Software Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Testing


Dictionary definitions are too vague to be of much help ... Many applications in aircraft, medicine, nuclear power plants, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Testing

Software Testing
  • Week 8 lectures 1 and 2

What is quality
  • The definition of the term quality is an issue.
  • On the meaning of Quality, a surprising number of
    people still think software quality is simply the
    absence of errors.
  • Dictionary definitions are too vague to be of
    much help
  • The only relevant definition offered by the
    Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford, 1993), for
    instance, is peculiar excellence or superiority
  • Note here that quality cannot be discussed for
    something in isolation comparison is intrinsic.

  • Many software engineering references define
    software quality as
  • correct implementation of the specification
  • Such a definition can be used during product
    development, but it is inadequate for
    facilitating comparisons between products
  • Standards organisations have tended to refer to
    meeting needs or expectations, e.g. the ISO
    defines quality as the
  • totality of features and characteristics of a
    product or service that bears on its ability to
    satisfy stated or implied needs.

  • IEEE defines quality as
  • The degree to which a system, component, or
    process meets specified requirements.
  • and
  • The degree to which a system, component, or
    process meets customer or user needs or

Quality definitions
  • Quality has been variously defined as
  • Excellence (Socrates, Plato, Aristole)
  • Value (Feigenbaum 1951, Abbot 1955)
  • Conformance to specification (Levitt 1972,
    Gilmore 1974)
  • Fit for purpose (Juran 1974)
  • Meeting or exceeding, customers expectations
    (Gronroos 1983, Parasuraman Ziethaml Berry
  • Loss avoidance (Taguchi 1989)

Quality definitions
  • In short these six definitions show different
    aspects of quality.
  • All can be applied to software development.
  • We often find our products marketed for their
    excellence. We want to delight our customers with
    our products and to build a long term business
  • Many countries trade laws oblige us to sell the
    product only when fit for the purpose to which
    our customer tells us they will put it.

  • When purchasing managers look at our software,
    they may judge comparable products on value
    knowing that this may stop them buying the
    excellent product.
  • In managing the software development, efficiency
    and effective development processes together help
    avoid losses through rework and reducing later
    support and maintenance budgets.
  • In testing, we work to see that the product
    conforms to specification.

Testing Categories
  • Classifications of testing with specific goals.
    The testing categories are
  • Functional testing
  • Procedures testing
  • Operations testing
  • Documentation testing
  • Performance testing

Software testing
  • is the process used to help identify the
    correctness, completeness, security, and quality
    of developed software.
  • Testing is a process of executing a program or
    application with the intent of finding errors.
  • With that in mind, testing can never completely
    establish the correctness of arbitrary computer
  • In other words, testing is criticism or
    comparison, that is comparing the actual value
    with an expected one.
  • An important point is that software testing
    should be distinguished from the separate
    discipline of software quality assurance, which
    encompasses all business process areas, not just

  • There are many approaches to software testing,
    but effective testing of complex products is
    essentially a process of investigation, not
    merely a matter of creating and following routine
  • One definition of testing is
  • "the process of questioning a product in order
    to evaluate it", where the "questions" are things
    the tester tries to do with the product, and the
    product answers with its behavior in reaction to
    the probing of the tester.

  • Although most of the intellectual processes of
    testing are nearly identical to that of review or
    inspection, the word testing is connoted to mean
    the dynamic analysis of the productputting the
    product through its paces
  • The quality of the application can, and normally
    does, vary widely from system to system but some
    of the common quality attributes include
  • reliability, efficiency, portability,
    maintainability and usability

Faults and Failures
  • In general, software engineers distinguish
    software faults from software failures
  • When software does not operate as it is intended
    to do, a software failure is said to occur
  • Software failures are caused by one or more
    sections of the software program being incorrect.
    Each of these incorrect sections is called a
    software fault. The fault could be as simple as a
    wrong value. A fault could also be complete
    omission of a decision in the program.

