Title: Electrical and Computer Engineering Departmental Overview
1Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartmental
- Prof. Mark E. Law
- Department of Electrical and Computer Eng.
- Agenda
- Background on the Department
- State of the Department
- Changes in the last year, progress toward goals
- Challenges
- Conclusions
3Agenda Thursday
- 1200 Lunch, Registration, Welcome
- 100 Department Overview - Update on Directions
and Issues - 200-230 Break / Atrium
- 230-255 Toshi Nishida - Self Powered Sensors
- 255-320 Oscar Boykin - Quantum Computing
- 320-345 Jose Principe - Brain Machine
Interfaces - 345-410 Jian Li - Breast Cancer Detection
- 410-435 Martin Uman - Lightning and X-Rays
- 435-500 Break
- 500-700 Graduate Student Poster Session from
Interdisciplinary Topics / Hors' D'oeuvres - 700 Dinner
4Agenda Friday
- 800-830 Continental Breakfast
- 830-855 Jing Guo - Nanodevice Transport and
Modeling - 855-920 Tan Wong - Wireless Networks and
Communications - 920-945 Liuqing Yang - Ultrawideband
Communications - 945-1010 Alan George - High Performance
Computing and Networks - 1010-1035 Rizwan Bashirullah - Wireless
Interface Electronics for Bio-implantable Devices - 1035 11 Break
- 11 - 1 Graduate Student Posters from Core
Research / Lunch - 1-2 Wrap-up / Recommendations
5ECE Vital Statistics
- Faculty
- 46 Tenure Track Faculty and 4 Lecturers
- 14 IEEE Fellows
- 13 Assistant Professors
- 750 Undergraduates and 420 Graduate students
- 29st Best Graduate Program in US News (2005) Up
from 31 in 2004
6Number of Students
- Grad Enrollment - More Later
- Increased Undergrad admission standards
7ECE Research Metrics
Expenditures (M)
Doubled research expenditures over four years!
Doubled publications over four years!
8Hiring Plans and Recruitment
- Target 50 faculty (nearly ten in real growth)
- 46 up from 42 one year ago
- Last Year Hires
- Rizwan Bashirullah, Electronics, NC State
- Oscar Boykin, Computing and Networks, UCLA
- Jing Guo, Devices, Purdue
- Tao Li, Computing, UT Austin
- Liuqing Yang, Communications, U Minnesota
9Strategic Goals - ECE
- Target - Double Ph.D. production department wide
- 17 and 18 Ph.D. Graduates last two years
- 2004/2005 academic year should be at 24
- Projected 40 / year at the end of 5 years
- 200 RAs and 50 TAs employed
10Strategic Goals - ECE
- Funding Metric on Ph.D.s - Achieved this Year!
- Support approximately 200 to 240 Ph.D. students
- 10 - 13M / year in external research
expenditures - Publications Metric on Ph.D. - Achieved this
Year! - 120 to 150 journal pubs / year (0.6 / year /
Ph.D. student) - 200 to 240 conference pubs / year (1 / year /
Ph.D. student) - Consistent with recruitment of 50 Ph.D. students
/ year
- Divisions
- Ph.D. Program Enhancements
- Faculty Academic Year Salary and Teaching Load
- Recruiting Grad Students
12Computer Engineering - 13 Faculty
software simulation services educational
grid computing middleware
software applications
computing resources
Kapadia, Fortes, Lundstrom, Adabala, Figueiredo
et al
13Devices - 13 Faculty
S. Thompson, IEDM
Jerry Fossum won the 2004 J.J. Ebers Award
14Electromagnetics and Energy Systems - 9 Faculty
- Camp Blanding Triggered Lightning Facility -
Unique in the World
15Electronics - 14 Faculty
- A 6 mm x 7 mm integrated circuit containing a
receiver with an integrated antenna has been
fabricated in a 0.18mm CMOS process for
intra-chip wireless communication with the
support of Semiconductor Research Corp. and NASA
(Ken O)
16Signals and Systems - 15 Faculty
UF systems are integrated with MIT, SUNY, and
Plexon hardware/software and are interfaced with
primates at Duke University (Nicolelis BMI Group)
- Jian Li and Fred Taylor Named IEEE Fellows
17Ph.D. Program Enhancements
- First Year Ph.D. Students
- Department Support
- Students take heavy class loads
- Students teach / grade
- Written Exam in first year
- Undergraduate material based
- Students choose 3 of 8 undergrad areas
18Ph.D. Exam Results
- 41 attempted, 36 passed (88)
- Statistics
- Overall average was 76 of 100
- US Citizens 17 - 70.65
- International Students 24 - 80.25
- UF UG 8 - 73.19
- M.S. Degree - 76.52
- B.S. Degree - 76.13
- Small Sample - should get more rigorous in the
19Faculty Teaching Load
- Teaching Assignments made on research
productivity - Number of grad students
- Publications
- Funding
- Academic Year buy-out reduced from 25 to 15
- Should free more dollars and time for research
20Graduate Recruiting
- National Problem
- Applications were down 36 for 04
- Visas
- Global Economy
- US Reputation
21Applicants, Admission, Enrollment, Aid
- Incoming class down 50
- Higher Yield from admits
- Did this with far fewer aid packages
- Difference in incoming class could be
attributable to aid changes - Fall 05 expect to have 50 financial aid offers
- Incoming Class Makeup
- BS/MS enrollment up from 5 to 18
- Ph.D. enrollment up from 36 to 40
- MS enrollment down from 99 to 36
- Fraction of enrolled/admitted is up from 1 in 6
to 1 in 5
22Graduation Rate in 2003/4
- Total of 186 students left (91 incoming, down 95)
- Total of 16 Ph.D.s
- Half the enrollment drop was decrease in new
students - Half the enrollment drop was graduation increase
- Fall 2003 - we had 120 students on TA
appointments - mostly terminal Masters
23Comparison of Graduation Rates
- Graduated 17 Ph.D. students - above last years
total with spring to come - Graduated 20 fewer students than last year at
this time - Removed most of the bubble created by paying
Masters students - 45 returning TAs fall 2004
Summer and Fall comparison only
24Some Analysis / Conclusions
- Incoming Students
- Paying customers were flat from 03 to 04
- B.S./M.S. is picking up - advertising is helping?
- Double financial aid offers from 04 to 05
- Applications are down, most have historically
come in Dec/Jan - Graduation Rates
- Ph.D. graduation showing signs of increasing
- Masters graduation rate slowing - bubble has
mostly burst
25Grad Student Stipend - Current Data
- Living Estimate for Gainesville 10,500
- 79 of 180 do not make enough to cover living
expenses - Some may have fellowship supplements
26New Activities
- Recruiting Coordinator
- Recruiting / Admissions Committee
- Chair - John Harris
- Staff responsible
- Exchange lists throughout SECEDHA
- Obtained Physics Lists
- Open House for B.S. / M.S. eligible
- Recruiting round-robins UCF, USF on board
- Achievement Awards - Reduced Tuition
- Making good progress on research goals
- Streamlining program faculty responsibilities to
increase research productivity - Challenge with graduate enrollment
- Recruit harder, more effectively
- Raise stipends to competitive levels