Title: Evaluating Californias Webbased Training for Medical Assistants
1Evaluating Californias Web-based Training for
Medical Assistants
- Leslie Heyden, MA
- California Department of Public Health
- Immunization Branch
- Information and Education Section
- February 19, 2009
- The purpose of the CDPH IZ Branch evaluation is
to assess the use and effectiveness of the first
two immunization skills elearning lessons - Preparing Vaccines
- Administering Vaccines
- The elearning is custom developed, interactive
web-based training. - The primary target audience is medical assistants
in California VFC provider practices. - The lessons are available via eziz.org.
- The new California VFC program website
- A one-stop shop for California VFC providers and
their staffs - A repository of a wide variety of immunization
skills training and VFC program resources,
including - VFC forms (e.g., vaccine order and
recertification forms, vaccine temperature and
usage logs, patient eligibility screening forms) - Job aids, guidelines, posters, and
up-to-the-minute news about vaccine availability
4eziz.orghome page
5Webinar learning objectives
- By the end of this webinar you will be able to
- List the objectives of the evaluation plan
- Explain why CDPH IZ branch selected the EZ-IZ
elearning lessons to evaluate - Describe the methodology CDPH developed to
evaluate the training - Indicators
- Targets
- Methods, including data sources
- Describe lessons learned
6Why evaluate EZ-IZ elearning?
- Is IZ Branchs first elearning project
- Has potential for high impact re ability to
reach unlimited number of learners with limited
resources - Primary tool needed to conduct evaluation (LMS)
was already being created - IZ Branch wanted to compare the reach of the
elearning to existing classroom training
7Goal of activity to be evaluated
- To educate MAs in California VFC provider
practices about best practices for vaccine
preparation and administration
8Evaluation objectives
- By September 5, 2008 the first two elearning
lessons of the EZ-IZ curriculum (Preparing
Vaccines and Administering Vaccines) will launch,
and the learning management system will begin
tracking usage and learner performance. - By March 31, 2009, at least one person from 5
(approximately 180) of Californias active VFC
provider sites (approximately 3,600) will have
completed one of the elearning lessons (either
Preparing Vaccines or Administering Vaccines) and
have passed its posttest.
9Evaluation objectives (contd)
- By September 5, 2009, at least one person from
20 (approximately 720) of active California VFC
provider sites will have completed the Preparing
Vaccines and Administering Vaccines elearning
lessons and passed the posttest for each.
10Evaluation objectives (contd)
- By November 30, 2008 all user feedback about the
EZ-IZ website will have been gathered and
analyzed, and recommendations made. - Recommendations concerning website usability will
be forwarded to and resolved by the web developer
and/or the web editor. - Recommendations concerning the EZ-IZ Curriculum
and the lessons in it will be forwarded to and
resolved by the instructional designer. - Recommendations about programming and usability
issues within the elearning lessons will be
forwarded to and resolved by the elearning
vendor. - Recommendations concerning the learning
management system (LMS) will be forwarded to and
resolved by the LMS vendor.
- Management
- John Talarico, Interim CDPH IZ Branch Chief
- Tiffany Sutter, Section Chief Information
Education - Natalie Nakahara, Project Manager and Creative
Director - California VFC Program
- Claudia Aguiluz, VFC Program Coordinator
- VFC field staff and field services reps
- VFC provider staff (particularly MAs who work in
private provider practices)
12Stakeholders (contd)
- Immunization (federal, state, and local)
- Steve Nickell, Research Coordinator, IZ Branch
- Sandra Jo Hammer, Nurse Consultant, IZ Branch
- CDPH IZ Branch Evaluation team (Leslie Heyden,
Natalie Nakahara, and Steve Nickell) - IZ Coordinators in LHDs
- Others
- California Medical Assistants Association (CMAA)
and California medical assistant training
13Table 3 Program Component/Activity Description
OutcomesShort term Long term
ActivitiesInitial Subsequent
Funding  Staff  Time
Review available materials choose
content Design training  Employ vendor to
program elearning and create learning management
system  Make training available via
website  Promote training
Review of content by content experts  Beta test
on target audience  Collect assemble
feedback  Decide on changes  Revise training
 Create a one-stop shop learning and resource
portal for CA VFC providers, immunizers and other
staff with clinical or administrative
immunization-related responsibilities
(Live) online elearning lessons, with learning
management system tracking
VFC providers will adapt to elearning as a
training delivery method  Increased skill and
knowledge (pre- posttest comparison) about
vaccination among medical assistants other
office staff  Steady increase in the number of
MAs who take the elearning lessons
Fewer real-time person hours required to train
MAs  Fewer vaccine administration
errors  Higher coverage rates  Fewer missed
opportunities  Fewer VPDs  Increased provider/
user satisfaction
14Primary data sourceEZ-IZ LMS
- An LMS (Learning Management System) is software
that automates the administration of training. - The LMS registers users, tracks courses in a
curriculum, and records data from learners - The LMS provides reports to management.
