Title: Shewharts Theory of Chance Cause Systems of Variation
1Shewharts Theory of Chance Cause Systems of
2Shewharts Chance Cause System
- All empirical data are generated by some type of
process. - Walter Shewhart referred to these processes as
chance cause systems of variation.
3Shewharts Chance Cause System
Shewharts Chance Cause System
4Shewharts Chance Cause System
- All chance cause systems are made up of two types
of chance causes which are referred to as
explainable causes and unexplainable causes. - Therefore, chance cause systems can be thought of
as satisfying the pseudo equation - chance cause systems explainable causes
unexplainable causes.
5Explainable Causes
- Explainable causes . . . lie outside the process,
and they contribute significantly to the total
variation observed in performance measures. - The variation created by explainable causes is
usually unpredictable, but it is explainable
after it has been observed.
6The HD-2 Filler Case Study
7The HD-2 Filler Case Study
8Unexplainable Causes
- Unexplainable causes . . . May be unidentified
explainable causes or they may be random causes
that belong to, or are inherent in, the process. - If they are common, unexplained causes then they
produce random variation in the behavior of the
performance measurement, but the variation is
consistent and predictable. The variation
associated with unexplained random causes of
variation has a statistical identity. - The random variation produced by unexplainable
causes is often referred to as noise, because
there is no real change in process performance. - Noise cannot be traced to a specific cause, and
it is therefore, although predictable, it is
9Unexplainable Causes
- The random nature of unexplainable cause
variation lends itself to the application of the
statistical methods, while the chaotic or
pattened variation produced by explainable causes
may not. - Therefore, the statistical methods can be used
to characterize the inherent process variation
and to develop tools to identify the presence of
explainable causes.
10Unexplainable Causes
- It may seem counter intuitive at first to claim
that the objective of process control is to
achieve a state where the process behaves in a
random fashion. - There are numerous instances where we depend upon
random behavior to predict results. - Card games like bridge or poker
- Games of chance in Las Vegas
11Shewharts Chance Cause System -The Woodpeckers
and the Mules!
12Shewharts General Chance Cause System
- The variation due to the woodpeckers in constant
causes systems is unexplainable, but predictable! - The variation due to mules in a general chance
cause system is explainable, but generally
13Shewharts Theory of Chance Cause Systems of
14- Basic Statistical Concepts for Constant Cause
Woodpeckers Only !
15Constant Cause Systems
- Chance cause systems that are made up only of
unexplainable random causes are referred to as
constant cause systems. That is, - constant cause systems unexplainable random
16Constant Cause Systems
- Constant cause systems are equivalent to the
assumption of independent, identically
distributed (IID) random variables.
17Constant Cause Systems
- Although both unexplainable and explainable
causes create variation in the performance
measure of interest, unexplainable causes create
controlled variation while explainable causes
create uncontrolled variation.
18Constant Cause Systems
- Shewhart defined controlled variation in the
following way. - A phenomenon will be said to be controlled when,
through the use of past experience, we can
predict, at least within limits, how the
phenomenon may be expected to vary in the future.
Here it is understood that prediction within
limits means that we can state, at least
approximately, the probability that the observed
phenomenon will fall within given limits. - Constant cause systems are therefore controlled
cause systems.
19The Empirical Rule
- It a remarkable fact that the following
relationships are approximately true for almost
any process distribution associated with a
constant cause system. - 60 to 75 of the process output lies between µ
-?? and µ ? - 90 to 98 of the process output lies between µ -
2? and µ 2 ? - 99 to 100 of the process output lies between µ
- 3? and µ 3? .
20The Empirical Rule
The Empirical Rule is the Foundation for Shewhart
Control Charts
21Understanding and Analyzing a Chance Cause System
of Variation
22Rational Subgrouping
- One of the most important concepts to understand
and master in order to use use the data from
analytic studies to their full potential is the
notion of rational subgroups. - The key to extraction of information from data is
asking and answering the right questions. - This can only be achieved by fully understanding
and exploiting the structure of the data obtained
from the process.
