Title: The Dr' Seuss Cake Contest
1The Dr. Seuss Cake Contest
2The AwardsThe awards below were given in three
CATegories K/1, 2/3, and 4/5 grades.
- The Gerald McGrew Award the best use of animals
- The Daisy Head Maisy Award the best use of
flowers - The Kings Stilts Award the tallest cake
- The Thing One and Thing Two Award the most
unusual - The Cat in the Hat Award the most Seussical
3Eva Hartman
4Daisy Head Maisy - 2nd Place
5Michael Baxter
6Daisy Head Maisy 1st Place
7Beau Pederson
8Kings Stilts Award 1st Place
9TJ Tribble
10Most Like the Book!
11Abigail Peacock
12Simply Seuss-tastic!
13Matthew Rubenstein
14Kings Stilts Award 2nd Place
15Mike Hatfield
16Gerald McGrew Award 1st Place
17Makenna Ford
18Cat in the Hat Award 1st Place
19Peyton Thomas
20Thing One and Thing Two 2nd Place
21David Morris
22How Clever!
23Jacob Hill
24Thing One and Thing Two 1st Place
25Bridget and Brooke Ury
26So Seussically Spring!
27Dylan Strode
29Ally Smith
30Best Bed!
31Reid Parsons
32Gerald McGrew 1st Place
33Will and Spencer Slayton
34Kings Stilts Award 1st Place
35Katherine Hatfield
36Daisy Head Maisy 2nd Place
37Sydney Hartford
38Daisy Head Maisy 1st Place
39Callen Mackey
40Cat in the Hat Award 1st Place
41Siri Christopherson
42Awesome Angles!
43Mikey Walter
44Thing One and Thing Two 2nd Place
45Jason Hurwitz
46Thing One and Thing Two 1st Place
473rd Grade Entry
48Cool Cooperation!
49Alexandra and Mackenzie Hawkins
50Daisy Head Maisy 1st Place
51Caroline Collier
52Thing One and Thing Two 2nd Place
53Emily Chun
54Pink and Proportional!
55Michelle Pan
56Thing One and Thing Two 1st Place
57Christina Sargent
58Ellie Evans
59Gerald McGrew Award 2nd Place
60Isabelle Ashraf
61Most Sprinklicious!
62Chad Hill
63Cat in the Hat Award 1st Place
64Nick Bliesner
65Gerald McGrew Award 1st Place
66Jennifer Wood
67Yikes!Kings Stilts Award 1st Place!
68Daisy Maki
69Daisy Head Maisy 2nd Place
70Mrs. Greeniauss and Mrs. Buders Classes (Buddy
Classes)Cat in the Hat Award 2nd Place
71Newcastle Staff
72Colorful Cooperation in Layers!
73The End