Title: Dua No' 1
1Dua No. 1
- Tohfatu-s-Saemeen
- Page 120
2Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- ãÈåãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
- In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
3Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- âÈåãcán CáÖ ânåÒâá² CáÖ , âÈåãá CáÖ âäØãÃá
CáÖ - O High, O Mighty, O Forgiver, O Merciful.
4Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- çAåØáw ãÐãÃå\ãÇá¾ áuåá åÕãmáäÂB âÈåãáåÂB
âäPáäoÂB áYåÊáB - You are the Mighty Lord, who has none like Him.
5Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- âoåãáRåÂB âåãÇáätÂB áÒâÎ áÑ
- And He is the AllHearing, the AllSeeing.
6Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- âÐáXåÆáäoá¾ áÑ âÐáXåÇáäá çoåÏáw BámÎ áÑ
- ãnåÒâÏâäxÂB ÔÃá âÐáXåÃáäá áÑ âÐáXåáäoáw áÑ
- This is a month which You have made exalted,
honored, ennobled and excelled over other months.
7Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- áäØáÃá âÐáÆCáã áYåáoá åÕãmáäÂB âoåÏáw áÒâÎ
áÑ - It is the month in which You have made fasting
obligatory on me,
8Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- áÉDåoâåÂB ãÐåã áYåÂáqåÊáB åÕãmáäÂB áÉCááÆán
âoåÏáw áÒâÎ áÑ - and it is the month of Ramadán, in which You sent
down the Qurán,
9Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- ãÉCáºåoâåÂB áÑ ÓkâÏåÂB áÌãäÆ èVCáËãäáQ áÑ
ãrCáäËÃãä ÓækâÎ - a guidance for mankind, having clear signs of
guidance and distinction. (2185)
10Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- ãnåkáåÂB áUáÃåá ãÐåã áYåÃáá_ áÑ
- You have placed in it the night of power,
11Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- èoåÏáw ãåÂáB åÌãäÆ Bæoåág CáÏáXåÃáá_áÑ
- and made it better than a thousand months. (972)
12Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- áÀåáÃá âäÌáÇâÖ áÙ áÑ ãäÌáÇåÂBál Cáá
- O One who favours,
- and none favours You,
13Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- ãnCáäËÂB áÌãÆ åØãXáRáºán ã½CááãQ áäØáÃá áäÌâÆ
- ãÐåáÃá âäÌâÇáW åÌáÇåã
- favour me by saving me from the fire, amongst the
ones You favour,
14Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (1)
- áÀãXáÇåcáoãQ áUáäËáåÂB ØãËåÃãgåjáB áÑ
- áÌåãÇãcBáäoÂB áÈácånB CáÖ
- and make me enter Heaven, by Your mercy, O the
most Merciful.
15Dua No. 2
- Tohfatu-s-Saemeen
- Page 122
16Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄä áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
17Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- ãÈåãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
- In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
18Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- ánåÑâoâätÂB ãnåÒâRâåÂB ãÄåÎáB ÔÃá åÄãgåjáB
áäÈâÏÃÂáB - O Alláh, gladden the people of the graves.
19Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èoåãá áäÄâ¾ ãÌå²áB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, enrich every poor person.
20Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èãMCá_ áäÄâ¾ åãRåwáB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, satisfy every hungry one.
21Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èÉCáÖåoâ áäÄâ¾ âuå¾B áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, clothe every unclothed one.
22Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- ÌåÖãkáÆ ãäÄâ¾ áÌåÖáj ãåºB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, help every debtor pay his debts.
23Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èPåÑâoåáÆ ãäÄâ¾ åÌá åãäoá áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, relieve every distressed one.
24Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èSåÖãoá² áäÄâ¾ áäjân áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, return every traveller (to his home).
25Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- èoåãsáB áäÄâ¾ áäÀâ áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh release every prisoner.
26Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- áÌåãÇãÃåtâÇåÂB ãnåÒâÆâB åÌãäÆ èkãsCá áäÄâ¾
åeãÃåáB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, correct every wrong in the affairs of
the Muslims.
27Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- åÖãoáÆ áäÄâ¾ ãåwB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, cure every sick one.
28Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- á½CáËã³ãQ CáÊáoåá áäkâs áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, ease our poverty by Your wealth.
29Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- áÀãÂCác ãÌåtâdãQ CáËãÂCác áAåÒâs åoãäá²
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, change our evil state to a good one
through Your excellent state.
30Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- áÌåÖáäkÂB CáäËá ãåºBá äÈâÏáäÃÂáB
- O Alláh, relieve us of our debts,
31Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- ãoåáåÂB áÌãÆ CáËãËå²áB áÑ
- and help us against poverty.
32Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (2)
- çoåÖãkẠèAåØáw ãäÄâ¾ ÔÃá áÀáäÊãB
- Surely You have power over all things.
33Dua No. 3
- Tohfatu-s-Saemeen
- Page 121
34Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄá áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad.
35Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- ãÈåãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
- In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
36Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- áÉCááÆán ãoåÏáw áäPán áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- áÉDåoâåÂB ãÐåã áYåÂáqåÊáB ÕãmáäÂB
- O Alláh, Lord of Rama_án (the month) in which You
sent down the Qurán
37Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- áÅCáãäÂB ãÐåã á½ãjCáRã ÔÃá áYåáoáXåB áÑ
- and made fasting obligatory on Your servants.
38Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB Ñ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄá
- Bless Multammad and the family of Multammad,
39Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- ãÅBáoádåÂB áÀãXåáQ áäaác ØãËåºâpånB áÑ
- and enable me to go for pilgrimage to Your sacred
40Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- èÅCá ãäÄâ¾ Øã áÑ BámÎ ØãÆCá Øã
- in this year and in every year,
41Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- áÅCáãåÂB áPåÒâÊâämÂB áÀåÃãW Øã åoãå²B áÑ
- and forgive me those great sins (that I carry),
42Recommended Duas in Ramadhan (3)
- âÅáäÚá CáÖ âÌÇåcán CáÖ á½âoåá² CáÎâoãå³áÖ áÙ
âÐáäÊãCá - for surely, none can forgive them except You, O
Beneficent, O AllKnowing.