Faults and Failures
  • A failure can also be described as an error in
    the correctness of the semantic of a computer
  • A fault will become a failure if the exact
    computation conditions are met, one of them being
    that the faulty portion of computer software
    executes on the CPU
  • A fault can also turn into a failure when the
    software is ported to a different hardware
    platform or a different compiler, or when the
    software gets extended

Faults and Failures
  • Faults have many causes, including
    misunderstanding of requirements, overlooking
    special cases, using the wrong variable,
    misunderstanding of the algorithm, and even
    typing mistakes.
  • Software that can cause serious problems if it
    fails is called safety-critical software. Many
    applications in aircraft, medicine, nuclear power
    plants, and transportation involve such software.

Testing is a BIG issue
  • The number of potential test cases is huge. For
    example, in the case of a simple program that
    multiplies two integer numbers
  • if each integer is a 32-bit number (a common size
    for the computer representation), then there are
    232 possible values for each number
  • This means, the total number of possible input
    combinations is 264 ,which is more than 1019 ,
  • If a test case can be done each microsecond (10-6
    ), then it will take hundreds of thousands of
    years to try all of the possible test cases.
    Trying all possible test cases is called
    exhaustive testing and is usually not a
    reasonable approach because of the size of the

Testing and SQA
  • Software testing may be viewed as a sub-field of
    software quality assurance but typically exists
    independently (and there may be no SQA areas in
    some companies)
  • In SQA, software process specialists and auditors
    take a broader view on software and its
  • They examine and change the software engineering
    process itself to reduce the amount of faults
    that end up in the code or deliver faster.

  • Regardless of the methods used or level of
    formality involved, the desired result of testing
    is a level of confidence in the software so that
    the developers are confident that the software
    has an acceptable defect rate
  • What constitutes an acceptable defect rate
    depends on the nature of the software.
  • An arcade video game designed to simulate flying
    an airplane would presumably have a much higher
    tolerance for defects than software used to
    control an actual airliner

  • A problem with software testing is that the
    number of defects in a software product can be
    very large and the number of configurations of
    the product larger still
  • Bugs that occur infrequently are difficult to
    find in testing
  • A rule of thumb (heuristic) is that a system
    that is expected to function without faults for a
    certain length of time must have already been
    tested for at least that length of time.
  • This has severe consequences for project
    developers trying to write long-lived reliable

Common Practices
  • A common practice of software testing is that it
    is performed by an independent group of testers
    after finishing the software product and before
    it is shipped to the customer
  • This practice often results in the testing phase
    being used as project buffer to compensate for
    project delays
  • Another practice is to start software testing at
    the same moment the project starts and it is a
    continuous process until the project finishes.

Common Practice
  • A further common practice is for test suites to
    be developed during technical support escalation
  • Such tests are then maintained in regression
    testing suites to ensure that future updates to
    the software don't repeat any of the known

Common belief
  • It is commonly believed that
  • the earlier a defect is found the cheaper it is
    to fix

Agile Systems
  • Some emerging software disciplines such as
    extreme programming (XP) and the agile software
    development movement, adhere to a test-driven
    software development (TDD) model.
  • In this process unit tests are written first, by
    the programmers before any application code
  • (often with pair programming in the extreme
    programming methodology).
  • Then the code is run against the unit tests

Unit Tests in XP
  • These tests fail initially as they are expected
    to. Then as code is written it passes
    incrementally larger portions of the test suites.
  • The test suites are continuously updated as new
    failure conditions and corner cases are
    discovered and they are integrated with any
    regression tests that are developed

Unit Tests
  • The testing of the smallest single components of
    the software. Testing is to determine that the
    individual program modules perform to

Unit tests
  • In Agile develoment systems, unit tests are
    maintained along with the rest of the software
    source code and generally integrated into the
    build process
  • (with inherently interactive tests being
    relegated to a partially manual build acceptance

Test Harness
  • The software, tools, samples of data input and
    output and configurations are all referred to
    collectively as a test harness.

