of Cameras
  • Cameras have many similarities with the human eye
  • The light goes through an opening (iris - lens)
    and hits the image plane (retina)
  • The retina is attached to light-sensitive
    elements (rods, cones silicon circuits)
  • Only objects at a particular range are
  • in focus (fovea) depth of field
  • 512x512 pixels (cameras),
  • 120x106 rods and 6x106 cones (eye)
  • The brightness is proportional to the
  • amount of light reflected from the objects

Image Brightness
  • Brightness depends on
  • reflectance of the surface patch
  • position and distribution of the light sources in
    the environment
  • amount of light reflected from other objects in
    the scene onto the surface patch
  • Two types of reflection
  • Specular (smooth surfaces)
  • Diffuse (rough sourfaces)
  • Necessary to account for these properties for
    correct object reconstruction ? complex

Early Vision
  • The retina is attached to numerous rods and cones
    which, in turn, are attached to nerve cells
  • The nerves process the information they perform
    "early vision", and pass information on
    throughout the brain to do "higher-level" vision
  • Suppose we have a bw camera with a 512 x 512
    pixel image
  • Each pixel has an intensity level between white
    and black
  • How do we find an object in the image? Do we know
    if there is one?
  • The typical first step ("early vision") is edge
    detection, i.e., find all the edges in the image

Edge Detection
  • Edge a curve in the image across which there is
    a change in brightness
  • Finding edges
  • Differentiate the image and look for areas where
    the magnitude of the derivative is large
  • Difficulties
  • Not only edges produce changes in brightness
    shadows, noise
  • Smoothing
  • Filter the image using convolution
  • Use filters of various orientations
  • Segmentation get objects out of the lines

Model-Based Vision
  • Compare the current image with images of similar
    objects (models) stored in memory
  • Models provide prior information about the
  • Difficulties
  • Translation, orientation and scale
  • Not known what is the object in the image
  • Occlusion
  • Storing models
  • Line drawings
  • Several views of the same object
  • Repeatable features (two eyes, a nose, a mouth)

Vision from Motion
  • Take advantage of motion to facilitate vision
  • Moving system can detect static objects
  • At consecutive time steps continuous objects move
    as one
  • Subtract two consecutive images from each other ?
    the movement between frames
  • Exact movement of the camera should be known
  • Robots are typically moving themselves
  • Need to consider the movement of the robot

Stereo Vision
  • 3D information can be
  • computed from two
  • images
  • Compute relative
  • positions of cameras
  • Compute disparity
  • displacement of a point in 3D between the two
  • Disparity is inverse proportional with actual
    distance in 3D

Biological Vision
  • Similar visual strategies are used in nature
  • Model-based vision is essential for object/people
  • Vestibular occular reflex
  • Eyes stay fixed while the head/body is moving to
    stabilize the image
  • Stereo vision
  • Typical in carnivores
  • Human vision is particularly good at recognizing
    shadows, textures, contours, other shapes

Vision for Robots
  • If complete scene reconstruction is not needed we
    can simplify the problem based on the task
  • Use color
  • Use a combination of color and movement
  • Use small images
  • Combine other sensors with vision
  • Use knowledge about the environment

Feedback Control
  • Feedback control having a system achieve and
    maintain a desired state by continuously
    comparing its current and desired states, then
    adjusting the current state to minimize the
  • Also called closed loop control

Goal State
  • Goal driven behavior is used in both control
    theory and in AI
  • Goals in AI
  • Achievement goals states that the system is
    trying to reach
  • Maintenance goals states that need to be
  • Control theory mostly focused on maintenance
  • Goal states can be
  • Internal monitor battery power level
  • External get to a particular location in the
  • Combinations of both balance a pole

  • Error the difference in the current state and
    desired state of the system
  • The controller has to minimize the error at all
  • Zero/non-zero error
  • Tells whether there is an error or not
  • The least information we could have
  • Magnitude of error
  • The distance to the goal state
  • Direction of error
  • Which way to go to minimize the error
  • Control is much easier if we know both magnitude
    and direction

A Robotic Example
  • Use feedback to design a wall following robot
  • What sensors to use, what info will they provide?
  • Contact the least information
  • IR information about a possible wall, but not
  • Sonar, laser would provide distance
  • Bend sensor would provide distance
  • Control
  • If distance-to-wall is right, then keep going
  • If distance-to-wall is larger
  • then turn (by 45 degrees) toward the wall
  • else turn (by 45 degrees) away from the wall

