11 Mindreading and Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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11 Mindreading and Culture


We don't have to decide whether to interpret another person's movement as action: ... relationships between organisms of different kinds (e.g. Darwin finches ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 11 Mindreading and Culture

11Mindreading and Culture
  • Social Minds
  • Our minds are adapted for social reasoning.
  • We have a persistency to anthropomorphize we
    react to objects as theyre intentional agents.
  • We dont have to decide whether to interpret
    another persons movement as action we do so
  • No inferential reasoning, no analogy reasoning,

  • Interpretative competence is dissociated from
    other aspects of human cognition.
  • This suggest the presence of a module operating
    independently of other cognitive faculties.

  • The module presence, is reinforced by studies on
    autism and schizophrenia.
  • Autism is characterized by the incapacity to
    read other people mind but leaves other cognitive
    capacities intact.
  • This suggests that the interpretative capacity
    is dissociated from other cognitive capacities
    (cf. argument from aphasia in favor of the
    language module).

  • Arguments for Modularity
  • 1. Dissociation
  • Two capacities are dissociated if one can be
    lost and the other retained. There is thus
    informational and operational autonomy.
  • E.g. aphasia proves that linguistic skills can
    be lost while other dont thus there is a
    language module.

  • The same for our capacity to interpret others if
    it can be dissociated from general intelligence,
    it proves the existence of an interpretative
    module, i.e. a theory of mind module, ToM.

  • High functioning autists seem to prove this.
  • E.g. high functioning autistic children fail
    the false-belief task, yet they pass the
    false-photography task (where a photo is taken
    from a scene which get subsequently changed the
    autistic children will say that the picture will
    be of the previous scene).

  • 2. Poverty of the Stimulus
  • Children become competent reasoners about mental
    state even if they cannot see, hear, or feel them
    (cf. blind children).

  • Poverty of the stimulus
  • A child may acquire a language even though the
    data itself is too poor to determine the
    language the child needs no evidence for much of
    the knowledge she brings to the learning
  • Children acquire language from pidgin.
  • Roughly, children always make the right
    hypotheses as a function of their genetic

  • Since the child can fixate on any language in the
    face of a poverty of stimulus about each language
    and since all languages are equally acquirable,
    children all begin with the same universal
    linguistic knowledge.
  • This is the essence of the poverty of stimulus

  • The poverty of the stimulus argument does not
    tell us
  • 1. What information is innate.
  • 2. How the innate information is represented in
    the mind/brain.
  • 3. Whether the information is available to a
    general learning mechanism or specific to a
    dedicated one (i.e. general intelligence or
    language module).
  • These issues are to be decided by the normal
    scientific route of the testing and comparison of

  • Simulation Theory (ST) vs. ToM
  • Either the great apes represent the action of
    their conspecifics in intentional terms or they
    represent them in terms of bodily motion.
  • Even without a rudimentary theory of folk
    psychology we wouldnt see other agents as mere
    bulk of skin, but as animate, self-moving
    creatures with functionally organized behavior.

  • Simulation theory
  • The behavior of others is interpreted and
    predicted by using our own decision-making
    procedure as model for others.
  • Advantages ST fits the phenomenology of agency
    insofar as we often understand others by
    imagining ourselves in their situation.
  • If ST is right it also frees us from the burden
    of calculation and discovery. ST is a less
    intelligence-hungry account.

  • Reply
  • At most ST presents a supplement to the
    representational theory of representation. We
    often take into account differences between our
    thoughts and the ones of other agents.
  • E.g. we can understand/adjust our expectations,
    predictions, etc. of agents from other cultures.
  • ST looks more plausible when seen as part of a
    hybrid. It need to be combined with account of
    the information agents use to guide their

  • But why need that information be in the form of a
  • If our information about others was a mere form
    of empirical generalizations from our experience,
    then we could not predict the behavior of agents
    in novel situations.

  • Folk Psychology
  • Can be seen (Sterelny) as a form of guided
    learning instead of a full blooded theory.
  • As such, it is sensitive to development.
  • Would it be similar to Chomskys LAD?

  • In favor of the view that folk psychology is a
    full blooded theory people (Scholl Leslie)
    mentions the
  • 1. uniform outcomes all individuals across
    cultures manifest (with the exception of
    psychological pathologies) a more or less
    identical folk psychology.
  • 2. Insensitivity of development to learning
    abilities the development of folk psychology
    seems insensitive to differences in general
    learning abilities.

  • But folk psychology (FP) can be learned.
  • There are important differences, though, on the
    way FP is learned and ordinary learning.
  • The acquisition is developmentally entrenched.
  • But most of this developmental buffering is in
    the environment rather than the genome.

  • 3.The process of development is insensitive to
    evidence This campaign against the learning of
    FP. If FP is insensitive to evidence it cannot be
  • But richer environment (linguistically and
    socially) accelerate the development (e.g.
    children pass the false-belief test a bit
  • This difference, though, is only of timing not
    of degree.