Code and Fix
  • Typical approach to small application development
  • Can be successful in the hands of an experienced
    developer when the fixes are few in number.
  • Students take this approach most of the time

Smoke Testing
  • A quick-and-dirty test that the major functions
    of a piece of software work.
  • Originated in the hardware testing practice of
    turning on a new piece of hardware for the first
    time and considering it a success if it does not
    catch on fire.

White box testing, clear box testing, glass box
testing or structural testing
  • is used in software testing to check that the
    outputs of a program, given certain inputs,
    conform to the structural specification of the
  • The term white box (or glass box) indicates that
    testing is done with a knowledge of the code used
    to execute certain functionality
  • For this reason, a programmer is usually required
    to perform white box tests

White box
  • Often, multiple programmers will write tests
    based on certain code, so as to gain varying
    perspectives on possible outcomes.
  • With extensive knowledge of internal workings
    changing the design often results in breaking the
    test. This adds financial resistance to the
    change process, thus buggy products may stay buggy

Black Box Testing
  • An approach to testing used by analyst and users
    alike where inputs and outputs of functions are
    known, but internal code structure is irrelevant.
  • A form of testing which identifies various inputs
    and maps them to specific output behaviors,
    without targeting specific software components or
    portions of the code.

Black Box in other words
  • In black box testing the test engineer only
    accesses the software through the same interfaces
    that the customer or user would, or possibly
    through remotely controllable, automation
    interfaces that connect another computer or
    another process into the target of the test
  • For example a test harness might push virtual
    keystrokes and mouse or other pointer operations
    into a program through any inter-process
    communications mechanism, with the assurance that
    these events are routed through the same code
    paths as real keystrokes and mouse clicks.

Grey Box
  • In recent years the term grey box testing has
    come into common usage.
  • The typical grey box tester is permitted to set
    up or manipulate the testing environment, like
    seeding a database, and can view the state of the
    product after their actions, like performing a
    SQL query on the database to be certain of the
    values of columns.

Grey Box
  • It is used almost exclusively by client-server
    testers or others who use a database as a
    repository of information
  • It can also apply to a tester who has to
    manipulate XML files (DTD or an actual XML file)
    or configuration files directly
  • It can also be used of testers who know the
    internal workings or algorithm of the software
    under test and can write tests specifically for
    the anticipated results

Defect density
  • One of the easiest ways to judge whether a
    program is ready to release is to measure its
    defect densitythe number of defects per line of
  • Suppose that the first version of your product,
    consisted of 100,000 lines of code
  • You detected 650 defects prior to the softwares
    release, and that 50 more defects were reported
    after the software was released.
  • The software therefore had a lifetime defect
    count of 700 defects and a defect density of 7
    defects per thousand lines of code (KLOC).

  • A review of requirements, designs or code
    characterised by the author of the object under
    review guiding the progression of the review.

System Test
  • The process of testing an integrated system to
    verify that it meets specified requirements.
    Testing to determine that the results generated
    by the enterprise's information systems and their
    components are accurate and the systems perform
    to specification.

Static Test
  • An analysis of the form, structure and
    correctness of a work product without executing
    the product. The opposite of a dynamic test.

Acceptance Test
  • A formal test usually performed by an end-user or
    customer to determine whether a system or
    software component is working according to its
    requirements and design specifications.

All-pairs testing or pairwise testing
  • is a combinatorial testing method that, for each
    pair of input parameters to a system (typically,
    a software algorithm) tests all possible discrete
    combinations of those parameters
  • Using carefully chosen test vectors, this can be
    done much faster than an exhaustive search of all
    combinations of all parameters
  • By "parallelizing" the tests of parameter pairs.
    The number of tests is typically O(nm), where n
    and m are the number of possibilities for each of
    the two parameters with the most choices.

All pairs
  • The reasoning behind all-pairs testing is this
  • The simplest bugs in a program are generally
    triggered by a single input parameter.
  • The next simplest category of bugs consists of
    those dependent on interactions between pairs of
    parameters, which can be caught with all-pairs
  • Bugs involving interactions between three or more
    parameters are progressively less common, whilst
    at the same time being progressively more
    expensive to find by exhaustive testing..
  • .. which has as its limit the exhaustive testing
    of all possible inputs.