43Dua Al-Iftitah
- Tohfatu-s-Saemeen
- Pages 123-137
44Dua Al-Iftitáh
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄá áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad.
45Dua Al-Iftitáh
- ãÈåãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
- In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the
46Dua Al-Iftitáh
- á½ãkåÇádãQ áAEáËáä\ÂB âeãXáXåáB ØãäÊãB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, I begin glorifying You with Your Praise.
47Dua Al-Iftitáh
- áÀãäËáÇãQ ãPBáÒáäÃã çjãäkátâÆ áYåÊáB áÑ
- You direct towards what is right through Your
48Dua Al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãÇãcBáäoÂB âÈácånáB áYåÊáB áÀáäÊáB âYåËáåÖáB
áÑ - ãUáÇåcáäoÂB áÑ ãÒåáåÂB ããåÒáÆ Øã
- I am convinced that You are the most Merciful in
matters of forgiveness and mercy,
49Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãUáÇãáäËÂBáÑ ãÁCááäËÂB ããåÒáÆ Øã
áÌåãRãºCáâÇåÂB âäkáwáB áÑ - but most severe in matters of warning and
50Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãUáÇááåÂBáÑ ãAEáÖãoåRãåÂB ããåÒáÆ Øã
áÌåÖãoãäRááXâÇåÂB âÈáåáB Ñá - and the most mighty in matters of power and
51Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãXáÃáNåtáÆ áÑ áÀãMEáâj Øã Øã áYåÊãláB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh You have allowed me to supplicate to You
and ask from You.
52Duá al-Iftitáh
- ØãXácåkãÆ âåãÇás CáÖ åáÇåsCá
- ØãWáÒåáj âÈåãcán CáÖ åSã_áB áÑ
- Then hear my praise, O One who hears all, and
answer my call, O Merciful,
53Duá al-Iftitáh
- ØãWáoå\á ânåÒâá² CáÖ åÄãºáB áÑ
- and decrease my mistakes, O most Forgiving.
54Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÏáXå_áäoá åkẠèUáQåoâ¾ åÌãÆ ØãÏÂãB CáÖ åÈáá
- CáÏáXåáxá¾ åkẠèÅåÒâÇâÎ áÑ
- How often, O my God, You have relieved me of
troubles, how much grief You have dispelled,
55Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÏáWåoáxáÊ åkẠèUáÇåcán áÑ CáÏáXåÃáºáB åkáº
èTáoå\á áÑ - how many mistakes You have prevented,
- how many blessings You have spread,
56Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÏáXåáá åkẠèAÞáQ ãUáåÃác áÑ
- and how many series of afflictions You have
57Duá al-Iftitáh
- åmãháäXáÖ åÈá ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- BækáÂáÑ áÙ áäÑ æUáRãcCá
- All Praise is for Alláh who has not taken a wife
nor a son,
58Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÀåÃâÇåÂB Øã çÀåÖãoáw âÐáä åÌâáÖ åÈá áÑ
- who has no partner in His Kingdom,
59Duá al-Iftitáh
- BæoåãRåáW âÍåoãäRá¾ áÑ ãäÁâämÂB áÌãäÆ çäØãÂáÑ
âÐáä åÌâáäÖ åÈáÂáÑ - who has no friend to protect Him from
humiliation, so magnify Him with a great
60Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÏãäÃâ¾ ãÍãkãÆCádáÆ ãåãÇáãQ ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- All Praise is for Alláh for all His praiseworthy
61Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÏãäÃâ¾ ãÐãÇáãÊ ãåãÇá_ ÔÃá
- for all His favours and blessings.
62Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãåÃâÆ Øã âÐá áäjEáâÆ áÙ ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- All Praise is for Alláh who has no opposition in
His Kingdom,
63Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÍãoåÆáB Øã âÐá áãpCáËâÆ áÙ áÑ
- nor any challenge to His command.
64Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãåÃág Øã âÐá áÀåÖãoáw áÙ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃãÂ
kåÇádåÂáB - All Praise is for Alláh who has no partner in
65Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãXáÇáá Øã âÐá áÐåãRáw áÙ áÑ
- nor anyone like Him in His Greatness.
66Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍâoåÆáB ã¼åÃáhåÂB Øã ØãwCáåÂB ãÐäÃãÂ
âkåÇádåÂáB - All Praise is for Alláh, His commands operate
over His creation,
67Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍâkåáÆ ãÅáoáåÂCãQ âoãÎCáäÂB âÍâkåÇác áÑ
- and his Praise is evident through His Generosity,
68Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍákáÖ ãjåÒâåÂCãQ ããsCáRåÂB
- whose bestowal stretches out liberally.
69Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐâËãMDáqág ââåËáW áÙ ÕãmáäÂB
- His treasures never decrease,
70Duá al-Iftitáh
- CæÆáoá¾ áäÑ BæjåÒâ_ áäÙãB ãACááåÂB âTáoå\á¾
âÍâkåÖãqáW áÙ áÑ - (rather) the frequency of His Giving increases
His Generosity and Kindness.
71Duá al-Iftitáh
- âPCáäÎáÒåÂB âqåÖãqáåÂB áÒâÎ âÐáäÊãB
- Surely He is the Mighty, the Bestower.
