Title: Occam: A Simulation Testbed for Studying Medical Organizations
1Occam A Simulation Testbed for Studying Medical
- Douglas B. Fridsma, M.D.
- Palo Alto VA Medical Informatics Fellow
- Stanford Medical Informatics
- Stanford University
2Why study organizations?
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5Medical Care is Similar to Other High-risk
- Significant effort in medicine to understand,
study, and evaluate work processes - clinical trial protocols, guidelines, pathways
- Similarity to other high-risk maintenance tasks
- complex, highly interdependent system that
requires on-going repair and monitoring - cost of errors are high
- demand for high quality, cost-effective care
- coordination and information critical to success
6Project Check-Up Subsea Oil Production Modules
- Organizational modeling and analysis helps to
shrink design time back to 15 months, while
maintaining required quality. - Analysis
- Maintain functional organization structure to
ensure technical quality - Increase skill levels for five key team members
- Decentralize decision making for the 25 person
structural design team - Invest in CAD file sharing capability to speed up
information exchange
7Interaction between Product, Process
8The Problem of Predicting Organization Behavior
- Organizations are complex
- Complex interactions among agents in organization
- Difficult to predict the effect of
- New technology
- Interacting agents
- Interacting activities
- Clinical work processes
- One time solutions are difficult to generalize
- Experimenting with a real organization can be
9The Goal of Occam
- To develop
- A theoretically sound framework
- Modeling language
- Simulation tools
- In which organizational questions can be
- Queried
- Tested with simulation tools
- Used to
- guide systematic organization and protocol design
- customize existing clinical protocols
- identify potential process errors
- improve cost-effectiveness
10An Example The General Internal Medicine Clinic
- Clinical Problems
- Inconsistent use of protocols and guidelines
- Long wait times for an appointment
- Nurse Practitioners
- High utilization of physician consultation time
- Low productivity compared to peer institutions
- Physicians
- Difficulty retaining faculty because clinical
responsibilities interfered with research time - Low productivity compared to peer institutions
11Organizational Questions to Consider
- How can we best integrate protocol-based care and
best practice into our organization? - What is the best use of our local expertise?
- Use of Nurse practitioners? Physicians?
- What policies would improve coordination and
patient-care quality in our institution? - Patient scheduling Continuity versus
first-available? - Nurse practitioner versus physician?
- How would new technology affect organizational
efficiency? - Electronic medical records
- Decision-support systems
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14Development of Occam
15Organization Theory
16What Organizational Theory Applies?
- Taylor and Scientific Management
- Mechanistic approach to interaction
- Best-practice and CQI (Purves, Pitty, 1995)
- Mayo and Human Relations
- Emphasis on cognitive processes and motivations
- Professional mistrust of best practices
(Mintzberg, 1983) - Galbraith and Information-processing Theory
- Organization structure contingent on external
pressures - Flow of information within and between
organizations - Organizational Design An Information-processing
view, 1974. - Simon and Bounded-rationality (1976)
- administrative man rather than economic man
- satisfice rather than optimize
17What Organizational Theory Applies?
- Taylor and Scientific Management
- Mechanistic approach to interaction
- Best-practice and CQI (Purves, Pitty, 1995)
- Mayo and Human Relations
- Emphasis on cognitive processes and motivations
- Professional mistrust of best practices
(Mintzberg, 1983) - Galbraith and Information-processing Theory
- Organization structure contingent on external
pressures - Flow of information within and between
organizations - Organizational Design An Information-processing
view, 1974. - Simon and Bounded-rationality (1976)
- administrative man rather than economic man
- satisfice rather than optimize
18Galbraiths Information-Processing Theory of
- All work takes time
- Direct-work tasks
- Communication tasks
- Problem-solving tasks
- Decision-making tasks
- Organization hierarchy is a coordination and
problem-resolution machine - Actors in the organization are cognitively
limited and linked by shared work
19Elements of Theory to Model
- Agents
- Activities
- Communications
- Connections
20Modeling and Representation
21Information-Processing Model
- Agents
- Fill roles in an organization hierarchy
- Finite processing speed defined by agent skills
and experience - Activities
- Agents responsible-for activities
- Interdependencies between activities create
communication needs - Communication
- Generated by
- Information exchange
- Exceptions
- Exceptions resolved by organizational hierarchy
22Components of Occam
- Activity Delays
- Agent Backlogs
- Missed Communications
- Process Quality
Organization Hierarchy
Work Process
OPDL organization model
Monte Carlo Discrete Event Simulator
23Traditional Representation of Information-Processi
ng Exceptions
Clinic Visit
Chemotherapy Treatment
24Inadequate Representation of Exceptions for
Medical Care Processes
- Traditional information-processing exceptions
- Static work processes
- Static agent-activity relationships
- Uniform exceptions
- Medical care work processes
- Dynamic work process
- New activity (hospitalization) added when an
unexpected event (fever) occurs - Dynamic relationships between agents and work
processes - Agent who generates exception ? agent who
corrects exception - Exceptions have different effects on the work
process and organizations
25A New Definition of Exception
- That part of the world which you chose to model,
but not explicitly
26Modeling is a Choice
Explicit Model
27When is the Model Correct?
