Title: Welcome to the eighth HAPL meeting
1Welcome to the eighthHAPL meeting
Courtesy, Mark Tillack, UCSD
2 The High Average Power Laser
Programthe what, the why, the how, and
the when
3The "WHAT"...We are developing the science and
technology for a new energy source
Inertial fusion energy with lasers, direct drive
targets, solid wall chambers
- Modular, separable parts lowers cost of
development AND improvements - Conceptually simple spherical targets, passive
chambers - Builds on significant progress in US Inertial
Confinement Fusion Program
4One of the many reasons "WHY"
China's Oil Production and Consumption 1980-2002
Net Imports
Thousands of barrels per day
China 1, 300 M People, 1 have private cars,
5 M Barrels/day US 300 M People, 100 have
private cars, 20 M Barrels/day
Source DOE Energy Information Agency
5The "HOW"... The HAPL Program Core Belief
The fastest, most cost effective, and least
risky approach to develop fusion
energy Develop the key science and
technologies together as an integrated system,
using the end goal of a practical power
source as a guide
6If you don't know where you're going, You're
not going to get there
7The HAPL program principles
1. Focus on the end product.value simplicity
over complexity
2. Follow Phased Program with well defined goals
and metrics
3. Establish underlying science technology
4. Form cross institutional "special" teams to
solve problems
5. Value predictive capability and experimental
6. Leave room for invention and innovation
8The WHEN...The Path to develop Laser Fusion Energy
- Krypton fluoride laser
- Diode pumped solid state laser
- Target fabrication injection
- Final optics
- Chambers materials/design
Phase I Basic fusion science technology 1999-
- Target design Physics
- 2D/3D simulations
- 1-30 kJ laser-target expts
Phase II Validate science technology 2006 - 2014
- Full Scale Components
- Power plant laser beamline
- Target fab/injection facility
- Power Plant design
- Ignition Physics Validation
- MJ target implosions (NIF)
- Calibrated 3D simulations
? Full size laser 2.4 MJ, 60 laser lines ?
Optimize targets for high yield ? Develop
materials and components. ? ? 300-700 MW net
Phase III Engineering Test Facility operating ?
9HAPL Program Elements and goals for Phase I
First Wall Materials
Develop a first wall system that can survive the
repetitive blast of x-rays, ionized particles,
and neutrons from a fusion energy target.
10On elephants in the roomand believing your own
inv inn, combo
11and nowa word from our sponsor