23Rational Subgrouping
- Shewhart made the following important observation
regarding rational subgroups. - Obviously, the ultimate object is not only to
detect trouble but also to find it, and such
discovery naturally involves classification. The
engineer who is successful in dividing his data
initially into rational subgroups based on
rational hypotheses is therefore inherently
better off in the long run than the one who is
not thus successful.
24Understanding a Chance Cause System of Variation
- Many chance cause systems can be rationalized by
hypothesizing what factors are potentially
creating the observed variation in the data. - Factor 1
- Factor 2
- .
- Factor K
- Time
- Unknown factors
- Random, Unexplained variation
25Understanding a Chance Cause System of Variation
- For example in the aseptic filler case study
- Factor 1 - Lane (1-4)
- Factor 2 - Phase (1-2)
- Time Order of production
- Unknown factors - pump effect
- Random, Unexplained variation
26The Concept of Rational Subgrouping
- The General Structure of Rational Subgroups
27Rational Subgrouping
- The fundamental concept of rational subgrouping
is to study the variation observed across
subgroups that are defined in a meaningful way
relative to the variation observed within the
subgroups, in order to answer important
questions. - Rational subgroups represent samples from the
process organized in some meaningful way relative
to a region of space, time, subprocess or
28Rational Subgrouping
- In general, the statistical analysis methods that
are constructed from the data contained in the
rational subgroups are designed to answer the
following question - Is the variation in the performance measure
observed across subgroups greater than predicted
based on the variation observed within the
29Rational Subgrouping
- For a constant cause system the variation within
a subgroup is the same as the variation across
subgroups. - Therefore, if the assumption of a constant cause
system is correct, it should be possible to
predict the behavior of summary statistics, like
sample averages, ranges, and standard deviations,
across subgroups based on the homogeneous
variation observed within subgroups.
30Evidence of Explainable Causes
- Data from a constant cause system of variation
will display random, unexplainable variation both
within and across rational subgroups. - The range of variation due to constant causes
will be within predictable statistical limits. - Nonrandom patterns of variation appearing within
or across the rational subgroups, that can be
meaningfully interpreted within the context of
the cause system of variation, provide evidence
that explainable causes are affecting the data.
31The AttendanceManagement Case Study
- The effective management of employee attendance
is an important management responsibility.
Within a data entry process, it is important that
all 10 data entry specialists scheduled for work
are present or the system becomes backlogged, and
important deadlines are missed. The supervisors
had raised important concerns about the level of
absenteeism among the employees within the
department. - Each employees attendance rate, defined as the
percent of scheduled hours actually worked, is
recorded each pay period. The employees are paid
on a bi-weekly basis, and the payroll department
maintains the employee attendance data.
Attendance data were available for 22 consecutive
pay periods. The actual data for the ten
employees are presented in Table 8.1.
32The AttendanceManagement Case Study
33The AttendanceManagement Case Study
- There are two organizations or structures of the
data that were exploited to answer important
questions concerning employee attendance using
control charts. Table 8.2 presents the first
structure which uses the 22 pay periods as the
rational subgroups. The table entries Pij denote
the recorded attendance rate for the ith employee
for the jth pay period. - The first question that was asked by management
was whether or not the overall department
attendance rate was changing over time i.e.,
from pay period to pay period. To answer this
question, the attendance rates were organized
into 22 rational subgroups by pay period. The
data within the subgroups were the attendance
rates for the 10 employees for the pay period.
An average chart was constructed using the pay
period as the rational subgroup and the
individual employee attendance rate as the basic
data within the subgroup.
34The AttendanceManagement Case Study
Table 8.2. The First Organization of
the Employee Attendance Data
35The AttendanceManagement Case Study
- Figure 8.7 presents the control chart for the
department attendance rate by pay period. Based
on Figure 8.7, there is no evidence that the
department attendance rate is changing over time.
It appears to be in a reasonable state of
statistical control around the average of 89.15.
Figure 8.7. Average Chart for the Department
Attendance Rate
36The AttendanceManagement Case Study
- The next question that was asked was whether
there were differences in the attendance rates
across the employees. To answer this question the
data were reorganized using the employee as the
rational subgroup. Table 8.3 presents the second
organization of this data.