  • Vs. Evolutionary Psychology (Sterelny)
  • The idea that the human mind consists of an
    ensemble of domain-specific, innately specified,
    cognitive mechanisms that are adaptations to
    specific ecological and social problems of
    Pleistocene foraging is a radical
    oversimplification of the pattern of hominid
    evolution. It exaggerates the importance of
    evolution of specific adaptations to specific
    problems, and ignores adaptations to variability

  • The evolution of some important aspects of
    hominid cognition are perceptual and affective
  • This may explain for instance a particular
    preference of waist to hip ratio, and other
    phenomenon discussed by evolutionary psychology.

  • Humans inherits much more than genes from past
  • These information-transmitting inheritances are
  • Hence we cannot easily apply evolutionary models
    built for other species.
  • Cultural evolution .

  • Cumulative niche constructions
  • Behavioral innovations can trigger cascades of
    further changes that entrench the new behavior
    (e.g. lactose tolerance because of a new diet).
  • The increasing cultural differentiation
    generated by cumulative niche construction made
    the boundaries between groups less permeable.

  • The importance of dual inheritance.
  • Human inherits both genes and culture from their
  • This is an important factor in accelerating
  • For dual inheritance to work, group selection
    must be powerful, for the fidelity of
    transmission depends both on individual
    psychological adaptations (importance of
    learning) and developmental environment.
  • Hence, culture contributes in shaping nature.

  • The Theory of Evolution
  • The determiner the is the problem.
  • We dont have a single theory, but a set of
    complex views with various degrees of certainty
    (Christians fundamentalists exploit that in
    favoring design ).

  • Evidence for evolution
  • 1. Physiological
  • Evidence of related structures
  • E.g. the structure of mammalian forelimbs. The
    wing of the bat, the flipper of the whale and the
    human arm all share the same bones organized for
    different functions.

  • 2. Fossils
  • They can be dated and show sequences of
    organisms from currently unknown forms to
    familiar forms.
  • 3. Biogeography
  • I.e., the geographical relationships between
    organisms of different kinds (e.g. Darwin finches
    who have been blown to different places and in
    the absence of competitors evolves differently).

  • Natural Selection
  • Evolution by natural selection is Darwins great
  • This is understood via the idea of heritable
    variations of fitness, i.e. the disposition to
    produce surviving offspring.
  • If organisms differ in fitness some will have
    more offspring than others.

  • If fitness is heritable, and the features that
    ground differences in fitness are pass down from
    generation to generation then features conveying
    fitness will become more common. Well thus have
    changes in populations
  • Main debate
  • What exactly it is what natural selection
  • Dawkins claims that are not organisms but genes,
    i.e. the prevalence of genes that were most
    efficient at reproducing themselves.

  • The selfish gene
  • The organism is a mere vehicle built by genes in
    order to project themselves most effectively into
    the next generation.

  • Group selection
  • Its the view that certain features of organisms
    favoring conspecifics rather than themselves have
    been produced by selection between groups of
  • Unselfish groups survive better than those
    composed by merely selfish individuals.

  • The selection of genes is insufficient to explain
    the complexity of the evolutionary process.
  • Selection occurs simultaneously at many levels,
    including the gene and the individual and
    possibly also the group and the species.

  • Multi-level selection
  • It is probably the current orthodoxy among
    philosophers of biology.
  • It rejects the idea that it is possible to
    separate out specific set of objects involved in
    a certain stage of the evolutionary process.

  • An influential version of this perspective is the
    developmental system theory.
  • It provides a powerful criticism of the
    gene-centeredness (genes are not special or
  • Genes dont carry information, nor present a
    plan or a blueprint.
  • They only provide reliable predictions about the
    state of another organism.

  • Other factors must be taken into consideration.
  • E.g. The sun help tomatoes getting red. The
    mere genetic structure of tomatoes does not make
    them to become red.
  • Lot of factors intervenes in the development of
    an organism.

  • If the multi-factors view is right, the divorce
    between evolution and development cannot be
  • Evolution and development works together.

  • Difficulties with evolutionary explanations
  • 1. Adaptations vs. exaptations
  • The distinction between the views that
  • (i) traits of organisms evolved because they
    serve some function that they can be seen now to
    promote, and
  • (ii) the organism put the traits to a use that
    is different from that which explains its

  • Expactation isnt just an anomaly that
    occasionally derails.
  • It is a feature of almost any interesting
  • E.g. the mammalian lung from swim-bladders.
  • I.e. the mammalian lung developed gradually out
    of the organs that ancestral fish used to keep
    them afloat.

  • To evolve an organ to doing X an organism must
    start with an organ or structure that evolved to
    do Y
  • E.g. the giraffes long neck or the peacocks
  • The neck first evolved to support the head .

  • 2. Organisms are integrated systems
  • Hence, changes to one trait will cause
    correlative changes to other traits and these
    will have positive and negative effects on
  • Even the traits that are the primary focus of
    attention will have many fitness effects.

  • General lesson
  • Given the problem with the multiple exaptations
    and the multiplicity of interconnections we may
    end up to being capable to give only some hints
    or suggestions.
  • We may be incapable to provide more than a
    fragment of the truth.
  • Modesty
  • We may have a modest but not completely vacuous
    conception of evolutionary explanation.
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