All pairs
  • Many testing methods regard all-pairs testing of
    a system or subsystem as a reasonable
    cost-benefit compromise between often
    computationally infeasible higher-order
    combinatorial testing methods and less exhaustive
    methods which fail to exercise all possible pairs
    of parameters
  • Because no testing technique can find all bugs,
    all-pairs testing is typically used together with
    other quality assurance techniques such as unit
    testing, fuzz testing, and code review.

Fuzz testing
  • is often used in large software development
    projects that perform black box testing.
  • These usually have a budget to develop test tools
    and fuzz testing is one of the techniques which
    offers a high benefit to cost ratio.
  • Fuzz testing is also used as a gross measurement
    of a large software system's quality.
  • The advantage here is that the cost of generating
    the tests is relatively low. For example, third
    party testers have used fuzz testing to evaluate
    the relative merits of different operating
    systems and application programs.
  • Fuzz testing is thought to enhance software
    security and software safety because it often
    finds odd oversights and defects which human
    testers would fail to find and even careful human
    test designers would fail to create tests for.

  • However, fuzz testing is not a substitute for
    exhaustive testing or formal methods
  • It can only provide a random sample of the
    system's behavior and in many cases passing a
    fuzz test may only demonstrate that a piece of
    software handles exceptions without crashing,
    rather than behaving correctly
  • Thus, fuzz testing can only be regarded as a
    proxy for program correctness, rather than a
    direct measure, with fuzz test failures actually
    being more useful as a bug-finding tool than fuzz
    test passes as an assurance of quality.

Fuzz testing methods
  • As a practical matter, developers need to
    reproduce errors in order to fix them. For this
    reason, almost all fuzz testing makes a record of
    the data it manufactures, usually before applying
    it to the software, so that if the computer fails
    dramatically, the test data is preserved.
  • Modern software has several different types of
  • Event driven inputs are usually from a graphical
    user interface, or possibly from a mechanism in
    an embedded system.
  • Character driven inputs are from files, or data
  • Database inputs are from tabular data, such as
    relational databases.

Fuzz Testing forms
  • There are at least two different forms of fuzz
  • Valid fuzz attempts to assure that the random
    input is reasonable, or conforms to actual
    production data.
  • Simple fuzz usually uses a pseudo random number
    generator to provide input.
  • A combined approach uses valid test data with
    some proportion of totally random input injected.
  • By using all of these techniques in combination,
    fuzz-generated randomness can test the
    un-designed behavior surrounding a wider range of
    designed system states.
  • Fuzz testing may use tools to simulate all of
    these domains.

Event-driven fuzz
  • Normally this is provided as a queue of data
    structures. The queue is filled with data
    structures that have random values.
  • The most common problem with an event-driven
    program is that it will often simply use the data
    in the queue, without even crude validation.
  • To succeed in a fuzz-tested environment, software
    must validate all fields of every queue entry,
    decode every possible binary value, and then
    ignore impossible requests.
  • One of the more interesting issues with real-time
    event handling is that if error reporting is too
    verbose, simply providing error status can cause
    resource problems or a crash.
  • Robust error detection systems will report only
    the most significant, or most recent error over a
    period of time.

Character-driven fuzz
  • Normally this is provided as a stream of random
    data. The classic source in UNIX is the random
    data generator.
  • One common problem with a character driven
    program is a buffer overrun, when the character
    data exceeds the available buffer space.
  • This problem tends to recur in every instance in
    which a string or number is parsed from the data
    stream and placed in a limited-size area.

