Multiscale model of electronic behavior and localization in stretched dry DNA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Multiscale model of electronic behavior and localization in stretched dry DNA


Multiscale model of electronic behavior and localization in stretched dry DNA ... are represented by the Trouiller-Martins type in SIESTA, the Vanderbilt ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Multiscale model of electronic behavior and localization in stretched dry DNA

Multiscale model of electronic behavior and
localization in stretched dry DNA
  • R. L. Barnett, P. Maragakis, A. Turner, M. Fyta ,
    E. Kaxiras
  • J Mater Sci (2007) 42 8894 - 8903
  • Presented by
  • Pooja Shrestha

  • The mechanism of charge transport has been
    subject of numerous studies in past few years.
    These works address the problem of DNA stretching
    effects on the electronic states and the electron
  • Eley and Spivey 1 introduced the notion of
    efficient charge transport along the stacked
    pi-orbitals of the DNA bases.
  • More recent electron transport experiments on DNA
    have widely varying results showing alternatively
    insulating behavior, semi-conducting behavior,
    ohmic conductivity and proximity induced
  • There is a large diversity of the DNA forms in
    terms of its composition, length and structure.
    The electronic and transport properties of DNA
    are directly influenced by its different
    conformations as well as by environmental factors
    such as counterions, impurities or temperature.
    DNA electrode contact and rich variety of
    structures that it assume are cause of
    variability in experimental measurements.
  • (1). Eley DD, Spivey DI
    (1961) Trans Faraday Soc 58 411

DNA can be used to
  • Build nanostructure
  • Guide material synthesis
  • Construct nanomaterial device
  • Perform computations

A short introduction to DNA
  • DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic
    information used in development and functioning
    of all known living organism and some virus.
  • Nucleic acid is a macromolecule composed of
    chains of monomeric nucleotide which is a
    chemical compound that consists of three
    portions nitrogenous base, sugar and phosphate
  • Chemically, DNA is long polymer made from
    repeating units called nucleotides, with a
    backbone made of sugars and phosphate groups.

Single strand DNA
  • DNA exist as the pair of molecule in the shape
    of double helix which is stabilized by hydrogen
    bonds between base attached to two stands

Form of double helix
  • Each types of base on one strand forms a bond
    with just one type of base in other strand which
    is called complementary base pairing. Eg
  • A-T
  • C-G
  • T-A
  • G-C
  • where, A Adenine
  • C Cytosine
  • G Guanine
  • T Thymine

Base pairing
  • Double helix is also stabilized by hydrophobic
    effect and pi stacking.
  • An aromatic interaction (or pi-pi interaction) is
    a noncovalent interaction between organic
    compounds containing aromatic moieties.
  • pi-pi interaction is caused by intermolecular
    overlapping of p-orbitals.
  • In DNA pi stacking occurs between adjacent
    nucleotides. Aromatic ring are positioned nearly
    perpendicular to the length of the DNA strands
    and arranged parallel to each other allowing the
    bases to participate in aromatic interaction.

Theoretical methods
  • Theoretical efforts to understand the electronic
    behavior and transport in DNA can be divided into
    two general categories
  • Model calculations using effective Hamiltonian
    and master equations to describe the dynamics of
    electrons and holes in DNA 4. The main
    limitation of such approach lies in the
    difficulty of determining accurate values for the
    parameters in effective Hamiltonian.
  • Ab initio calculations can provide an accurate
    and detailed description of the electronic
    features but this approach is typically limited
    to a small number of atoms due to computational
    cost and cannot handle the full complexity of DNA
    molecule in various conformations.
  • (4). Caetano RA, Schulz PA (2005) Phys Rev Lett
    95 126601

  • The calculations are based on density-functional
    theory and some approximations are employed to
    handle computational demands. The results have
    been compared to an efficient and realistic
    semi-empirical model 2 in order to establish
    the validity of the latter approach.
  • The poly(CG)-poly(CG) structures obtained in the
    pioneering study of Lebrun and Lavery 3 are
    used as representative structure for stretching
    effects which models two different modes of
  • pulling on opposite 3- 3 ends unwound helix
    leading to ribbon like structure and
  • pulling on opposite 5- 5 ends leads helix
  • Dry and neutral DNA structure has been taken
    where the negatively charged groups on the
    backbone are passivated by protons water
    molecules or counterions (such as Na ion) are not
    considered in the calculations.

(2). Elstner M, (1998) Phys Rev B 58
7260 (3). Lebrun A, Lavery R (1996) Nucl Ac Res
24 2260
Ab initio calculations
  • Three different implementations of
    density-functional theory have been used to study
    the nature of electronic states in individual
    bases and in base pairs a method that uses
    atomic-like orbitals as the basis, one that uses
    plane waves and third that uses a real-space
  • For consistency and simplicity same
    exchange-correlation functional has been used in
    local-density approximation 5.
  • In each methods pseudopotentials are represented
    by the Trouiller-Martins type in SIESTA, the
    Vanderbilt ultrasoft type in VASP and the
    Hammann-Schluter-Chiang type in HARES with
    computational parameters that ensure high level
    of convergence.
  • (5). Perdew JP. Zunger A, (1981) Phys Rev B
    23 7260

SIESTA a linear scaling density functional method
  • Siesta (Spanish Initiative for Electronic
    Simulations with Thousands of Atoms) is both a
    method and its computer program implementation,
    to perform electronic structure calculations and
    ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of
    molecules and solids.
  • It uses the standard Kohn-Sham selfconsistent
    density functional method in the local density
    (LDA-LSD) or generalized gradient (GGA)
  • It uses norm-conserving pseudopotentials in its
    fully nonlocal form.
  • The basis set is a very general and flexible
    linear combination of numerical atomic orbitals
  • It projects the electron wavefunctions and
    density onto a real-space grid in order to
    calculate the Hartree and exchange-correlation
    potentials and their matrix elements.