- Where you draw the line is determined by
- The definition of an exception
- The modeling stopping function
- Other factors?
28Review of Clinical Work Processes
- Bone marrow transplantation clinical trial
treatment protocol - Protocol EST 2190 for breast cancer
- Dukes modified protocol for lung cancer
treatment - Breast cancer diagnosis algorithms
- Max Borten, "Gynecological Decision Making,
1988. - Urinary incontinence
- AHCPR guidelines
- Review of patient charts
29BMT Clinical Trial Protocol
30Exceptions in BMT protocols
- High-level overview of protocol describe routine
activities of medical care - Pages of exception-handling activities for
unexpected events - Exception-driven work processes
- Occam extends Galbraiths information-processing
theory of organizations - Focus on process of medical care
- Differential effect of exceptions on medical care
31Modeling Exceptions
32New Process Exceptions in Occam
- Additions
- Treatment for nausea/vomiting
- Hospitalization for neutropenia
- Diagnosis of gastrointestinal pain
- Re-reading outside tests/xrays
- Coordination of records with
- Referring MD
- Radiation therapy
- Redo of venous access line
- Substitutions
- Follow-up visit in the hospital rather than in
the BMT clinic
- Deletions
- Remove tamoxifen because of receptor status
- No use of acyclovir mentioned
- Re-Assignment
- Home care nurse rather than in-patient nurse
- Temporal Change
- Chemotherapy delay because of low WBC counts
- Bone marrow biopsy delayed
Clinic Visit
Chemotherapy Treatment
Organization Hierarchy
Work Process
Organization Hierarchy
Work Process
Organization Hierarchy
Work Process
40Directed Platelet Transfusion
- The Problem
- Directed platelet transfusion requires
coordination across different clinic - Delays postpone treatment
- Where are the places the process could be
improved? - What happens when the form is lost?
- What happens when the primary MD is gone?
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47Opportunities for Research
- Knowledge networks and virtual organizations
- Social Good Theory
- Networking Theory
- Transaction costs
- Quality Management
- error detection
- medical process re-engineering
- Testbed for novel healthcare delivery systems
- Systematic guideline development
- Process-oriented guideline modeling
- Exception modeling
- Docking with other cognitive and organizational
48Opportunities for Research
- Knowledge networks and virtual organizations
- Social Good Theory
- Networking Theory
- Transaction costs
- Quality Management
- error detection
- medical process re-engineering
- Testbed for novel healthcare delivery systems
- Systematic guideline development
- Process-oriented guideline modeling
- Exception modeling
- Docking with other cognitive and organizational
491. Knowledge Networks
- Initial work expands the flexibility of the work
process - What of organizational flexibility?
- How does the internet and knowledge networks
affect organizational performance? - Relax the constraints on actor representation
- hierarchical to fully-connected
- Two NSF initiatives through IIS
502. Systematic Protocol Development
- Guidelines
- Facilitate decision-making
- Health-care provider focus
- Protocols
- Derived from guidelines
- Include both decision and process information
- Link guidelines and work processes
- Clinical work processes
- Trace the process of health care
- Health-care organization focus
51Systematic Protocol Development
523. Bridging Micro-Theory and Macro-Theory
Sociology Organization Theory
534. A Tool to Identify Error-prone Work Processes
- "While we must still hold individuals responsible
for high standards of performance, we now
recognize that most errors result from faulty
systems, not faulty people. To identify systems
failures, we need to know about the errors they
cause." - -Lucian L. Leape, Boston Globe, 1999 Jan 12
54Moving Quality Management Upstream in Health Care
- 80s Measure Product Quality
- Quality out-of-control by the time problems are
detected - Intervention JCAHO accreditation
- 90s Control Variance in Processes
- Predict quality problems as they arise
- Intervention Protocols and guidelines
- 2000 Design Work Process Organization
- Predict and manage quality problems before they
arise - Intervention Reconfigure work process and/or
55A Testbed for Studying Medical Organizations
- Quality Management
- Error detection
- Medical process re-engineering
- Organization-specific studies of guideline
implementation - Healthcare policy research for populations
- Simulation for specific organizations
- Testbed for novel healthcare delivery systems
- Telemedicine
- New communication tools, electronic medical
56Occam A Simulation Testbed for Studying Medical
57Summary and Conclusions
- Linking guidelines to outcome measures requires
understanding the process of medical care - Organization theory provides tools to understand
and model work processes, but requires practical
and theoretic extensions to model medical
problems - Occam extends the information processing theory
of organizations to allow modeling and simulation
of medical organizations - Occam is a theoretically-sound method in which to
understand medical work and proactively design
and implement new protocols or novel medical
58Types of Exceptions
- Knowledge Exceptions
- Changes the knowledge encoded within the model
- Data/knowledge base used for decision making
- Add criteria, add data about decision
- Process Exceptions
- Changes relationships between activities
- Successor/predecessor relationships
- New activities, new responsible agent, etc
- Activity Exceptions
- Changes activity characteristics
- Modify drug dose, without changing activity
duration or responsible agent