Rule of thumb (heuristic)
  • A heuristic evaluation is a usability testing
    method for computer software that helps to
    identify usability problems in the user interface
    (UI) design.
  • It specifically involves evaluators examining the
    interface and judging its compliance with
    recognized usability principles (the
  • These evaluation methods are now widely taught
    and practiced in the New Media sector, where UIs
    are often designed in a short space of time on a
    budget that may restrict the amount of money
    available to provide for other types of interface

  • The main goal of heuristic evaluations is to
    identify any problems associated with the design
    of user interfaces.
  • Usability consultant Jakob Nielsen developed this
    method on the basis of several years of
    experience in teaching and consulting about
    usability engineering.
  • Heuristic evaluations are one of the most
    informal methods of usability inspection in the
    field of human-computer interaction.
  • There are many sets of usability design
    heuristics they are not mutually exclusive and
    cover many of the same aspects of interface

Usability Heuristics
  • Quite often, usability problems that are
    discovered are categorized according to their
    estimated impact on user performance or
  • Often the heuristic evaluation is conducted in
    the context of use cases (typical user tasks), to
    provide feedback to the developers on the extent
    to which the interface is likely to be compatible
    with the intended users needs and preferences.

Usability Heuristics
  • Most heuristic evaluations can be accomplished in
    a matter of days.
  • The time required varies with the size of the
    artefact, its complexity, the purpose of the
    review, the nature of the usability issues that
    arise in the review and the competence of the
  • A criticism that is often levelled at heuristic
    methods of evaluation is that results are highly
    influenced by the knowledge of the expert

Integration Testing
  • An approach to testing that combines individual
    components into larger assemblies to expose
    faults in interfaces and in the interaction
    between integrated components
  • The process of combining components into larger

Test Suite
  • The most common term for a collection of test
    cases is a test suite.
  • The test suite often also contains more detailed
    instructions or goals for each collection of test
  • It definitely contains a section where the tester
    identifies the system configuration used during
  • A group of test cases may also contain
    prerequisite states or steps, and descriptions of
    the following tests.

Test Suite
  • Collections of test cases are sometimes
    incorrectly termed a test plan. They may also be
    called a test script, or even a test scenario.
  • An executable test suite is a test suite that is
    ready to be executed
  • This usually means that there exists a test
    harness that is integrated with the suite and
    such that the test suite and the test harness
    together can work on a sufficiently detailed
    level to correctly communicate with the system
    under test (SUT).

Monkey test
  • In computer science a monkey test is a unit test
    that runs with no specific test in mind.
  • The monkey in this case is the producer of any
    input data (whether that be file data, or input
    device data).
  • Examples of monkey test unit tests can vary from
    simple random string entry into text boxes (to
    ensure handling of all possible user input), to
    garbage files (for checking against bad loading
    routines that have blind faith in their data)

Performance test
  • The testing conducted to evaluate the compliance
    of a system or software component with specified
    performance requirements, such as response times,
    transaction rates and resource utilization.

Regression Testing
  • The selective retesting to detect faults
    introduced during modification of a system.
  • Retesting of a previously tested program
    following modification to ensure that faults have
    not been introduced or uncovered as a result of
    the changes made.

Regression testing in other words
  • A regression test re-runs previous tests against
    the changed software to ensure that the changes
    made in the current software do not affect the
    functionality of the existing software.
  • It can be performed either by hand or by software
    that automates the process.
  • It can be performed at unit, module, system or
    project level.
  • It often uses automated test tools to reduce the
    effort required to repeat a large suite of tests
    over many versions of the software.

Scenario Testing
  • An intermediate definition is test development in
    which business conditions are grouped together to
    represent a single set of business functions to
    be tested
  • representing a discrete business case,
    characterized by a set of test cases grouped
    under the scenario also called test run.

Scenario testing
  • A scenario test is a test based on a hypothetical
    story used to help a person think through a
    complex problem or system. They can be as simple
    as a diagram for a testing environment or they
    could be a description written in prose. The
    ideal scenario test has five key characteristics.
  • It is
  • (a) a story that is (b) motivating, (c) credible,
    (d) complex, and (e) easy to evaluate.