15Evaluation question 1
- Q Did the Preparing Vaccines and Administering
Vaccines elearning lessons launch by September 5,
2008 (target)? - Indicator and method
- The Preparing Vaccines and Administering Vaccines
elearning lessons launch request IZ branch staff
to access lessons and report any problems
accessing the lessons - Data source feedback (verbal and email) from IZ
Branch staff (and confirmation from LMS vendor)
16Evaluation question 2
- Q Did the learning management system (LMS) begin
tracking usage and learner performance data by
September 5, 2008 (target)? - Indicators and methods
- LMS is operational verify with vendor that LMS
is operational - LMS is gathering usage data obtain registration
and login data from LMS report - LMS is gathering learner performance data obtain
pretest, lesson start, lesson completion, and
posttest data from LMS report
17Data sourceregistrationdata
18Learning History Page
19Data sourceLMS
20Evaluation question 3
- Q How many provider sites have at least one
person who has completed one lesson and passed
the posttest? - Target and indicator
- 5 of provider sites have at least one person who
has completed one lesson and passed its posttest
by March 31, 2009 - Method
- Generate LMS report of provider sites that shows
lessons completed and posttest scores by provider
site and user - Data source LMS
21Data sourcepre- and posttests
22Evaluation question 4
- Q How many provider sites have at least one
person who has completed one lesson and passed
the posttest? - Target and indicator
- 20 of provider sites have at least one person
who has completed one lesson and passed its
posttest by September 5, 2009 (one year after
launch) - Method
- Generate LMS report of provider sites that shows
lessons completed and posttest scores by provider
site and user - Data source LMS
23Evaluation question 5
- Q What feedback has been received from EZ-IZ
users that could indicate potential obstacles to
accessing and completing the elearning lessons? - Targets and indicators
- 100 of emails and 100 of all other feedback
that could indicate technical problems with the
website - 100 of emails and 100 of all other feedback
that could indicate technical or any other
problems with the lessons - Method
- Emails about technical problems and overall
feedback about the EZIZ website will be
automatically sent to a specific (ezig.org) MS
Outlook folder phone calls will be logged and
categorized by November 30, 2008 - Data source emails submitted by users via links
on eziz.org
24Data sourcefeedback from users
25Development of evaluation planChallenges
- Very few challenges. IZ Branch Research
Coordinator collaborated on and provided very
valuable input into plan. - Due to limited resources, not able to build as
robust an LMS as originally planned. - Proposed revisions to methodology during plan
development required consulting with LMS vendor
who then had to modify LMS database or do
additional programming.
26Lessons learned
- Did not add question about MAs experience could
not separate primary target audience from
secondary target audience. - Learned that more data was needed than provided
by LMS. Added question to QAR for field reps to
administer. - The project team learned a lot during this entire
pilot effort (including the evaluation plan) and
is applying lessons learned during the current
development of the next two lessons.
27Added question to QAR
29Leslie HeydenHealth Educator Instructional
30This document
- This document can be found on the CDC website at
- http//www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/progeval/down