72Duá al-Iftitáh
- èoåã\á¾ åÌãäÆ æÚåãÃẠáÀâÃáNåsáB ØãäÊãB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh I ask You a little from much,
73Duá al-Iftitáh
- èUáÇåãá ãÐåáÂãB ØãQ èUá_Các ááÆ
- although I am in great need of it,
74Duá al-Iftitáh
- çÈåÖãkẠâÐåËá á½CáËã² áÑ
- while You are eternally needless of it,
75Duá al-Iftitáh
- çoåãtáäÖ çÄåÏás áÀåáÃá áÒâÎ áÑ çoåã\á¾
ÕãkåËã áÒâÎ áÑ - though it is a lot for me,
- while it is easy and simple for You.
76Duá al-Iftitáh
- ØãXáNåãág åÌá á½ápâÑCááW áÑ ØãRåÊál åÌá
á½áÒåá áäÉãB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, indeed Your forgiveness of my sins and
Your overlooking my faults,
77Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÔÃá á½áoåXãs áÑ ØãÇåÃ⪠åÌá áÀádåá áÑ
- ØãÃáÇá ãeåãRáº
- Your pardoning my oppression,
- Your hiding my ugly deeds,
78Duá al-Iftitáh
- ØãÆåoâ_ ãoåã\á¾ åÌá áÀáÇåÃãc áÑ
- and Your forbearing my many wrongs,
79Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÕãkåÇá áÑ ÕãCáág åÌãÆ áÉCá¾ CáÆ ákåËã
- done intentionally or unintentionally,
80Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀåËãÆ âÐâRã_åÒáXåsáB áÙ CáÆ áÀâÃáNåsáB åÉáB Øã
ØãËááÇåáB - tempted me to ask from You what I did not deserve
from You,
81Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãXáÇåcáän åÌãÆ ØãËáXåºápán ÕãmáäÂB
- which You (still) gave me out of Your Mercy,
82Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãXáQCá_ãB åÌãÆ ØãËáXåáäoááÑ áÀãWánåk⺠åÌãÆ
ØãËáXåÖánáB áÑ - provided me by Your Power, and made known to me
from Your answers.
83Duá al-Iftitáh
- CætãÊåGáXåtâÆ áÀâÃáNåsáB áÑ CæËãÆD á½åÒâåjáB
âVåoãá - So I became habituated to call You trustingly and
ask You familiarly,
84Duá al-Iftitáh
- æÚã_áÑ áÙ áäÑ CæãMEg Ý
- neither fearing nor scared,
85Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀåáÂãB ãÐåã âVåkáẠCáÇåã áÀåáÃá æäÙãkâÆ
- but with confidence in You for what I intended.
86Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀåáÃá ØãÃåÏáãQ âYåRáXá ØãäËá GáåQáB åÉãCá
- Then if there was a delay (in Your answer), I
would blame You, due to my ignorance,
87Duá al-Iftitáh
- çoåág áÒâÎ ØãäËá GáåQáB ÕãmáäÂB áäÄáá áÑ
- ãnåÒâÆâÛB ãUáRãºCáãQ áÀãÇåÃãã ØãäÂ
- and perhaps the delay was best for me, for You
know the outcome of all affairs.
88Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÔÃá áoáRåáB CæÇåÖãoá¾ ÔæÂåÒáÆ ánáB åÈáÃá
- áäØáÃá áÀåËãäÆ èÈåãNáä èkåRá
- I have not seen a more generous master patient
with a wretched slave, than You are with me.
89Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀåËá ØãäÂáÑâCá ØãÊåÒâåkáW áÀáäÊãB ØãäQán CáÖ
- My Lord, You call me and I turn away from You,
90Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀåáÂãB âáä³áRáWáB áÑ áäØáÂãB âSáäRádáXáW áÑ
- You show affection to me and I show hatred
towards You,
91Duá al-Iftitáh
- áäÉáCá¾ áÀåËãÆ âÄáRåºáB áÚá áäØáÂãB âjáäjáÒáXáW
áÑ - áÀåáÃá áÁâäÒááäXÂB áØãÂ
- You display Your love for me and I do not
respond, as though I am above You.
92Duá al-Iftitáh
- Øã ãUáÇåcáäoÂB áÌãÆ áÀãÂBál áÀåáËåÇáÖ åÈáÃá
- áäØáÂãB ãÉCátåcãÛåB áÑ
- But this does not prevent You from having mercy
on me, being good to me,
93Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãÆáoá¾ áÑ á½ãjåÒâãQ áäØáÃá ãÄâäááäXÂB áÑ
- and favouring me, through Your Generosity and
94Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐåáÃá åkâ_ áÑ áÄãÎCáåÂB á½ákåRá åÈácånCá
- áÀãÊCátåcãB ãÄåáãQ
- So please (continue to) have mercy on your
ignorant slave, and be kind to him through the
excellence of Your Grace.
95Duá al-Iftitáh
- çÈåÖãoá¾ çjBáÒá_ áÀáäÊãB
- Surely You are the Bountiful, the Generous.
96Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÀåÃâåÂB ÕãoåâÆ ãÀåÃâÇåÂB ãÀãÂCáÆ ãÐäÃãÂ
âkåÇádåÂáB - All Praise is for Alláh, the Owner of the
Kingdom, who makes the ships sail,
97Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãbCáRåãÛåB ã¼ãÂCá ãbCáÖãäoÂB ãoãähátâÆ
- controls the wind,
- causes the dawn to break,
98Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãÇáÂCáåÂB ãäPán ãÌåÖãäkÂB ãÉCáäÖáj
- is the authority on the
- Day of Judgement,
- (and) is the Lord of the worlds.
99Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãÇåÃã ákåáQ ãÐãÇåÃãc ÔÃá ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- All Praise is for Alláh for His patience despite
His knowledge.
100Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãWánåk⺠ákåáQ ãÍãÒåá ÔÃá ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂB
áÑ - All Praise is for Alláh for His forgiveness
despite His power.
101Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãRáá² Øã ãÐãWCáÊáB ãÁåÒâ ÔÃá ãÐäÃãÂ
âkåÇádåÂB áÑ - All Praise is for Alláh for the lengthy respite
He gives despite His anger,
102Duá al-Iftitáh
- âkåÖãoâÖ CáÆ ÔÃá çnãjCẠáÒâÎ áÑ
- though He has the power to do as He wills.
103Duá al-Iftitáh
- ã¼åÃáhåÂB ã¼ãÂCág ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- All Praise is for Alláh the creator of all
104Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãbCáRåãÛB ã¼ãÂCá ã¹åpãäoÂB ããsCáQ
- the provider of plentiful sustenance, the cleaver
of the dawn,
105Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÅCáåÊãÛåB áÑ ãÄåáåÂB áÑ ãÅBáoå¾ãÛåB áÑ
ãÁáÚáåÂB Óãl - possessor of Glory and Honor, and Excellence and
106Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÓÒåáäËÂB ákãÏáxá áPâoẠáÑ ÓoâÖ áÚá ákâáQ
ÕãmáäÂB - who is far and thus cannot be seen, but is close
and thus witnesses secret conversations.
107Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÔÂCááW áÑ á½ánCáRáW
- Blessed and Exalted be His name.
108Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐâÂãjCáâäÖ çãpCáËâÆ âÐá áuåá ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃãÂ
âkåÇádåÂáB - All Praise is for Alláh who has no equal who
argues with Him,
109Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍâkãCáâäÖ çoåãÏ᪠áÙ áÑ âÐâÃã¾CáxâäÖ çÐåãRáw
áÙ áÑ - nor anyone similar to Him, nor any Helper to
support Him.
110Duá al-Iftitáh
- âá AEáÇáâåÂB ãÐãXáÇááã áBáÒáW áÑ
áADáäqãáÛåB ãÐãWáäqããQ áoáÏẠ- He overpowers the mighty by His strength,
- and the great humble themselves before His
111Duá al-Iftitáh
- âAEáxáÖ CáÆ ãÐãWánåkâãQ ááÃáRá
- He accomplishes what He wishes through His power.
112Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐåÖãjCáÊâB áÌåãc ØãËâRåãâÖ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃãÂ
âkåÇádåÂáB - All Praise is for Alláh
- who answers me when I call Him,
113Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐåãåáB CáÊáB áäÑ èTánåÒá áäÄâ¾ áäØáÃá
âoâXåtáÖ áÑ - covers all my faults yet I disobey Him,
114Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐåÖãpCá_âB áÚá áäØáÃá áUáÇåãäËÂB âÈãäáâÖ áÑ
- increases His bounties on me but I do not
acknowledge them.
115Duá al-Iftitáh
- ØãÊCáåáB åkẠèUáNåãËáÎ èUáRãÎåÒáÆ åÌãÆ åÈáá
- How many pleasant gifts He has given me,
116Duá al-Iftitáh
- ØãÊCáá¾ åkẠèUáåÒâháäÆ èUáÇåãá áÑ
- ØãÊBánáB åkẠèUáãÊåÒâäÆ èUáåÏáQ áÑ
- how many great fears He has removed, and
- how many delightful joys He has shown
117Duá al-Iftitáh
- CædãäRátâÆ âÍâoâ¾åláB áäÑ BækãÆCác ãÐåáÃá
ØãËåâCá - Thus I glorify Him, thanking Him and I remember
Him with praise.
118Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐâQCáãc âÀáXåÏâÖ áÙ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- âÐâQCáQ â¼áÃå³âÖ áÙ áÑ
- All praise is for Alláh, whose curtains cannot be
opened, whose doors cannot be locked,
119Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐâÃãÆD âSáäáhâÖ áÙ áÑ âÐâÃãMCás âäjáoâÖ áÙ áÑ
- who does not reject the one who asks Him, and who
does not disappoint the one who places hope in
120Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåããMEáhåÂB âÌãÆåKâÖ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- All Praise is for Alláh, who provides safety for
the frightened,
121Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãáåáXåtâÇåÂB âáåoáÖ áÑ áÌåãdãÂCáäÂB
ØãäáËâÖ áÑ - rescues the virtuous, raises the oppressed,
122Duá al-Iftitáh
- Cæ¾åÒâÃâÆ âÀãÃåÏâÖ áÑ áÌåÖãoãRåáXåtâÇåÂB âááÖ
áÑ - humiliates the proud, destroys kings,
123Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåÖãoágD âãÃåháXåtáÖ áÑ
- and replaces them with others.
124Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåÖãnCáäRáåÂB ãÈãCẠãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂB áÑ
- All Praise is for Alláh, who crushes the tyrants,
125Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãQãnCáÏåÂB ã½ãnåkâÆ áÌåãÇãÂCáäÂB ãoåãRâÆ
- annihilates the oppressors,
- watches over the runaways,
126Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãgãoåáXåtâÇåÂB ãiåÖãoá áÌåãÇãÂCáäÂB
ãÁCááÊ - punishes the oppressors,
- assists those who cry for help,
127Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãËãÆåKâÇåÂB ãkáÇáXåâÆ áÌåãRãÂCáäÂB
ãVCá_Các ããåÒáÆ - grants the requests of the beseechers, and is the
confidence of the believers.
128Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãXáåxág åÌãÆ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- CáÏâÊCáäâs áÑ âAEáÇáätÂB âkáåoáW
- All praise is for Alláh in whose awe the skies
and its inhabitants shake,
129Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÎânCáäÇâ áÑ âånáÛåB ââ_åoáW áÑ
- the earth and its inhabitants tremble,
130Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÏãWBáoáÇá² Øã âeáRåtáÖ åÌáÆ áÑ ânCádãRåÂB
âåÒâÇáW áÑ - the sea and all that swims in it billow.