Table 8.3. The Second Organization of
the Employee Attendance Data
37The AttendanceManagement Case Study
- Figure 8.8 presents the average chart produced
using the employee as the rational subgroup. This
control chart compares the variation in
attendance rates across employees to the
variation observed over the 22 pay periods within
an employee.
Figure 8.8. The Average Chart for Comparing
Employee Attendance Rates
38The AttendanceManagement Case Study
- This chart indicates that the variation in the
averages across the employees is larger than
expected compared to the variation in attendance
within employees. The chart provides a clear
signal that the attendance rates for employee 5
and employee 10 fall outside of the expected
range due to unexplainable cause variation, and
they should be investigated. - Management should work with these two employees
on a localized basis in an attempt to discover
the reasons for their low attendance in order to
help them get back into the normal system.
39The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The first generation HD-2 filler process was
designed to simultaneously fill and seal
preformed cups at four filling and sealing
stations, so the original machine filled four
cups at a time. - The second generation machine was designed to
simultaneously form cups and then fill the cups
using 24 cup forming cavities, and 24 filling and
sealing stations. This new design eliminated the
need for an outside cup vendor, and increased the
production capacity by a factor of 6. - After the machine forms and fills the cup, the
cup is sealed with a heat treated foil seal. The
integrity of the product in the cup is dependent
upon a good seal. The integrity of the seal is
very dependent on the width of the cup flange
because the heat treatment melts the flange and
seats the foil seal into the melted flange.
40The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The functional specification limits for the
flange width are 4.5 mm  0.5 mm. The cup flange
is created by the 24 cavities in the cup forming
process. The geometry of the 24 cup forming
cavities is presented in Figure 8.9.
41The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Figure 8.9. Cup Forming Cavity Geometry for the
24 Cavities
42The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- An acceptance test was conducted in which
numerous performance characteristics of the
machine were analyzed, including flange width.
Two of the questions of interest were whether or
not the flange width could be maintained in a
state of statistical control during the
production run, and whether or not the 24
cavities significantly affect flange width. In
order to answer these questions, the acceptance
test was designed as follows. - A nine-hour production run was scheduled under
normal working conditions. At the beginning of
each hour, n4 successive cups were sampled from
each of the 24 cavities. This resulted in a
total of N 9x24x4 864 flange width
measurements. Three different organizations of
the data were considered in order to answer the
questions of interest.
43The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The first structure for the data is presented in
Table 8.4. Using this structure there are 216
rational subgroups of size n4. The subgroups
have been arranged so that the data for 800 A.M.
are presented first for all 24 cavities, followed
by the data for 900 A.M. for all 24 cavities,
etc. - The variation within the subgroups is the
variation across four consecutive cups formed by
the same cavity at the same point in time. This
variation should reflect the inherent or
unexplained variation in the process (i.e., the
process noise). - The variation across the subgroups is affected
not only by the noise in the process, but also
possibly by explainable causes due to cavity
differences within a time period and explainable
causes across time.
44The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Table 8.4. The First Structure of the Acceptance
Test Data 216 Rational Subgroups with N 4
45The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- Figure 8.10 is the average chart and Figure 8.11
is the range chart produced from this
organization of the data. It is clear from
Figure 8.10 that the process was not in a state
of statistical control during the production run.
For example, the flange width increased
significantly from subgroup 25 to 48 which
represents the 900 a.m. and 1000 a.m. time
frame. - The flange width then decreased for subgroups 49
through 96 which represents 1100 a.m. and 1200
p.m. time frame. The range chart in Figure 8.11
also indicates that the inherent process
variation increased beginning with the 1000 a.m.
46The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Figure 8.11. Range Chart for Flange Width - Data
Structure 1
Figure 8.10. Average Chart for Flange Width -
Data Structure 1
47The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- Figure 8.12 is the same range chart except only
the first 48 subgroups (the 800 a.m. and 900
a.m. data) were used to set the control limits.
That chart clearly shows the process variation to
be out of control during the production run.
