Title: Operands and Operators
1Operands and Operators
2Basic Data Types
- char used to declare variables for storing
character (textual) data, e.g. A - int used to declare variables that store integer
values, e.g. 100 - float used to declare variables that store real
(floating point) values, e.g. 0.12345 - double used to declare variables that store
double precision values, e.g 3.1415926536 - Quantifiers such as long, short, signed and
unsigned could be applied to these basic data
types - Complex data types include enumerations, arrays,
structures, unions, lists, stacks, queues, trees - Pointers are a special data type that can hold a
memory address
- Variables
- global variables
- include ltstdio.hgt
- int num100 / declaration of global
variable / - int main()
- printf("Global value is d", num)
- return 0
- local variables
- include ltstdio.hgt
- int num100 / declaration of global
variable / - int main()
- int num10 / declaration of local variable /
- printf(Local value is d", num)
- return 0
- attributes of Variables or identifiers
- name
- type
- size
- value
- other attributes include storage class, storage
duration, scope and linkage
int total int total 0
- Constants are declared using const keyword
include ltstdio.hgt main()
const float PI 3.141593 int
diameter float radius, circ, area printf("\nE
nter the diameter of a ") printf(" circle in
mm ") scanf("d", diameter) circ
(float) PI diameter radius (float) diameter
/ 2 area (float) PI (radius
radius) printf("\tIts circumference is .2f
mm\n", circ) printf("\tAnd its area is .2f
sq.mm\n ", area) return 0
Symbolic Constants are defined in the
preprocessor area of the program They are
declared using define CONSTANT_NAME Value
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment
- Addition
- Subtraction -
- Multiplication
- Division /
- Modulus
- Parenthesis () is used as in algebra
- variable expression
- Relational or comparison operators
- gt gt greater than
- lt lt less than
- gt greater than or equal to
- lt lesser than or equal to
- if (condition)
- statement
- Equality Operators
- equivalent
- ? ! not equal
- Logical Operators
- OR
- ! NOT
- if (condition1 AND condition2)
- statement
- Unary Operators
- unary minus
- sizeof(data_type)
- (type) variable_name
- Increment
- Decrement Operators
- i i 1 is equivalent to i
- i i - 1 is equivalent to --i
- prefix form variable is changed before
expression is evaluated - i --i
- postfix form variable is changed after
expression is evaluated - i i--
- Precedence
- order of evaluation
- Associativity
- direction of evaluation
9L-Value R-Value
- L-values
- Expressions that can appear on left side of
equation - Can be changed (i.e., variables)
- e.g. x 4
- R-values
- Only appear on right side of equation
- Constants, such as numbers (i.e. cannot write 4
x) - L-values can be used as R-values, but NOT vice
10Confusing Equality () and Assignment ()
- Example
- if ( payCode 4 )
- printf ("You get a bonus!\n)
- If paycode is 4, bonus given
- If was replaced with
- if ( payCode 4 ) printf ("You get a
bonus!\n) - Paycode set to 4 (no matter what it was before)
- Statement is true (since 4 is non-zero)
- Bonus given in every case
11Operators - demo
Output Addition 9 Division 0 Modulus
4 Postfix increment 4 Now a is 5 Prefix
increment 6 Now a is 6 Postfix decrement 5
Now b is 4 Prefix decrement 3 Now b is 3
- include ltstdio.hgt
- int main ()
- int a4, b5, result
- result a b
- printf("Addition d\n", result)
- result a / b
- printf("Division d\n", result)
- result a b
- printf("Modulus d\t\n", result)
- printf("Postfix increment d\n", a)
printf("Now a is d\n", a) - printf("Prefix increment d\n", a)
printf("Now a is d\n", a) - printf("Postfix decrement d\n", b--)
printf("Now b is d\n", b) - printf("Prefix decrement d\n", --b)
printf("Now b is d\n", b) - return 0
12Type Conversion
- C allows for conversions between the basic types,
implicitly or explicitly - Explicit conversion uses the cast operator
- Example 2
- int i
- short int j1000
- ijj / wrong!!! /
- i(int)j (int)j / correct /
Example 1 int x10 float y,z3.14 y(float) x
/ y10.0 / x(int) z / x3
/ x(int) (-z) / x-3 -- rounded
approaching zero /
13Implicit Conversion
- If the compiler expects one type at a position,
but another type is provided, then implicit
conversion occurs. - Conversion during assignments
- char c'a'
- int i
- ic / i is assigned by the ascii of a /
- Arithmetic conversion if two operands of a
binary operator are not the same type, implicit
conversion occurs - int i5 , j1
- float x1.0 , y
- y x / i / y 1.0 / 5.0 /
- y j / i / y 1 / 5 so y 0 /
- y (float) j / i / y 1.0 / 5 /
- / The cast operator has a higher precedence /
14C Promotion Rules
- The C compiler uses the following diagram to
promote the types if two operands do not agree in
long double
unsigned long int
long int
unsigned int