  • It allows the use of localized linear
    combinations of the occupied orbitals
    (valence-bond or Wannier-like functions), making
    the computer time and memory scale linearly with
    the number of atoms. Simulations with several
    hundred atoms are feasible with modest
  • It also provides
  • Total and partial energies.
  • Atomic forces.
  • Stress tensor.
  • Electric dipole moment.
  • Atomic, orbital and bond populations (Mulliken).
  • Electron density

Semi-empirical model
  • 18 base pairs of poly(CG)-poly(CG) DNA sequence
    is used which has been stretched by 30, 60 and
    90. Within the semi-empirical scheme the
    electronic eigenfunctions are expressed as
  • where the basis set includes the s and p atomic
    orbitals for each atom in the system. The
    coefficients are numerical constants.
  • This method uses second order expansion in the
    electronic density to obtain the total energy.
  • The result for band gaps is in excellent
    agreement with those of the ab initio simulation.

Results and discussion
  • The structure of base pairs is shown with
    labeled atoms in each base Figure (1).

Figure (1) The DNA base pairs AT (top) and CG
(bottom), with the atoms labeled. The purines (A,
G) are on the right, the pyrimidines (T, C) on
the left. Atom labeling follows standard notation
  • The HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital)
    state of AT pair is exactly the same as that of
    the HOMO state of the isolated A and the LUMO
    (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) state of AT
    is same as that of the isolated T.
  • The HOMO state of CG pair is exactly the same as
    that of the HOMO state of the isolated G and the
    LUMO state of CG is same as that of the isolated
  • This shows that purines (A or G) give rise to the
    HOMO state, while the pyrimidines (C or T) are
    responsible for the LUMO states of each pair.
    Thus it is clear that all p-orbitals which
    belongs to purine or pyrimidine contribute to
    respective HOMO or LUMO state of base pair.
    This is in agreement with calculation with
    absorption spectra of DNA base and base pairs 6
  • (6). Varsano D, Felice RI, Marques MAL, Rubio A
    (2006) J Phys Chem B 110 7129

Figure (2) The frontier states in the base pairs
and their identification with corresponding
orbitals in the isolated bases. The middle figure
in each panel shows the total charge density on
the plane of the base pair, with higher values of
the charge density in red and lower values in
blue. The figure on the left shows the HOMO state
and the figure on the right shows the LUMO state,
where red and blue isosurfaces correspond to
positive and negative values of the wave
functions. The labels on the left denote the type
of bases and base pairs.
  • HOMO and LUMO states are slightly affected when
    the two components of base pair are separated
    along the direction of hydrogen-bond.
  • Only in the reason where the backbone distance is
    significantly smaller than equilibrium value,
    interaction between the two bases shifts the
    eigenvalues of electronic state appreciably but
    the shift is relatively small for the HOMO and
    LUMO states.
  • Band gap of the AT pair is significantly larger
    (3 eV) than that of CG pair (2 eV) and the HOMO
    and LUMO states of CG pair lie within band gap of
    AT pair.

Figure (3) Eigenvalues of states in the AT and
CG base pairs as a function of backbone distance.
In each case three states are included above and
below the band gap. Lines are results from SIESTA
calculations, points are results from HARES
calculations (see text). The frontier orbitals in
both pairs are related to one component of the
pair as indicated by the labels. The equilibrium
backbone distance is denoted by a vertical dashed
  • Eigenvalue shows slight dependence on axial
    distance and the angle of rotation except for
    small values of the axial distance which
    correspond to unphysical small separation between
    two base pairs.

Figure (4) Eigenvalues of states in the AT-AT,
CG-CG and ATCG base pair combinations as a
function of the distance along the helical axis
(at zero angle of rotation) and the rotation
angle around the helical axis (at the equilibrium
axial distance).
  • The radius of the sphere centered on a particular
    atom is proportional to the magnitude of the
    dominant coefficient at this site which is
    essentially proportional to the local electronic
  • As DNA becomes more elongated, orbitals overlap
    is less and become localized for high stretching.

Figure (5) The DNA structures for the
unstretched (top) and the different amounts of
stretching in the 3-3 and the 5-5 modes with
features of the frontier orbitals described by
the blue (HOMO) and red (LUMO) spheres. For both
modes theamount of stretching is (a) 30, (b)
60, and (c) 90 relative to the unstretched
structure, which is the BDNA form. The 3-5
orientations of the poly(CG)-poly(CG) sequence
are shown in the left panel at 90 stretching,
whereth ese the structure is easier to visualize.
  • The external force subjected to DNA double helix
    stretch elastically and have a dramatic effect on
    electronic properties at the atomic scale and on
    electrical transport along DNA.
  • Purines are found to be associated with the HOMO
    states while the pyrimidines with the LUMO
  • In the AT-CG combination the HOMO and LUMO states
    are identified with those of CG pair.
  • For all combinations of bases and base pairs the
    nature of these states is not affected by
    separation of bases or base pairs along different
    directions or rotation along the helical axis.
  • Electron hopping along DNA molecule is the
    function of stretching which is stronger for 3-
    3 mode than 5- 5 mode.

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