131Duá al-Iftitáh
- BámÏã CáÊBákáÎ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂáB
- All praise is for Alláh who guided us to this
132Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐäÃÂB CáÊBákáÎ åÉáB áÙ åÒá áÕãkáXåÏáËã CáäËâ¾
CáÆ áÑ - and we would not have been guided had Alláh not
guided us to this.
133Duá al-Iftitáh
- å¼áÃåhâÖ åÈá áÑ â¼âÃåháÖ ÕãmáäÂB ãÐäÃãÂ
âkåÇádåÂáB - All Praise is for Alláh who creates but is not
134Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÈáåâÖ áÙ áÑ âÈãåâÖ áÑ â¹ápåoâÖ áÙ áÑ
â¹âpåoáÖ áÑ - gives sustenance but is not given sustenance,
feeds but is not fed
135Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÔWåÒáÇåÂB ØãådâÖ áÑ áAEáåcáÛåB âYåãÇâÖ áÑ
- causes the living to die, and gives life to the
136Duá al-Iftitáh
- âoåáhåÂB ãÍãkáãQ âVåÒâÇáÖ áäÙ çäØác áÒâÎ áÑ
- He is Ever-Living and does not die, (and) in His
control is all good,
137Duá al-Iftitáh
- çoåÖãkẠèAåØáw ãäÄâ¾ ÔÃá áÒâÎ áÑ
- and He has power over all things.
138Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãÂåÒâsán áÑ á½ãkåRá èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄá
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh send Your Blessings on Muhammad, Your
servant, Your Messenger,
139Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãRåãRác áÑ áÀãäãá áÑ áÀãËåãÆáB áÑ
- Your trustee, Your chosen One, Your beloved,
140Duá al-Iftitáh
- á½ãäoãs ããCác áÑ áÀãåÃág åÌãÆ áÀãWáoáãg áÑ
- áÀãWáÙCásãn ããäÃáRâÆ áÑ
- the best of Your creation, the preserver of Your
secrets, and the preacher of Your messages,
141Duá al-Iftitáh
- Ô¾åpáB áÑ áÄáÇå¾áB áÑ áÄáÇå_áB áÑ áÌátåcáB áÑ
áÄáåáB - the most superior, elegant, handsome, perfect,
142Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÔËåsáB áÑ áoáÏåáB áÑ áSáåáB áÑ ÔÇåÊáB áÑ
- prosperous, pleasant, holy and sublime,
143Duá al-Iftitáh
- áYåÇáäcáoáW áÑ áYå¾ánCáQ áÑ áYåáäÃá CáÆ
áoá\å¾áB áÑ - more than what You have blessed, given, had
144Duá al-Iftitáh
- åÌãäÆ èkácáB ÔÃá áYåÇáäÃás áÑ áYåËáäËádáW áÑ
- áÀãMEáãRåÊáB áÑ á½ãjCáRã
- sympathised and greeted, anyone from Your
servants, Your Prophets,
145Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãUáÆBáoáåÂB ãÄåÎáB áÑ áÀãWáÒåã áÑ áÀãÃâsân áÑ
- áÀãåÃág åÌãÆ áÀåáÃá
- Your Messengers, Your chosen ones and the
honorable ones from Your creation.
146Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãËãÆåKâÇåÂB ãoåãÆáB èäØãÃá ÔÃá ãäÄá áÑ
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, and send Your blessings on Alí, the
commander of the faithful,
147Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãÇáÂCáåÂB ãäPán ãÁåÒâsán ãäØãáÑ áÑ
- and the successor of the Messenger of the Lord of
the worlds.
148Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãÂåÒâsán ØãgáB áÑ áÀãäãÂáÑ áÑ á½ãkåRá
- áÀãåÃág ÔÃá áÀãXáäâc áÑ
- Your servant, Your friend, the brother of Your
Messenger, Your proof over creation,
149Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÈåãáåÂB ãGáRáäËÂB áÑ ÓoåRâåÂB áÀãXáÖB áÑ
- Your great sign, and the mighty awaited news.
150Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãTáoãÎCáäÂB ãUáåÖãäkãäÂB ÔÃá ãäÄá áÑ
- And send blessings on the truthful, pure (lady)
151Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãÇáÂCáåÂB ãAEátãÊ ãTákãäás ãADáoåÎáäqÂB
áUáÇãCá - Fátima alZahrá, the leader of the women of the
152Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÓkâÏåÂB ãØáÆCáÆãB áÑ ãUáÇåcáäoÂB ãØáåRãs ÔÃá
ãäÄá áÑ - And send Your blessings on the two grandsons of
mercy (unto the world), the leaders of guidance,
153Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãUáäËáåÂB ãÄåÎáB ãPCáRáw åÕákãäás ãÌåátâdåÂB
áÑ ãÌátádåÂáB - al-Hasan and
- al-Husayn, the leaders of the youths of Paradise.
