Title: Jhansi Jan Suvidha Kendra JJSK Distt' Jhansi U'P'
1Jhansi Jan Suvidha Kendra (JJSK)Distt. Jhansi
- - An Effective Complaint Redressal System
2JJSK Main Functions
- Handle unresolved complaints
- - when a member of the public claims to have
suffered injustice or hardship as a result of
maladministration or service failure - Promote good administrative practice
- - good complaint handling
- Contribute to improvement in the delivery of
public services (drinking water, electricity etc)
3Valuing Complaints Why?
- Issues with general complaint handling (attitude
and approach as well as tedious processes) - Give support and guidance to public
- Use complaints to drive improvement in the
delivery of public services
4Why do complaints escalate?
- Poor communication
- Over complicated complaints receiving redressal
processes - Poor customer / service user focus
- Lack of empowerment of front-line staff
- Irresponsible attitudes
5Attitude to complaints...
- Complaints are jewels to be treasured
- Establish right systems and processes
- and..
- right attitudes, behaviour, approach and
culture (equally important)
7Objectives of JJSK
- An organised and effective way of receiving,
responding, providing timely remedying, recording
for monitoring purpose and using complaints to
improve administrative actions and service
provisions - Effectively deal with and resolve an individual
complaint - Create a second chance to provide service and
satisfaction to dissatisfied
8Process Characteristics Attitude as well as
9Hardware/Components installed at JJSK
- 3 Computer System - (of latest configuration)
- 2 Telephone lines (with caller-ID)
- 1077 (Toll Free) or (0510)2371100
- 2371199
- 1 Fax machine
- Voice Recording System
- 1 Television
- Complaints Monitoring System S/W developed by
NIC, Jhansi
10A complaint can be lodged through...
- Telephone no. (0510-2371100, 2371199
- Toll free No.- 1077)
- By Fax (0510-2371100 2371199)
- is available 24 X 7
11Other means for recording complaints
- By taking notice of news reflected in
- Daily Newspapers
- TV News Channels
12Officers/Staff deputed in JJSK
- JJSK (DCR) is operated continuously round the
clock - Three shifts are maintained in JJSK (DCR)
- Each shift has,
- 1 - District Level Officer
- 2 - Clerks
- 1 - Computer Operator
- 1 - Class IV
13Process for lodging complaints
- Phone calls of complaints are recorded
automatically by Voice Recording System (VRS). - Complaints also maintained manually in Register
day to day. - Monitoring of Complaints handled by software.
14Category of Complaints
- A- Most Important.
- (Resolved within 24 hours)
- B- Important
- (Resolved within 72 hours)
- C- General
- (Resolved within 7 days)
15Effective monitoring measures...
- Daily updation of status on website
- Weekly monitoring meeting is done by D.M.
- Telephonic reminders calls are made through JJSK
to concerned officers regarding pendency of
16Reports Generated through Software
- Officer wise complaints marked.
- Officer wise complaints pending/disposal.
- Category wise (A,B,C) complaints status.
- Randomly 10 complaints are generated for
monitoring disposal status. - Finding particular complaints status.
17JJSK Data Flow Diagram
Complaints can be lodged 24X7 through
Landline/Mobile/FAX 1077(Toll Free) 2371100,
Complaints are recorded automatically in Computer
System as an individual audio file with date,
telephone no.
As soon as the complaint is registered an unique
complaint no. is given to complainant
Complaints are entered manually in Register
Complaints are categorised (A/B/C) entered on
S/W developed by NIC,Jhansi and marked to
concerned officer according to importance/severity
of complaints
Concerned Officers are intimated telephonically
by JJSK immediately
Various Reports are generated through the S/W for
monitoring purposes
Reports are uploaded on website
Disposal details are received from concerned
officer and feeded on the S/W and entered in the
complaint register against the complaint no. recd.
Marked Complaint details are printed along with
scanned signature of D.M. and sent by
FAX/Messenger to the concerned officer immediately
Concerned person can obtain the status of
disposal by calling JJSK
Concerned person is intimated telephonically
regarding Disposal by concerned HOD/Officer/Staff
18Proforma of Register maintained at JJSK
19Proforma of Complaints marked
20Complaints data entry in NIC S/W
21 Status of complaints
22Officer wise pending complaints
23Officer wise complaints disposed
24Officer wise Category wise Complaints status
25Randomly 20 complaints are generated for
monitoring disposal quality
26Complaints disposal entered in NIC S/W
27Complaints status can be checked..
- Through Jhansi Jan suvidha Kendra (DCR) Telephone
numbers. - Through Website.
- http//www.jhansi.nic.in