Title: School of Management
1School of Management
2Jurisdictional Change and Nursings
Professionalization Liberating Nurses or Losing
the Plot?
Carole Doherty Lecturer in Healthcare Management
3Structure of Presentation
- Introduction context of research, NHS Plan (DH,
2000) - Theory conceptual framework uses the sociology
of professions and in particular Abbotts (1988)
work on jurisdictional change - Methods mixed methods, questionnaire data
supported by in-depth interviews - Findings nurses roles have altered with nurses
now performing tasks traditionally carried out by
doctors. This has resulted in intra-occupational
differentiation. Specialist nurses have
experienced greater clinical autonomy but ward
sisters have experienced greater subordination - Conclusion overall government intervention in
the division of labour may have been detrimental
to the quality of essential aspects of patient
care such as assisting patients with feeding
- NHS Modernization
- Break down the traditional, inflexible divides
between occupational groups in the Service - Challenge to the medical professions monopoly
- Opportunity for the professionalization of nursing
5Research Questions
- Have changes to nursings jurisdiction aided its
professionalization? - What have been the intra-occupational
consequences of jurisdictional change? - Do nurses aspire towards the professionalization
of their occupation?
6Conceptual Framework
- Sociology of Professions
- The application of abstract knowledge to practice
has both objective and subjective properties. - Subjective properties are socially constructed,
this creates dynamism in the system of
professions (Abbott, 1988) - Jurisdiction an area of practice over which an
occupation has authority to act - Three areas for competition
- The State including the legal system
- Public opinion
- The workplace
7Jurisdictional Change
- Possible outcomes
- Full jurisdiction
- Subordination
- Intellectual jurisdiction
- Sharing of the jurisdiction
- Advisory control
- Client differentiation
8Nursings History
- Modern form emerged in 1850s
- Occupational strategy based on practical not
theoretical knowledge - Broad and uncertain jurisdiction
- Attempts to professionalize
- 1900s, resulted in subordination
- 1990s, resulted in weakened labour market
9Study Design and Methods
- Mixed methods
- Quantitative data patterns and trends in
nurses job attitudes, differences and
similarities between the respective nursing jobs - Qualitative data underlying processes and
organizational structures that might account for
differences in job attitudes, the effect of
changes to nursings jurisdiction, factors
influencing nurses job aspirations - Data analysis
- Abbotts (1988) categorizations of professional
work, descriptive statistics, t tests to compare
differences in job attitudes, content analysis
using matrix
10Changes to Jurisdiction
- Key Tasks Staff
Nurse Ward Sister Specialist
Nurse Total - N115
N64 N62
N241 -
- Routine tasks
- Request x-rays
18 27 39
26 - Request blood tests
73 74 65 - Administer a range of medications using PGDs
66 73
68 69 - Admit patients with specific conditions within
agreed Protocols 16
20 34 22 - Discharge patients, with specific conditions
within agreed protocols 17
36 48
30 - Diagnosis and inference
- Make referrals for doppler/ultrasound to confirm
DVT 3 2
6 4 - Make referrals for abdominal ultrasound
3 4
4 - Make referrals directly to consultant medical
staff 15 33
77 36 - Inference and treatment
- Trained as a supplementary prescriber
2 2
19 6 - Diagnosis, inference and treatment
- Interpret x-rays and initiate treatment
1 2
5 - Interpret blood test results and initiate
treatment 24
31 58 35 - Receive referrals directly from GPs10196827
11Comparison of job related variables for ward
sisters and specialist nurses
- Ward
Sisters (N64) Specialist Nurses (N 62) - Item M
t (124) - Qualifications 1.84 0.10
2.34 0.10
-3.59 - Skill variety 2.30 0.11
2.60 0.12 -1.78 - Task identity 3.23 0.16
3.98 0.11
-3.81 - Job autonomy 3.43 0.10
4.14 0.08
-5.60 - Job complexity 3.92 0.08
4.41 0.07
-4.00 - Role expectations 3.58 0.10
3.76 0.09
-1.33 - Role clarity 3.44 0.11
3.81 0.11
-2.34 - Career prospects 3.02 0.10
3.63 0.10 -4.16 - Decision-making 3.47 0.13
3.12 0.14
1.78 - Self-esteem 3.92 0.08
4.22 0.08 -2.60 - Innovative work behaviour 3.47
0.11 3.81 0.11
-2.22 - Job satisfaction 3.40 0.09