Figure 8.12. Range Chart for Flange Width - Data
Structure 1 and Control Limits Set with 800
A.M. and 900 A.M. Data
48The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- These charts indicate that there are explainable
causes of variation in the cause system affecting
both the average flange width and the inherent
variation in flange width. These explainable
causes should be investigated and removed from
the process if possible. - Figure 8.13 is a histogram of the 864 flange
width measurements with the upper and lower
functional specification limits superimposed on
the graph. Clearly, this process is not capable
of meeting the functional specification limits.
49The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Figure 8.13. Comparison of the Histogram and
Functional Specification Limits for Flange Width
50The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The second structure for the data is presented in
Table 8.5. Here the rational subgroups presented
in the first organization have simply been
rearranged so that the nine time periods for
cavity 1 are presented first, followed the nine
time periods for cavity 2, etc.
51The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Table 8.5. The Second Structure of the
Acceptance Test Data 216 Rational Subgroups with
N 4
52The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- This organization allows an easy analysis of the
performance, and comparison of, the individual
cavities across time. The average chart for the
first four cavities is presented in Figure 8.14. - This control chart is reproduced in Figure 8.15
which shows where each of the four cavities begin
and end. Only four cavities are presented on the
chart in order to see the patterns more clearly.
In the actual analysis, all 24 cavities were
53The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Figure 8.15. Control Chart for the First Four
Cavities - Beginning and End Points Identified
Figure 8.14. Control Chart for the First Four
54The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- It is clear from Figure 8.15 that the flange
width went out of control for each of the four
cavities at 900 A.M. which indicates an
explainable cause associated with the process
that systematically affected all four cavities.
(In fact, the complete control chart indicated
that it affected all 24 cavities.) The cups are
formed from plastic sheets which come in large
rolls - This shift in flange width was traced to a sheet
splice (i.e., the plastic roll was changed over
to a new roll). Similar shifts in the flange
width occurred throughout the production run when
new sheet rolls were spliced into the process.
The explainable cause was traced to a change in
sheet thickness. The thickness of the sheet
rolls purchased from an outside vendor was not
consistent from roll to roll, and the sheet roll
vendor was contacted to discuss ways to improve
the consistency of the sheet thickness.
55The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The third organization of the same data,
presented in Table 8.6, was designed to answer
the question about the effects of the 24
cavities. In this case the data were placed into
24 subgroups defined by the 24 cavities. Since a
sample of size n 4 cups was selected from each
cavity for each of the 9 time periods, there are
n 36 measurements per subgroup in this case. - The variation within the subgroup includes the
process noise plus the differences across time.
The variation across subgroups includes the
effects of cavities. Since the subgroup sample
size is larger than 10, the average and standard
deviation charts presented in Figures 8.16, 8.17,
and 8.18 were used to analyze the data.
56The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Table 8.6. The Third Structure of the Acceptance
Test Data 24 Rational Subgroups with N 36
57The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
Figure 8.17. Analysis of Cavity Effect on Flange
Width - Cavity Row Geometry Identified on the
Figure 8.16. Analysis of Cavity Effect on Flange
58The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- Figure 8.16 is the initial average chart, and
Figure 8.17 is the same chart with the
information on the cavity row geometry described
in Figure 8.9 included on the chart. There is a
clear signal from these charts that the cavities
are having a significant effect on the flange
width. There is an obvious nonrandom pattern in
the flange width across cavities in each row.
59The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The flange width generally decreases across the
6Â cavities within each of the four rows. The
decrease is associated with a column effect. The
explainable cause was traced to an uneven
distribution of heat in the forming plates that
fit across the rows. The heat distribution
system associated with the forming plates was
redesigned to obtain a constant heat gradient
across each of the four rows.
60The Plastic Cup FlangeWidth Example
- The standard deviation chart is presented in
Figure 8.18. Since this organization of the data
placed both the process noise and time effects
into the rational subgroups, it was decided that
no action should be taken based on this chart at
this time.
Figure 8.18. Analysis of Standard Deviation of
Flange Width within Cavities