  • What is the behavior of the robot?
  • The robot will oscillate around the optimal
    distance from the wall, getting either too close
    or too far
  • In general, the behavior of a feedback system
    oscillates around the desired state
  • Decreasing oscillations
  • Adjust the turning angle
  • Use a range instead of a fixed distance as the
    goal state

Open Loop Control
  • Also called feed-forward control
  • Does not use sensory feedback, and state is not
    fed back into the system
  • The system executes a command that is fed into
    it, based on what was predicted in advance
  • The controller determines set points (sub-goals)
    ahead of time
  • Feed-forward systems are effective only if
  • They are well calibrated
  • The environment is predictable does not change
    such as to affect their performance

Uses of Open Loop Control
  • Repetitive, state independent tasks
  • Conveyor belt machines use open loop control
  • Biological systems use it as well, in various
  • These are called ballistic movements (like a
    flying bullet)
  • Ballistic movements cannot be corrected while
    they are executed
  • E.g. pouncing, reflex reaching withdrawal, etc.

Types of Feedback Control
  • There are three types of basic feedback
  • P proportional control
  • PD proportional derivative control
  • PID proportional integral derivative control

Proportional Control
  • The response of the system is proportional to the
    amount of the error
  • Use both direction and magnitude of error to
    compensate for the error effectively
  • The output o is proportional to the input i
  • o Kp ? i
  • Kp is a proportionality constant (gain)
  • Turn sharply toward the wall sharply if far from
  • Turn gently toward the wall if slightly farther
    from it

  • The gains (Kp) are specific to the particular
    control system
  • The physical properties of the system directly
    affect the gain values
  • E.g. the velocity profile of a motor (how fast
    it can accelerate and decelerate), the backlash
    and friction in the gears, the friction on the
    surface, in the air, etc.
  • All of these influence what the system actually
    does in response to a command

Determining Gains
  • How do we determine the gains?
  • Analytically (mathematics)
  • require that the system be well understood and
    characterized mathematically
  • Empirically (trial and error)
  • require that the system be tested extensively
  • Automatically
  • by trying different values at run-time

Gains and Oscillations
  • Proportional gain value proportional to that of
    the error
  • Incorrect gains will cause the system to
    undershoot or overshoot the desired state ?
  • Gain values determine if
  • The system will keep oscillating (possibly
    increasing oscillations)
  • The system will stabilize
  • Damping process of systematically decreasing
  • A system is properly damped if it does not
    oscillate out of control (decreasing
    oscillations, or no oscillations at all)

Proportional Control
  • Pgain10
  • System overshot the zero point, and had to turn
  • Offset Error System did not stabilize at the
    goal. Power command too small to activate the
  • Pgain20 should ameliorate the offset problem
  • Offset error is solved
  • Oscillation the system overshoots three
    timestwice beyond the setpoint and once before it

Proportional Control
  • Pgain30
  • Oscillation problem is more pronounced there are
    a total of five oscillatory swings
  • Pgain50 Oscillation behavior has taken over
  • System cannot stabilize at the setpoint
  • A small error generates a power command that
    moves the system across the setpoint

Derivative Control
  • Setting gains is difficult, and simply increasing
    the gains does not remove oscillations
  • The system needs to be controlled differently
    when it is close to the desired state and when it
    is far from it
  • Otherwise, the momentum of the correction carries
    the system beyond the desired state, and causes
  • Solution correct the momentum as the system
    approaches the desired state
  • Momentum mass ? velocity

Controlling Velocity
  • Momentum and velocity are directly proportional ?
    we can control the momentum by controlling
  • As the system nears the desired state, we
    subtract an amount proportional to the velocity
  • - (gain ? velocity)
  • This is called the derivative term, because
    velocity is the derivative of position
  • A controller that has a derivative term is called
    a derivative (D) controller

Derivative Control
  • A derivative controller has an output o
    proportional to the derivative of its input i
  • o Kd di/dt
  • Kd is a proportionality constant
  • The intuition behind derivative control
  • Controller corrects for the momentum as it
    approaches the desired state
  • Slow down a robot and decrease the turning angle
    while getting closer to the desired state

  • F. Martin
  • M. Mataric
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