Title: The Role of CAHs in Rural Trauma Care
1The Role of CAHs in Rural Trauma Care Tami
Lichtenberg Rural Health Resource CenterDuluth,
2What is a CAH?
- 25 Acute/Swing Beds
- Observation Beds Count
- 96 hour Average Length of Stay
- Receive 101 of Reasonable Cost for Medicare
- Can have 10 bed Distinct Part Unit (Rehab or
Pysch) - Must make ER services available 24/7
3In the Beginning
- Medical Assistance Facility (MAF)
- Demonstration Project in Montana 1987
- Rural Primary Care Hospital (RPCH) Project
- Essential Access Community Hospital (EACH)
4Locations of Critical Access Hospitals
5Trauma System Agenda for the Future
- Rural Hospitals are the port of entry for many
patients and they should have consistent high
standards - This is an area that needs considerable
attention, resources and support in order to
reduce the disproportionately high rural death
6Visions from the Trauma System Agenda for Future
- Most facilities, whether small community
hospitals or large tertiary care centers will
have a designated role to play in the trauma
system. - Each participating facilitys available resources
will be catalogued and capabilities defined to
facilitate management/movement decisions. - Innovative treatment methods will be explored,
including utilization of mobile units for rural
areas. - Critical Access Hospitals will be better
integrated with EMS systems.
7CAHs can Help Strengthen Emergency Medical
Services (EMS)
- Training initiatives
- - Clinical training
- Management
- Equipment
- Planning and Trauma Protocols
- Encouraging local collaboration
- Enhancing data collection and reporting
- Workforce
- Medical Direction
- Reporting to the State Trauma Database
8CAHs As Safety Net Providers
- Three quarters of hospitals report difficulty
finding specialists to take emergency and trauma
calls. - CAHs are called upon to provide life
saving\sustaining emergency care when transfer is
not an option or delayed - Much more than a band-aid station (story)
- Fact sheet The Future of Emergency Care Key
Findings and Recommendations
9Trauma Prevention
- CAHs as a hub provider in the continuum of care
are uniquely positioned to play a major role in
trauma prevention in rural communities. - Saving the teenagers of Baudette, MN
10The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex)
- Established by the Balanced Budget Act (BBA)
- - 1997
- Balanced Budget Refinement Act (BBRA)
- - 1999
- Benefits Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA)
- - 2000
11Key Components of the Flex Program
- CAH Designation/Program Development
- Network Development
- EMS Integration
- Quality/Performance Improvement
12How are Flex Program Dollars Providing Linkages
- Over 2 million targeted for EMS in 2004
- Activities include
- Rural trauma system development
- Eight states worked to link aspects of their
statewide trauma activities. - Activity focused on linking rural communities
with existing state-wide systems - Linking medical direction with pre-hospital
13Flex Program Linkages Contd
- 3.66 million for EMS integration in 2005
- Activities include
- Development of Clinical protocols to guide
patients transfers and the delivery of trauma
services - EMS specific performance and quality improvements
programs - EMS Needs Assessments
14Tami Lichtenberg Program Manager, Rural Health
Resource Center 600 E. Superior St., Suite
404 Duluth, MN 55802 218-727-9390, ext.
230 tlichten_at_ruralcenter.org