Scenario testing
  • They are usually different from test cases in
    that test cases are single steps and scenarios
    cover a number of steps.
  • Test suites and scenarios can be used in concert
    for complete system tests.
  • Scenario testing is similar to, but not the same
    as session-based testing, which is more closely
    related to exploratory testing, but the two
    concepts can be used in conjunction.

Test Case/Script
  • A set of inputs, execution preconditions, and
    expected outcomes developed for a particular
    objective to verify compliance with specified
  • After execution, it will contain actual outputs.
  • Test cases constitute checkpoints developed into
    test scripts at which the behavior of the
    application is validated by comparing expected
    results against actual results.

Alpha Testing
  • Simulated or actual operational testing at an
    in-house site not otherwise involved with the
    software developers.

Beta Testing
  • Operational testing at a site not otherwise
    involved with the software developers.

Testing Cycle
  • Although testing varies between organisations,
    there is a cycle to testing
  • Requirements Analysis Testing should begin in
    the requirements phase of the SDLC.
  • Design Analysis During the design phase, testers
    work with developers in determining what aspects
    of a design are testable and under what
    parameters those tests work.
  • Test Planning Test Strategy, Test Plan(s), Test
    Bed creation.
  • Test Development Test Procedures, Test
    Scenarios,Test Cases, Test Scripts to use in
    testing software.
  • Test Execution Testers execute the software
    based on the plans and tests and report any
    errors found to the development team.
  • Test Reporting Once testing is completed,
    testers generate metrics and make final reports
    on their test effort and whether or not the
    software tested is ready for release.
  • Retesting the Defects

  • Joint Application Development
  • a process by which an application evolves as a
    result of a series of instances,
    behind-closed-doors meetings, between the project
    development team and the potential application

  • There is considerable controversy among testing
    writers and consultants about what constitutes
    responsible software testing.
  • Members of the context-driven school of testing
    believe that there are no "best practices" for
    testing, but rather that testing is a set of
    skills that allow the tester to select or invent
    testing practices to suit each unique situation.
  • This belief directly contradicts standards such
    as the IEEE 829 test documentation standard, and
    organisations such as the US FDA who promote them.

Some of the major controversies include
  • Agile vs. Traditional
  • Starting around 1990, a new style of writing
    about testing began to challenge what had come
  • Instead of assuming that testers have full access
    to source code and complete specifications, these
    writers argued that testers must learn to work
    under conditions of uncertainty and constant
  • Meanwhile, an opposing trend toward process
    "maturity" also gained ground, in the form of the
    Capability Maturity Model (CMM).

Agile vs Traditional
  • The agile testing movement (which includes but is
    not limited to forms of testing practiced on
    agile development projects) has popularity mainly
    in commercial circles, whereas the CMM was
    embraced by government and military software
  • However, saying that "maturity models" like CMM
    gained ground against or opposing Agile testing
    may not be right.
  • The Agile movement is a 'way of working', while
    CMM are a process improvement idea.

Exploratory vs. Scripted
  • Exploratory testing means simultaneous learning,
    test design, and test execution.
  • Scripted testing means that learning and test
    design happens prior to test execution, and quite
    often the learning has to be done again during
    test execution.
  • Exploratory testing is very common, but in most
    writing and training about testing it is barely
    mentioned and generally misunderstood.

Exploratory vs. Scripted
  • Some writers consider it a primary and essential
  • Structured exploratory testing is a compromise
    when the testers are familiar with the software.
  • A vague test plan, known as a test charter, is
    written up, describing what functionalities need
    to be tested but not how, allowing the individual
    testers to choose the method and steps of testing.

Exploratory vs. Scripted
  • There are two main disadvantages associated with
    a primarily exploratory testing approach.
  • The first is that there is no opportunity to
    prevent defects, which can happen when the
    designing of tests in advance serves as a form of
    structured static testing that often reveals
    problems in system requirements and design.
  • The second is that, even with test charters,
    demonstrating test coverage and achieving
    repeatability of tests using a purely exploratory
    testing approach is difficult.