154Duá al-Iftitáh
- , áÌåãÇãÃåtâÇåÂB ãUáäÇãMáB ÔÃá ãäÄá áÑ
- ãÌåátâdåÂB áÌåQ ãäØãÃá
- And send blessings on the leaders of Muslims,
Alí son of Husayn,
155Duá al-Iftitáh
- èäØãÃá áÌåQ ãkáäÇádâÆ áÑ
- Muhammad son of Alí,
156Duá al-Iftitáh
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÌåQ ãoáåá_ áÑ
- Jafar son of Muhammad,
157Duá al-Iftitáh
- èoáåá_ ãÌåQ ÔásåÒâÆ áÑ
- Músa son of Jafar,
158Duá al-Iftitáh
- ÔsåÒâÆ ãÌåQ ãäØãÃá áÑ
- Alí son of Músa,
159Duá al-Iftitáh
- èäØãÃá ãÌåQ ãkáäÇádâÆ áÑ
- Muhammad son of Alí,
160Duá al-Iftitáh
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÌåQ ãäØãÃá áÑ
- Alí son of Muhammad,
161Duá al-Iftitáh
- èäØãÃá ãÌåQ ãÌátádåÂB áÑ
- Hasan son of Alí,
162Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãäÕãkåÏáÇåÂB áÕãjCáÏåÂB ãáÃáhåÂB áÑ
- and the successor, the guide, and the rightly
163Duá al-Iftitáh
- á½ãjáÚãQ Øã áÀãMEáËáÆâB áÑ á½ãjCáRã ÔÃá
áÀãáâc - (These are) Your proofs over Your servants, Your
trustees on Your land.
164Duá al-Iftitáh
- æUáÇãMDáj æTáoåã\á¾ æTÒÃá
- Bless (them with) numerous and continuous
165Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÄáäÆáKâÇåÂB ãÈãMEáåÂB á½ãoåÆáB ãäØãÂáÑ ÔÃá
ãäÄááÑ áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh send blessings on the guardian of Your
orders, the one who will rise,
166Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãoááXåËâÇåÂB ãÁåkáåÂB áÑ
- áÌåãQáäoáâÇåÂB áÀãXáãMÞáÇãQ âÐáäâc áÑ
- the one hoped for, the awaited justice. Surround
him with Your favourite angels
167Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãÇáÂCáåÂB áäPánCáÖ ãrâkâåÂB ãbåÑâoãQ
âÍåkãäÖáB áÑ - and assist him with the holy spirit, O Lord of
the worlds.
168Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãQCáXã¾ ÔÂãB áØãBáäkÂB âÐåÃáå_B áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- áÀãËåÖãkãQ áÈãMEáåÂB áÑ
- O Alláh, appoint him to invite towards Your book
to establish Your religion.
169Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãånáÛåB Øã âÐåãÃåháXåsãB
- ÃÐãÃåRẠåÌãÆ áÌåÖãmáäÂB áYåáÃåháXåsB CáÇá¾
- Make him the successor on the earth as You caused
others to succeed before him.
170Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐá âÐáXåááWånB ÕãmáäÂB âÐáËåÖãj âÐá åÌãäáÆ
- Establish for him his religion which You have
approved for him.
171Duá al-Iftitáh
- á½âkâRåáÖ CæËåÆáB ãÐãåÒág ãkåáQ åÌãÆ
âÐåÂãkåQáB - CæNåáw áÀãQ â½ãoåxâÖ áÙ
- Give him security after fear (so) he worships You
and does not associate any with You.
172Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãQ åoãáXåÊB áÑ âÍåoâåÊB áÑ ãÐãQ åpãqåáB áÑ
âÍáäqãáB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, give him power and through him
strengthen (others), help him and help (others)
through him.
173Duá al-Iftitáh
- BæoåãtáäÖ CædåXá âÐá åeáXåBáÑ BæqåÖãqá
BæoåáÊ âÍåoâåÊB áÑ - Help him with a mighty help, and give him an easy
174Duá al-Iftitáh
- BæoåãäÊ CæÊCáåÃâs áÀåÊâká åÌãÆ âÐá åÄáå_B
áÑ - and grant him an assisting authority from You.
175Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãäãRáÊ áUáäËâs áÑ áÀáËåÖãj ãÐãQ åoãÏåªáB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, make manifest through him Your religion
and the way of Your Prophet,
176Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãä¼ádåÂB áÌãÆ èOåáxãQ áØãåháXåtáÖ áÙ ÔäXác
- ã¼åÃáhåÂB áÌãäÆ èkácáB áUáCáháÆ
- until nothing from the truth remains hidden from
any human being.
177Duá al-Iftitáh
- èUáÇåÖãoá¾ èUáÂåÑáj Øã áÀåáÂãB âSá²åoáÊ CáäÊãB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, we earnestly desire from You an honored
178Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐáÃåÎáB áÑ áÅáÚåsãÛåB CáÏãQ âäqãâW
- âÐáÃåÎáB áÑ á¹CáãäËÂB CáÏãQ âäÁãmâW áÑ
- through which You strengthen Islám and its people
and degrade hypocrisy and its followers.
179Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãXáCá ÔÂãB ãTCáâäkÂB áÌãÆ CáÏåã
CáËâÃáåáW áÑ - And make us in it amongst the inviters towards
Your obedience,
180Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÀãÃåãRás ÔÂãB ãTájCáåÂB áÑ
- and the leaders to Your path.
181Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãTáoãgáÛåB áÑ CáåÊâäkÂB áUáÆBáoá¾ CáÏãQ
CáËâºâpåoáW áÑ - Give us through it honor of the world and the
182Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍCáËåÃãäÇádá ãä¼ádåÂB áÌãÆ CáËáXåáäoá CáÆ
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, what You have made known to us of the
truth, help us bear it,
183Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍCáËå³ãäÃáRá âÐåËá CáÊåoâẠCáÆ áÑ
- and what we fall short, make us reach it.
184Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËáåká ãÐãQ åSáåwB áÑ CáËá\ááw ãÐãQ åÈâÇåÂB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, through him put order in our affairs,
gather and unite our flocks,
185Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËáXáäÃ㺠ãÐãQ åoãä\á¾ áÑ CáËáåXá ãÐãQ å¼âWånB
áÑ - join together our separations, increase our
186Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËáÃãMEá ãÐãQ ãÌå²áB áÑ CáËáXáäÂãl ãÐãQ
åpãqåáB áÑ - lift us from degradation, relieve our miseries,
187Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÊáoåá ãÐãQ åoâRå_B áÑ CáËãÆáoå³âÆ åÌá ãÐãQ
ãåºB áÑ - pull us out of our debts, remove our poverty,
188Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÊáoåtâ ãÐãQ åoãätáÖ áÑ CáËáXáäÃág ãÐãQ áäkâs
áÑ - fill the gaps in our confusion, ease our
189Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÊáoåsáB ãÐãQ áäÀâ áÑ CáËáÎåÒâ_âÑ ãÐãQ åãäáQ
áÑ - brighten our faces, free our prisoners,
190Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÊákåãBáÒáÆ ãÐãQ åqãåÊáB áÑ CáËáXáRãÃá ãÐãQ
åeãåÊáB áÑ - grant our requests,
- fulfill our promises,
191Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËáÂåKâs ãÐãQ CáËãåáB áÑ CáËáWáÒåáj ãÐãQ
åSãáXåsB áÑ - answer our calls,
- grant us our requests,
192Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËáÂCáÆD ãTáoãgáÛåB áÑ CáåÊâákÂB áÌãÆ ãÐãQ
CáËå³ãäÃáQ áÑ - cause us to obtain what we hope for, from this
world and the hereafter,
193Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËãXáRå²án á¹åÒá ãÐãQ CáËãåáB áÑ
- and give us more than our expectations.
194Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãåâÇåÂB âásåÑáB áÑ áÌåãÂåÑâKåtáÇåÂB
áoåág CáÖ - O the best of all who are asked and the most
generous of bestowers,
195Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËãQåÒâÃ⺠áåá² ãÐãQ åSãÎåláB áÑ CáÊánåÑâkâ
ãÐãQ ãåwãB - through him, cleanse our chests, remove the
stains of anger and hatred from our hearts,
196Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐåã áãÃâXågB CáÇã ãÐãQ CáÊãkåÎB áÑ
- áÀãÊålãCãQ ã ä¼ádåÂB áÌãÆ
- and guide us to the truth on disputed matters, by
Your permission.
197Duá al-Iftitáh
- èÈåãáXåtâäÆ èBáoã ÔÂãB âAEáxáW åÌáÆ ÕãkåÏáW
áÀáäÊãB - Surely You guide whom You wish to the right path.
198Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÊãäÑâká áÑ á½ãäÑâká ÔÃá ãÐãQ CáÊåoâåÊB áÑ
- Through him help us to overcome Your enemy and
our enemy.
199Duá al-Iftitáh
- áÌåãÆD ãä¼ádåÂB áÐÂãB
- O God of truth, Amen.
200Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËãäãRáÊ ákåá áÀåáÂãB BåÒâåxáÊ CáäÊãB
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - ãÐãÂB áÑ ãÐåáÃá áÀâWBáÒáÃá
- O Alláh, we complain to You of the absence of our
Prophet, Your blessings be on him and his family,
201Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÊãäÑâká áTáoå\á¾ áÑ CáËãäãÂáÑ áUáRåá² áÑ
- the concealment of our leader, the abundance of
our enemies,
202Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËãQ ãÌáXãåÂB áTáäkãw áÑ CáÊãjáká áUáäÃ㺠áÑ
- the scarcity of our numbers, the severity of our
203Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáËåáÃá ãÉCáÆáäqÂB áoâÎCááW áÑ
- and the victory of the era against us.
204Duá al-Iftitáh
- ãÐãÂB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄáá
- So bless Muhammad and his family
205Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÐâÃãäáâW áÀåËãäÆ èeåXáãQ áÀãÂBál ÔÃá
CáäËãáB áÑ - and help us overcome that by granting us an
immediate victory,
206Duá al-Iftitáh
- âÍâäqãâW èoåáÊ áÑ âÐâãxåáW èäoâãQ áÑ
- âÍâoãÏåâW èä¼ác ãÉCáåÃâs áÑ
- dispersing miseries, giving us a help that
strengthens, providing an authority of truth
which You manifest,
207Duá al-Iftitáh
- CáÎCáËâÃãäÃáâW áÀåËãäÆ èUáÇåcán áÑ
- CáÎCáËâtãRåÃâW áÀåËãäÆ èUáãCá áÑ
- a mercy from You which is clear to us,
- and a wellbeing from You which clothes us
208Duá al-Iftitáh
- .áÌåãÇãcBáäoÂB áÈácånáB CáÖ áÀãXáÇåcáoãQ
- by Your mercy,
- O most Merciful.
209Duá No. 3
- Tohfatu-s-Saemeen
- Pages 135-137
210Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄá áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
211Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÈåãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
- In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
212Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËåÃãgåjáCá áÌåãdãÂCáäÂB Øã áÀãXáÇåcáoãQ
áäÈâÏäÃÂáB - O Alláh, by Your mercy, include us with the
213Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËåáånCá áÌåãäãäÃã Øã áÑ
- raise us to be with the distinguished people,
214Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËãåsCá èÄåãRátåÃás èÌåá åÌãäÆ èÌåãáäÆ
åÌãäÆ èrGáãQ áÑ - make us drink a cup of water from the spring of
215Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËå_ãäÑáqá áÀãXáÇåcáoåQ ãÌåãåÂB ãnåÒâdåÂB
áÌãÆ áÑ - pair us with Your mercy,
216Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ÌåÖãkáäÃáhâÇåÂB ãÉBákåÂãÒåÂB áÌãÆ áÑ
- CáËåÆãkågáCá çÉåÒâËåáäÆ çKâÂåKâ åÈâÏáäÊGá¾
- give us the service of the young heavenly
helpers, well groomed like pearls,
217Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËåÇãåáCá ãoåáäÂB ãÅåÒâdâ áÑ ãUáäËáåÂB
ãnCáÇã åÌãÆ áÑ - feed us with the fruits of Paradise, and the
flesh of birds,
218Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãoåÖãoádåÂB áÑ ãrâkåËâätÂB ãPCáã åÌãÆ áÑ
- CáËåtãRåÂáCá ã¹áoåRáXåsÛB áÑ
- and clothe us with robes of thick brocade of silk
219Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ããÅBáoádåÂB áÀãXåáQ áäaác áÑ ãnåkáåÂB áUáÃåáÂ
áÑ - Grant us the benefits, of the night of power, and
the pilgrimage to Your sacred house,
220Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËá å¼ãäáÒá áÀãÃåãRás Øã æÚåXẠáÑ
- and of dying in Your way.
221Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËá åSãáXåsCá ãUáÃáNåtáÇåÂB áÑ ãAEáâäkÂB
áeãÂCá áÑ - Answer our prayers, and requests, which are good.
222Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- áÌåÖãoãgÝB áÑ áÌåãÂáäÑÛB áYåáÇá_ BálãB áÑ
- CáËåÇácånCá ãUáÆCáãåÂB áÅåÒáÖ
- and when You gather the people, of the earlier
and later periods, on the Day of Judgment, have
mercy on us,
223Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËá åSâXå¾Cá ãnCáäËÂB áÌãäÆ æUáMDáoáQ áÑ
- write for us a protection from the fire,
224Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËáäÃâ³áW áÚá áÈáäËáÏá_ Øã áÑ
- and do not
- confine us to Hell,
225Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËãÃáXåRáW áÚá áÀãÊBáÒáÎ áÑ áÀãQBámá Øã áÑ
- and try us not with
- Your punishment
- and disgrace.
226Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËåÇãåâW áÚá ãåÖãoáäÂB áÑ ãÅåÒâäºáäqÂB áÌãÆ
áÑ - Feed us not from the bitter tree, nor the thorny
fruit (of Hell),
227Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËåÃáåáW áÚá ãÌåãCááäxÂB ááÆ áÑ
- do not place us with the devils,
228Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËåRâRåáW áÚá CáËãÎåÒâ_âÑ ÔÃá ãnCáäËÂB Øã áÑ
- nor throw us face downwards in Hell,
229Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÉBáoãáåÂB ãÄåãQBáoásáÑ ãnCáäËÂB ãPCáã åÌãÆ
áÑ - CáËåtãRåÃâW áÚá
- and do not clothe us with the flames and tar of
230Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- áYåÊáB áäÙãB áÐÂãB áÙ CáÖ èAåÒâs ãäÄâ¾ åÌãÆ áÑ
- Save us from all evil, O there is no god but You,
231Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- CáËãäáËá áYåÊáB áäÙãB áÐÂãB áÙ ãä¼ádãQ
- for the sake of there being no god but You,
- save us.
232Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá ãäÄá áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- O Alláh bless Muhammad and the family of
233Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÈåãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
- In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
234Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- áÄáåáW åÉáB áÀâÃáNåsáB ØãäÊãB áäÈâÏäÃÂáB
- ånãäkáâWáÑ ØãåáW CáÇåã
- O Alláh, I beseech You to place, in what You
destine and decree,
235Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÈåãádåÂB ãoåÆáÛB Øã ãÅåÒâXådáÇåÂB ãoåÆÛB áÌãÆ
- from the orders which are definite, and orders
which are wise,
236Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- âÁáäkáRâÖ áÙ áÑ âäjáoâÖ áÙ ÕãmáäÂB ãAEááåÂB
áÌãÆ - from the decree which is not reversed nor changed,
237Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÅBáoádåÂB áÀãXåáQ ãCáäâc åÌãÆ ØãËáRâXåáW
åÉáB - write my name as one of the pilgrims of Your
sacred house,
238Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- åÈâÏâåás ãnåÒâåxáÇåÂáB åÈâÏâäác ãnåÑâoåRáÇåÂB
- whose hajj is approved, whose efforts are
239Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- åÈãÏãWGáNãäás åÌá ãoáäáâÇåÂáB åÈâÏâQåÒâÊâl
ãnåÒâå³áÇåÂáB - whose sins are forgiven, and whose evil deeds are
240Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ânãäkáâW áÑ ØãåáW CáÇåã áÄáåáW åÉáB áÑ
- and place for me, in what You destine and decree,
241Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- èUáãCá áäÑ èoåág Øã ÕãoåÇâ áÄåãâW åÉáB
- a lengthening of my life, in goodness and health,
242Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- Øãºåpãn Øã áãäsáÒâW áÑ
- and an increase in my sustenance.
243Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- áÀãËåÖãkã ãÐãQ âoãáXåËáW åÌáäÇãÆ ØãËáÃáåáW áÑ
- Make me among those through whom,
- You support Your religion,
244Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- Õãoåá² ØãQ åÁãkåRáXåtáW áÙ áÑ
- not substituting any in my place.
245Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÈåÖãoáåÂB áÀãÏå_áÑ ãÁáÚáãQ âlåÒâáB
- I seek refuge with the majesty of Your gracious
246Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- áÉCááÆán âoåÏáw ØãäËá áØãáåËáäÖ åÉáB
- from the passing of the month of Ramadhán,
247Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÍãmÎ ØãXáÃåá åÌãÆ âoåáåÂB áâÃåáÖ åÑáB
- or the appearance of the dawn of this night,
248Recommended Duás in Ramadán (3)
- ãÐåáÃá ØãËâQãämáâW çSåÊál åÑáB çUáãRáW
ØãÃáR㺠áÀá áÑ - while I still have a duty I have not carried out,
or a sin that You may punish me for.