Title: EBSCO Information Services
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2Nursing Reference Center
Nursing Reference Center will contain the below
core contentand will be compatible with
- CINAHL Nursing Guide
- Nearly 3,600 Evidence-based lessons on
procedures, diseases and conditions, legal cases
and drugs - 2,200 care sheets lessons
- 700 legal cases
- 300 research instruments
- 300 CEU Modules
3Evidence Based Care Sheets Quick LessonsWhats
the Difference?
- Quick LessonsDocuments that provide nurses with
information they need about diseases including
a description of the disease, its signs and
symptoms, typical tests the clinician will order
to diagnose it or measure progress in treating
it and the interventions nurses will likely be
involved in while the patient is in his/her care. - Evidence-Based Care SheetsDocuments that provide
evidence about aspects of a disease or a
condition in terms of what we know about it and
what we can do about it. The evidence is coded as
to its strength/source so the reader can evaluate
it and determine its applicability to his/her
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5XML format will allow links tofull text of
referenced sources(when available)
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8Nursing Reference Center
Nursing Reference Center will contain the below
core contentand will be compatible with
- Point-of-Care Drug Information for Nurses
- Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses
- AHFS Drug Essentials
- Current Drug News and Updates
- Unique Reference Books, such as
- Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
- Laboratory Diagnostic Tests with Nursing
Implications - Diseases and Disorders A Nursing Therapeutics
Manual - Links to journals in CINAHL forsubscribing
9The Leading Drug Guide for Nurses
More high alert coverage for patient
safetyinformation than any other Drug Guide
- Indicates high alert medications that have a high
risk for patient injury and why a drug is high
alert and what a nurse can do to ensure patient
safety - How to administer Dose, Dilution, Rate
- Clinical Precautions
- Which drugs are commonly confused
- How to educate patients for safe medication use
in the home
10AHFS DI Essentials
Designed specifically for nurses and students who
dont have time tolook through complex drug
monographs, and need direct, accurateanswers
fast. The quality of information found inside
this user-friendlyreference is unmatched by any
other clinical drug resource.
- I was specifically looking for a better drug
reference tool for our nurses. I wanted them to
have everything they need but not a lot of what
they dont need. After our initial purchase we
bought more copies because our surgical nurses
wanted Essentials too. - Mary Tasler, B.S. PharmD. Director of
Pharmacy Hamilton County Public
Hospital Webster City, IA
11Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
For more than 65 years, Tabers has provided
students, nurses,and health professionals with
the definitions and informationthey need to
provide superior care for their patients.
- Provides 56,000, easy-to-understand definitions
almost 50 more than other health-care
dictionaries so you are sure to find the word
you are looking for! - Includes more than 8,400 new and revised terms
and 700 illustrations (more than 500 in full
color) - Written using a unique cyclopedic format that
offers much more than just definitions. Youll
find caution statements to help you provide safe
health care disease entries that include
symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment and much
12The authoritative handbook used bynursing
students in clinical courses and bynurses in
clinical settings as a quick reference
- Tables showing how all the tests and procedures
relate to each body system are included as an
appendix - Provides an outline of pretest, intratest,and
post-test concerns - The pretest section has include features such as
- Reminders for the nurse regarding social and
cultural considerations. - Overviews on the interrelationship between
various body systems
13The authoritative handbook used bynursing
students in clinical courses and bynurses in
clinical settings as a quick reference
- The intratest section provides detailed
information about the performance of the actual
procedure - The post-test section has new and special
features including - Tips to help provide support for the patients
emotional well being - Nutritional considerations have been expandedto
include discussion of their impact on
therecovery process - Special counseling related to communicatingtest
14Diseases and Disorders A Nursing Therapeutics
- Diseases and Disorders A Nursing Therapeutics
Manual, 3rd Edition, is a must have reference
for every nurse. With complete coverage of more
than 250 medical conditions encountered in
nursing practice you can quickly find and master
the information you need to effectively plan and
deliver patient care. Practical recommendations
are supported by concise descriptions of how the
human body is altered by disease and clear
rationales for medications and tests.
15Nursing Reference Center
Nursing Reference Center will contain the below
core contentand will be compatible with
- Patient Education
- Over 3,200 Health Library documentsin English
and Spanish with Custom Print - Health Nursing News
- Health Day News with FDA updatesand Clinical and
Drug Updates Daily
16Patient Handout
17Patient Handout
18Health Day News
- FDA Approvals and Actions HealthDay reports on
the latest FDA actions on medical devices,
product withdrawals, and important announcements
that impact consumer health. - News Archives A running one-year news archive
that provides your customers with a searchable
news data-base filled with information for
various diseases and conditions - Customized News Feeds News feed is coded for
more than 700 diseases and conditions
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