Exploratory vs. Scripted
  • For this reason, a blended approach of scripted
    and exploratory testing is often used to reap the
    benefits of both while mitigating each approach's

Manual vs. Automated
  • Some writers believe that test automation is so
    expensive relative to its value that it should be
    used sparingly.
  • Others, such as advocates of agile development,
    recommend automating 100 of all tests
  • A challenge with automation is that automated
    testing requires automated test oracles
  • (an oracle is a mechanism or principle by which a
    problem in the software can be recognized).
  • Such tools have value in load testing software
    (by signing on to an application with hundreds or
    thousands of instances simultaneously), or in
    checking for intermittent errors in software.

Manual vs Automated
  • The success of automated software testing depends
    on complete and comprehensive test planning.
  • Software development strategies such as
    test-driven development are highly compatible
    with the idea of devoting a large part of an
    organization's testing resources to automated
  • Many large software organizations perform
    automated testing. Some have developed their own
    automated testing environments specifically for
    internal development and not for resale.

  • By measuring how many bugs are found and
    comparing them to predicted numbers (based on
    past experience with similar projects), certain
    assumptions regarding the effectiveness of
    testing can be made.
  • While not an absolute measurement of quality, if
    a project is halfway complete and there have been
    no defects found, then changes may be needed to
    the procedures being employed by QA

XP (Extreme Programming)
  • Extreme Programming (XP) is a deliberate and
    disciplined approach to software development
  • XP is successful because it stresses customer
    satisfaction. The methodology is designed to
    deliver the software the customer needs when it
    is needed
  • XP empowers developers to respond to changing
    customer requirements, even late in the life
    cycle, with a degree of confidence.
  • This methodology also emphasizes team work.
  • Managers, customers, and developers are all part
    of a team dedicated to delivering quality
  • XP implements a simple, yet effective way to
    enable groupware style development.

XP contd.
  • XP improves a software project in four essential
  • Communication
  • Simplicity
  • Feedback
  • and courage.
  • XP programmers keep their design simple and
  • They get feedback by testing their software
    starting on day one.
  • They deliver the system to the customers as early
    as possible and implement changes as suggested.
  • With this foundation XP programmers are able to
    respond to changing requirements and technology.

The Testers
  • Understand fundamentals
  • Master software testers should understand
  • What can software do?
  • What external resources does it use to do it?
  • What are its major behaviours?
  • How does it interact with its environment?
  • The answers to these questions have nothing to do
    with practice and everything to do with training.
    One could practice for years and not gain such

Its a complex environment
  • 4 major categories of software users, (entities
    within an applications environment that are
    capable of sending the application input or
    consuming its output).
  • Note that of the four major categories of users,
    only one is visible to the human testers eye
    the user interface. The interfaces to the kernel,
    the ?le system and other software components
    happen without scrutiny.

  • Without understanding these interfaces, testers
    are taking into account only a very small
    percentage of the total inputs to their software.
  • By paying attention only to the visible user
    interface, we are limiting what bugs we can ?nd
    and what behaviors we can force

For example
  • The scenario of a full hard drive. How do we test
    this situation?
  • Inputs through the user interface will never
    force the code to handle the case of a full hard
  • This scenario can only be tested by controlling
    the ?le system interface. Speci?cally we need to
    force the ?les system to indicate to the
    application that the disk is full.
  • Controlling the UI is only one part of the

Testing as Art or Craft
  • Understanding the environment in which an
    application works is a nontrivial endeavor that
    all the practice in the world will not help you
  • Understanding the interfaces that your
    application possesses and establishing the
    ability to test them requires discipline and
  • This is not a task for artists and craftspeople.

Understanding failure
  • Master software testers should understand
    software failure.
  • How and why does software fail?
  • Are there symptoms of software failure that give
    us clues to the health of an application?
  • Are some features systemically problematic?
  • How does one drive certain features to failure?

Good books on software testing
  • G. J. Myers, The Art of Software Testing (Wiley,
    New York, 1979).
  • J. A. Whittaker, How to Break Software (Addison
    Wesley, Reading MA, 2002)

  • Any questions on testing?
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