3.93 0.07 -4.65 - plt0.05 plt0.01 plt0.001
12Effects of Jurisdictional Change
- Doing doctors work and losing nursing
- thats all they nurses do for the first two
hours in the morning they do IV antibiotics then
theyre doing another lot of taking bloods and
Ive very sadly looked at whats going on in the
rest of the ward in terms of patients are lying
in wet beds, patients mouth care isnt being
done..Bells are going everywhere patients are
calling for the toilet and I just feel we have
got to take a step back and look really at what
nursing is about and go back to not basic nursing
care but essential nursing care. I think weve
really lost it. I really, really do I think
weve lost the plot. - Ward sister, 23 years experience
You can tend to neglect the patient because the
fundamental parts of nursing
seem to be missed a lot of the time now. .the
essence of nursing has been taken away from us
because weve got to take bloods, do ECGs, we
put venflons in. They are all things that the
doctors did at one time. Now we do it all.
Staff nurse, 7 years in nursing
13Intellectual jurisdiction
- For us here the patient is our sole
responsibility it doesnt go to anyone else. We
see them we make a diagnosis and we decide upon a
treatment thats lovely. Because thats your
patient and you make all the decisions and youve
administered it from a-z - Ward sister 26 years experience who also
- practised as an emergency nurse practitioner
Its becoming more and more autonomous as things
have gone on. It used to be very doctor
orientated you used to do what the doctor said.
How nursing has progressed..it is definitely
developing towards more specialist type areas so
you become a practitioner in your own right
alongside the doctor side of it.
Staff nurse AE
14Sharing the jurisdiction
- I see new patients in their consultants
clinics new referrals from GPs... I can decide
what Im going to do for that patient without
having to go and feedback to the consultant. I
have that amount of autonomy with the role. I
work with the registrars in clinic so basically
anything that the registrar sees I will see and
go and feedback to the consultant in the same
way - Specialist nurse
Basically I work with the consultant surgeons
assisting them with patients during their
peri-operative period. It means that I can see
them pre-op, take consent in out-patients and
explain procedures to them, participate during
surgery either as a first or second assistant or
perform surgery depending on how big the surgery
is. I do my operations independently under local
Specialist nurse
- Job aspirations
- Twenty-seven percent of ward sisters wished to
become specialist nurses - Not one of the specialist nurses were inclined to
become ward sisters - Aspirations among the staff nurse group were
equally split between specialist nurse and ward
sister jobs
- Ward sister
- So where will I be in 5 years time, I probably
still will be in the NHS but thats probably
because my bank manager needs me to be here
rather than I want to be here because I dont see
nursing getting any better I just see it getting
worse, it getting more and more stressful. - Specialist nurse
- There is no limit to what can be done in this
post. I wouldnt like to go back to being a ward
sister there is no challenge, after a time every
day is similareven now there are times that I
look at something and think what do I do. Every
day is different. - Staff nurse
- .you dont deal with the patients as much and
thats not what I came into nursing to do to be a
- Government intervention in the division of labour
can have significant intra-occupational
consequences for a subordinate occupation and
impact on aspects of the dominant occupations
monopoly - Complex and multifaceted outcomes of change to
the division of labour within a single occupation
- suggesting a need to move beyond single
occupational categories in studies of occupations
- Greater subordination has given rise to concerns
that the work traditionally performed by nurses
may become lost, opening the potential for
further weakening of nursings labour market
position - The structure of the ward sisters job appears to
constrain their opportunities. This finding adds
to discussion about the role of structure and
government policy in understanding changes to the
division of labour (Bach et al., 2007)
18School of Management